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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Tyrant's Plains)

The monster growled loudly as he descended from the sky once again, the wind from its wings beating down the grass. I do not deign to battle; I only wish to punish. And you will be punished for your insolence.

"If the only way out of this place is killing this thing, then I'm all for it," Aussa spoke menacingly, drawing his sword in a swift, clean motion.

Ardeal followed Aussa's example and drew his sword as well.

Solia prepared her staff and mentally prepared several spells to cast depending on which actions the monster was going to take.

If you all desire to be punished, allow me, the Calm Keeper, to deal that very punishment swiftly, the monster spoke again telepathically. Your agony will be enough to keep me content for generations!

(Shimmering Mountain)

Aerionelle felt the piercing icicles strike him in his wings and back sending him crashing to the grounds.

"Receive Shadows!" the man called out again. All of the shadows returned to their previous positions. "Shadow Shield!" A dome of shadows covered the man protecting him from the icicles.

Dusk was safely embedded in the side of the small cottage. His back felt like it was on fire. Wooden pieces that had once been apart of the cottage now lay on the rocky ground of the ledge. He wiggled fiercely to try to free himself and was rewarded when he finally fell to the ground. He looked back up at the cottage where he had once been. There was a large dent in the shape of his body. Ouch. No wonder my back hurts so much..., he thought.

By this time, Ariadne's wounds had almost completely healed. She was breathing normally again and she felt the energy coursing through her body. "Enough is enough," she spoke fiercely. "You cannot drain yourself any further, Mika. See? I'm alright now. It's time to take these guys down!" A new fire burned in her eyes. Any nervousness she had held before was gone. She felt refreshed and ready to take on the world if she had to.

The man stood up and drew two swords. One had a blade as black as the night of the new moon. It emanated a cold aura. The other sword had a hilt that was red-orange and a blade that was golden--the color of the sky at sunrise. It had a circular half-guard that was yellow like the sun, and above the hilt was a decoration that looked like a cloud.

Dusk glared at the sword. "So, you did desecrate his grave? I was just bluffing before, but now I see proof. I will make you pay!" He shook himself off and charged the man.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

"Let's see who will fall first...." Faiz replied back telepathically, another deep yet angry grown letting out from his voice box, and a two-inch sharp claws emerge from his fingers while staring sharply to the creature. He can't recall when is his last time feeling this much angry.

(Shimmering Mountain)

The healing process as well as icicle spell already drain half of her available energy, and start breathing slightly heavy. She decided to stop healing Ariadne and help her standing straight. "I'm sorry if I went overboard...I just don't want you to get hurt even more, that's all..." Mika said in slight weak tone. "Come...we need to get this done quick..."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Tyrant's Plains)

The Calm Keeper didn't look threatened at all. Calm yourself, now, new victim. How will I deal my punishment if you aren't willing to receive it? Relaxing Breeze! The Calm Keeper flapped its enormous violet wings once with gentle power. The result was a soft breeze that rushed across the field of golden grass. It was a cool breeze--a breeze that numbed pain and made the mind peaceful.

As Ardeal was about the charge the beast, he felt the gentle wind touch his skin lightly. He dropped his weapon and sat down on the ground. He closed his eyes and relaxed as he felt the breeze upon him.

Solia was experiencing the same thing. The breeze caused her to lay down in the grass and close her eyes. I've never felt so relaxed before. It feels like I could go

Aussa felt the breeze and felt his intense anger vanish. However, he was still conscious of what the beast was doing. "I don't know what kind of vile trick you've concocted but you're the one that's gonna be punished!"

(Shimmering Mountain)

Ariadne nodded as she brushed off her already torn and dirty dress. "Yes. There's no telling what Dusk is getting himself into."

Shall I intervene? Aerionelle telepathically communicated with the man.

No. This is between me and Dusk. Go take care of the girls, once and for all, he replied.

With his new orders, Aerionelle flew over to the ledge and looked down at the two girls. "It seems its your lucky day, you two. You have the pleasure of partying with me." With a deep breath, Aerionelle plunged down, flying at high speeds, to the ledge below. He took aim at Mika.

Dusk struck out with his sword. The man blocked it with his dark blade and counterattacked with his golden blade. Dusk leapt out of the way and rushed in for a low slash, but the man jumped into the air and aimed a kick at Dusk's head. Dusk raised his sword to block, and swung the sword away to knock the man to the ground.

"It seems you're losing your touch," Dusk spat angrily.

"Why don't you say my name, Dusk?" the man replied inquisitively. "We were close once. Why did you abandon him at his death? What did Dawn ever do to you?!"
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

"A weird yet very coward way of punishment..." Faiz could feel the gentle breeze brushing against his furry body, but it doesn't give any side effect like what have been shown on Ardeal and Solia. With that, he take a quick charge towards the creature before leap in the air with his claws are ready to slash the winged creature.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"That's what I'm hoping for." Mika look up to Aerionelle who fled down at high speed directly towards her. She still breathing slightly heavy as trying to recover the lost energy; her eyes searching for Aerionelle's weak points which also applies to other avians. "Ariadne...I'll make him busy for a while and you try to get rid of his wings." Mika instructed telepathically.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Tyrant's Plains)

The Calm Keeper chuckled malevolently. Foolish! Magnus Ventus! The monster raised one claw into the air and a wall of wind burst from the ground in front of Faiz.

Aussa saw was going on and decided to put that beast in its place. He raised his own hand in the air and the ground trembled slightly. A hand made of rock burst from the ground under the Calm Keeper, clutching his scaly leg. "Faiz, dodge to your right and attack while I've got him held!"

(Shimmering Mountain)

Affirmative, Ariadne replied.

"Coming up with secret plans without me?" Aerionelle spoke and clucked his tongue against the top of his mouth. "That's not very fair." He stopped chasing and hovered in the air, flapping his shadowy wings slowly. "Feather Shadowbomb!" Aerionelle flapped his wings once fiercely causing more exploding feathers to cascade down on Ariadne and Mika.

"Not AGAIN!!" Ariadne yelled and held her hand up. As the feathers got closer to hear they started, one by one, to turn into flower petals.

Aerionelle was dazzled. "My, oh my, such a beautiful display," he said awestruck. "But there's more where that came from!" He shot more explosive feathers at Ariadne.

Sorry, Mika. It looks like I'm the one keeping him busy. His attention is on me completely. You take out his wings, she thought to Mika. She threw up her other hand in order to keep on turning the feathers successfully into flower petals.

Dusk sneered at the man. "You dare say those dreadful words to me...Midnight? I cared much more for Dawn than you did. I cared for Noon and Evening, too. It's because of you that we all split up. You just had to take Dawn's death to the extremes. He told us to let him die, for the sake of the gods!"

Midnight arose to his feet and entered an attacking stance. With a cloud of dust, he rushed rapidly at Dusk swinging his swords. "No more! No more! He didn't have to go! I don't care what you say! And now, I will take his powers!"

Dusk blocked every strike with swift movements. "Believe what you want to believe. He knew the future. He saw the dawn of the next day--every day. But he couldn't have seen this coming. He believed in you!" Midnight sliced at Dusk's right, but he blocked it and viciously counterattacked him by slicing Midnight's right leg. Midnight knelt on the ground in pain and did a backflip to avoid Dusk's follow-up attack.

Midnight laughed despite the fact that his leg was bleeding. "He saw this coming, Dusk. He chose me as his legacy--the legacy to his power! I am the Grand Summoner of Shadows now! That is what he wanted. His spirit lives on in me!!"
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

"Affirmative..." With that, the wolf dodge to the right and within that split second, he chant a multiple thunder sphere and throws to the Calm Keeper before landed on all fours not too far from the creature.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"It's much better if we didn't see you at the first place." Mika then leap back to the top at high speed, while making a contact with Ariadne. "No problem, Ariadne. Just take care." The dragoness landed on the ground and chant another spell with her claws pointing to the sky; a various size of icicle appears and drop towards Aerionelle once Mika drop her claws.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Tyrant's Plains)

The Calm Keeper screeched loudly as the spheres made contact. The earthen hand restraining the monster crumbled and it flew high in the sky. I'm not supposed to be punished. I'm the one who does the punishing! He lifted his claws above his head. Seraphic Radiance! A sphere of light appeared in his claws and it began shooting out spears of light at all of them.

Aussa rolled over to Solia. She was sleeping peacefully. Aussa held out his hand and pointed it at Ardeal. He then made a pulling motion and the piece of ground that Ardeal was lying on levitated and slowly floated over to Aussa. Ardeal landed with a small thud next to his sister. "Earth Barrier!" Aussa shouted. From below the golden grass, a dome of solid rock arose and surrounded the three. Faiz, do you need help? I can deploy another barrier around you if need be...

(Shimmering Mountain)

Aerionelle felt his wings get weaker as the icicles pierced them again. "Enough of this nonsense!" he yelled. "I have no grudge against you, but now you've taken this too far! Shadow's Cry!!" Aerionelle opened his black beak wide and delivered an alarming screech down at his enemies.

As the sound reached Ariadne's ears, she covered them with her hands and fell down on her knees. "What...kind of...urgh...," she managed to get out as she began to lose consciousness. I must hold on...

From up above, the sounds of swords clashing against each other was barely audible...
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

"Well, you're harassing us at the first place, ugly monster. Don't try to act innocent here." Faiz perform a several backflip to dodge the light spheres. Since thunder and light element has a good relation, the wolf take an advantage by touching one of the light spheres that just a few inch fron his sharp claws and absorb it's energy until the sphere is disappeared. Faiz's feet touches the ground to stop himself and throws several more thunder sphere with an additional energy from the light sphere.

"Save your energy for later. You should focus on protecting yourself, Solia and Ardeal. I'll request for one when needed." Faiz replied telepathically as began executing a close combat, estimating three seconds before the thunder spheres hit the Calm Keeper.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"Ear Protection." Mika chanted and applies to Ariadne, Dusk and herself. The Ear Protection spell neutralize the loud, high-pitch sound into a normal, hear-able sound. "This is what I like so much, Aerionelle; your anger." Mika then take a move by putting a huge force through her feet to the ground, making her move faster then she normally used, and jumped in the air towards Aerionelle with her sharp claws ready to slash the avian's wings.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Tyrant's Plains)

Aussa nodded, even though Faiz couldn't see him, but he knew he couldn't do nothing. He disappeared in a cloud of dust and reappeared outside of the rock dome that was protecting the sleeping Ardeal and Solia.

The Calm Keeper saw that he made a tactical error in using his technique. Invulneraga Thunder! A glowing yellow aura surrounded the wicked beast. As the spheres of thunder impacted him, he did not flinch, for no damage was dealt. Well, that takes care of that. Holy Lance! A strange vortex appeared Faiz's head. Without warning, it shot out several long, piercing shafts of light.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Ariadne arose to her feet. Thanks, Mika. I've got you covered. "Prepare yourself, beast! This will be your final stand!! Petal Storm Mirage!" She raised both her hands into the air. By now, there were many pink flower petals littering the ground. At Ariadne's voice, they all arose into the air and flew at Aerionelle, swirling around and around the air around him.

Aerionelle tried to escape the storm of flower petals that now assaulted him, but he could find no way to evade the attack. He merely hovered helplessly awaiting the attack the dragoness was planning to execute on him.

Midnight and Dusk's swords clashed together in a mighty clang, both of them instantly creating distance between them with a calculated leap backwards. Dusk took initiative and rushed back in with a quick flurry of slashes. Midnight blocked every attack with his two swords and launched a counterattack here or there. When Dusk realized that he couldn't win, he leapt back. There were several slashes on his body, and he was losing more blood than he wanted to lose.

"Damn it, when did you get so strong?" Dusk spat angrily at his enemy.

"I didn't get more powerful," Midnight spoke calmly. "It's his sword. It grants me power. I am the one who was meant to wield it, after all." He raised his golden blade into the air. "Goodbye, Dusk. Radiant Shine!" He slashed the air with the raised golden blade which created a curved shockwave that hurtled across the ledge aiming to take Dusk out for good.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

Once the vortex appeared and shot several shafts of light, Faiz knew he was too late to create a barrier. Few of the shafts shafts piercing his left shoulder and create a small cuts behind his right leg, as well as pierce through the soft parts of his right ear. It bleeds slowly but still have energy to move around. "This would not slowing me down for sure." Faiz growl loudly and perform a series of continuous and simultaneous slash on the Calm Keeper's barrier until it breach and slash his right wing; cutting it almost clean before he headed to the ground.

A few sparks appeared on the wounded area to stop the bleeding. But still, he have to bare the intense pain especially on his right arm and sensitive ear. He started to gasping some air for real, but it also act to fool the Calm Keeper.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"I'm sorry." Mika telepathic to Aerionelle before a fast deep slash cutting his wings almost clean. She grab one pink flower petal and use the shockwave from the explosion to send her body to certain direction where Midnight and Dusk are fighting. She also sense Dusk is in danger.

The dragoness still flying up in the air before the gravity pulls her over and stops the ascend . "Ariadne, now!" She then release the petal a few feet away from her before cover her face and chest with her arms.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds