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Kingzero and Silver
"Yes, and you are my wife," Alex said, walking over to her and moving down to her height. He then placed his lips on her own and wrapped his arms around her, pushing his tongue into her mouth and playing with her tongue.
Silvia weakly returned the kiss and closed her eyes. She blushed hard since she still had food in her mouth and tried to swallow as much as she could. She was a timid creature, one of beauty and innocence, and she was all his. But she was weak, she would hardly live long at this rate, but she did not care, as long as her master loved her to the end her only regret would be not dying with him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex pulled back and smiled at Silvia. "Come, we need to go and get that suprise. Then we can continue," he whispered, and kissed her forehead before taking her hand in his and walking her out of the room, and if nothing came up, outside to the girls and Seraphimon. "Seraphimon."

Silvia followed weakly and had to lean on him to continue on ward. She was malnourished and weak, she could hardly walk. When they reached the outside Silvia looked curiously between the two and then asked timidly. " you wish to share me with your war brother?" She was unused to having others touch her, but she would submit to anything Alex wanted,
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No, poor girl, that is not why I am here. I am here to do what I promised to do," the Angel said. Suddenly a book appeared in his hand and with a wave of his hand, Alex was suddenly in a black tux, and Silvia was in a white dress. "Do you, Silvia, take this human as your husband? your eternal lover? Your soulmate?"
Silvia's heart fluttered and she nearly fainted as she held onto Alex's arm for support. "W-We are..getting married?" She gasped silently in disbelief. The moment had come and she had not even been ready for it. She Clung to Alex's arm as she tried to steady herself, surprise was not good for her weak heart. "Y-Yes! I do, I do with all my heart." She said with tears in her eyes.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Seraphimon looked at Silvia with disbelief, that such a perfect creature would be, a lack of a better word, a slut. "...Do you, Alex Hunter, son of Marus Hunter, and destroyer of Deomon, do you-"

"What do you think, Angel boy?"


"Yes, I do."

"Then by the power invested in me, and in the Digital world, I now pronnouce you, husband and wife. Congrats. You may now kiss...the bride...." he sighed as Alex had already taken Silvia in his arms and kiss Silvia passionatly.

"Love is a strange thing," the Angel said, looking at Angy, Tali, and Flare.
Angy and Tali were still there but Flare was Gone and Ren watched from the window. Silvia hardly cared though as, for the first time in her entire life, she kissed Alex back as fiercely as e kissed her. She hugged him as tightly as she could and wished the moment would last forever. She knew that if she were to die at that moment, she would die happy.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"And now, for the second part of our deal," Seraphimon whispered as he held his hand up and a green aura surronded his palm. Suddenly Silvia would feel a similar green aura surrond her, and she would feel...amazing. She would feel her heart grow stronger, becoming as strong, or even stronger than Alex's. She would feel her body grow stronger, as the green aura died, and Alex noticed this.

This just made him kiss her more passionatly, his tongue wildly playing with Silvia's as his cock became erect and rubbed against her pussy through her clothes.

"Now, I take my leave. Goodbye, Alex. Ladies....I'll be watching," the Angel said, placing his hand on Angy's shoulder. "Angewomon..." he whispered, before disappearing in a white light.
Angy leaned her head against his hand as he disappeared and she felt a longing in her heart. Alex would never love her as much as he loved Silvia and he had taken away her chances of being with a pure digimon like Seraphimon. She felt an old depression sink into her, but she would not allow it to show, not yet.

Silvia moaned softly and kissed back even more passionately, holding her master to her body and crying tears of joy as she did. She loved him with all her heart, and now her heart was strong enough to love him for a long time.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)