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Kingzero and Silver
Alex was packing some things into his backpack, in his room when Ren stepped in. He held an assulat rifle and placed it into his bag, and turned to Ren. You should stay here. You have the most skill, and fighting expierence of all the girls. If another raid of bandits come, they'll be captured again, and no way am I losing Silvia to another robber. I leave to protect my lovers," he said, and continued packing.
"Dont give me that!" Ren spat, stomping her foot. "Protect? Defend? Be thanked? These are all excuses! Deomon has his hands full with the actual digidestined and the digi defense forces! He is not threatening any of us right now and even if he was, you only took interest in him after you found out how he had wronged you! I will stay if that is what you really want, but at least admit the truth. You want your vengeance more than you want Silvia. I will not tell her if you tell me, but if this is that last I see of you, then I at least want to tell my daughter that in the end you were at least somewhat less of a bastard than you where when you hacked and raped me!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I love Silvia!" Alex screamed. "I love her! She is the greatest women, the most perfect women I know! She is pure, kind, loving, talented, beautiful, and perfect in every way! We were made for one another!" he screamed. In his rage he punched the wall, making cracks appear as his fist slammed into it. He stayed like that for a few moments, before falling to the ground and sitting there. "What am I supposed to do?" he asked. "I love Silvia, even if you don't believe me...But am I supposed to let the monster who killed my father, who raised me, who loved me, simply go?"
Ren's face softened slightly. "You have to choose what to do. Silvia loves you more than life itself, much more in fact. If you go out, and you fight, and you die, then you will not only be killing yourself, you will drag her with you. She may live years after your death, but she will be dead on the inside. Do you dare risk this? If you do, no matter how much you love her, you will not love her as much as she loves you. You could make Silvia old, take her beauty away, her powers, her eyes and ears and nose and make her suffer horrors a human cant imagine, and she would still not seek vengeance if it ran even a small chance of making you unhappy."

Ren shook her head and began to leave the room. "Do what you will. But if you die, I will never forgive you. My child is fatherless as far as I am concerned, so your death means little to me. But Silvia's child, the one that was conceived through love, at least her love, does not deserve to have broken mother and dead father."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"....I will go...and I won't die....I know I won't," Alex said. "I will come back, Ren. Whether you want me to or not," he added and gave a grim smile. "Just protect the girls while I'm gone," he said, as he returned to packing his things. "Thank you for this nice chat, Ren."
(lol, now what? Time skip?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Five long months, Alex was gone. Life would go on without the human Master. Tali would slowly grw up, Z would everynight cry and pray to the moon for her Master's return, and Flare may or may not have gotten over her fear of Alex. For five months, the girls waited for news of Alex.

Finally, at the end of the fifth month, they heard a knock on the door. The girls would assemble before the front door, hearing the knocking going on for a minute or so before it stopped. The door creaked open, and there in the doorway....he stood.

Deomon stood at the door way.

His eyes were closed, and he smelled of dead flesh, as he just stood there, not even staring at the girls, but with the appearence of this monster at their home, and no sign of seemed obvious the human had perished.
"Run!" Ren yelled at the other girls as she jumped back and spread her arms out. "Diamond storm!" The blast of icy stones pelted the prone Digimon at the door. Silvia had no time to react and was in Angy's arms as Flare carried Tali away. They were trying to make there way to the back door while Ren held him off, though they knew she would not last long.

Silvia didnt care though, and hadnt cared for a long time. Each day that passed without her master ate at her, each minute without knowing his fate broke her more and more. Five months, Five months of long waiting and fearful thinking and he was not here. She curled up a little in Angy's arms and silently broke.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
With loud thuds, the pieces of frozen rock hit Deomon, and he fell to the ground. When he fell though, he left an impossible sight. The sun shined in a way, it was a though a holy aura covered his body. A ray of light almost seemed to shine and embrace him...

"Hello, ladies," Alex greeted, revealing he had held up Deomon's corpse. "Any reason you are beating the dead corpse of this Demon Lord?" he asked, and stepped on to of the body, standing triumphantly.

While the ladies may or may not have been happy to see him, they would probably be amazed or horrified by his injuries. Cuts and bruises covered his body, his right eye was swollen, his shirt was torn up, and gone, his body was practically covered in bandages, he walked with a small noticable limp, though his tentacles heled him walk, but the biggest change was...his entire left arm was gone, with only bandages wrapping the spot it was once at. Still though, he held a smile on his face, and limped over to Silvia and Angy. "I told you it would be okay," the left armless man said.

((I REALLY hope I didn't just kill Silvia inside with that joke))
Angy's eyes filled with tears and she placed Silvia down to embrace her master. "Master! I thought...we all...why were you gone for so long?!" She looked at his wounds and her eyes widened. "I have to heal that!" She began to heal him almost instantly then, closing all his minor wounds up first.

Flare peaked out from a closet she had fled into and said nothing, though Tali ran out to hug her father's leg. "Daddy!" She called as she hugged him tightly, probably hurting him by accident. Silvia though, simply sat there, unmoving, her eyes completely dull and gray. Ren walked past him, giving him a small glare before picking Silvia up and taking her to her room.

(lol, BAD JOKE!)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)