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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Tyrant's Plains)

There was a loud roar from up above in the sky. Aussa and Ardeal stopped dead in their tracks. Aussa took initiative and looked up. However, when he did, he saw nothing.

"You all heard that, right?" Aussa asked, his voice a little shaken by paranoia.

"Yeah, I heard it, alright," Ardeal called out.

"There's something nearby--I can feel it," Solia whispered gently to Faiz.

Ardeal was looking around frantically. Everywhere he looked, he saw nothing but the endless sea of golden grass. That was all he saw. Just the blue sky above and the grass. No trees. No buildings. Nothing, not even in the distance on the horizon. Something was very wrong...

(Shimmering Mountain)

Ariadne leapt into the air. "Petal Divebomb!" As she reached the climax of her jump and began to descend, she started spinning in mid-air. Suddenly, she became enshrouded by many flower petals that swirled dangerously around her. She took aim at Aerionelle and dove at him.

Aerionelle saw Ariadne's attack coming from above and started to fly out of range, but found himself unable to get out of the way. A shadowy hand was grasping his leg. It was Dusk. He was still lying on the ground, but his hand was outstretched. From his hand, Dusk controlled a shadow arm--the very one that was now clutching Aerionelle and holding him in place.

Aerionelle watched in despair as the girl with the swirling flower petals around her prepared to impact him.

Footsteps came from the room, but they were very weak. From inside the room, the sound of two objects being picked up could be heard. "If there are intruders, I don't see why you're not out there taking care of them," the man said. "If you needed help, why didn't you just say so, you stupid bird." The footsteps got closer and closer to the doorway...
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

The wolf reduce his speed and stopped, his ears perked up as heard the loud roar. He take a look around with his vicious eyes, searching for the source of the roar that just vanished a few moments ago. Faiz could feel what Solia felt, he kept on looking and picking up any strange sense.

"Who's there? Identify yourself." He perform a telepathic contact, hoping any creatures or possible humans to reply his call.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"...My apologize...Yes indeed we have an intruder..." Mika replied, her eyes focusing to the door on her left side while waiting patiently for the man to step out.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Tyrant's Plains)

There was another roar from the sky, followed by the sound of a wingbeat. Ardeal was taken by surprised as the giant gust of wind blew directly down upon the travellers from the sky. Ardeal was pushed down to the ground, which wasn't too bad since the grass was soft.

Aussa, on the other hand, stood strong and resisted to falter under the wind. Something was clearly descending from the sky, for the sound of wingbeats became louder and louder...

(Shimmering Mountain)

There was an explosion of flower petals as Ariadne finally impacted Aerionelle. Both Ariadne and the shadow beast were sent hurtling to the ground. Ariadne's dress tore as she skidded across the rough rock and blood was visible on her arm. Aerionelle had taken most of the damage, though, for when he crashed into the ground, the sound of rocks cracking was extremely evident. When the dust cleared, the shadow beast lay wounded in a small crater.

"Well, if there is an intruder, then we should take care of it as soon as possible," the man said. At that moment, he stepped out of his room and into the hallway.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

In the other hand, Faiz hug Solia closer to his body so they wouldn't create a drag between their bodies and strong winds. He didn't receive any reply from his calls, but based from the second roar and strong winds, he presume it's coming from winged creature, probably the avians or dragons. He tried to lifts his head to the sky but he couldn't, and he make another call. "Identify yourself, please!"

(Shimmering Mountain)

Once Mika spotted the man, she quietly approaches and putting a set of claws on his neck and the other one is in his back, near his spine. If he start to make a suspicious move, neck and spine is the great spot to slash and make an instant kill. "I'm sorry...Your creature right now is fighting with my friends..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Tyrant's Plains)

A third and final roar came from above as a vile creature descended into sight. Through covered eyes, Aussa saw it. It was an ugly reptilian creature covered in dark violet scales. It had sharp, hooked claws on both its hands and feet and sprouting from its back were two angel wings that were also violet in color. Its feathers were cascading down upon its victims as it beat them fiercely. Aussa got a good look at its face. It had no eyes and no nose. It had no ears, either. The reptilian beast only had one mouth full of pointed teeth.

It matters not who I am, a voice spoke in all of their minds--a voice tinted with nobility and grace. Thou dost be as reckless as to disturb the calm upon my plains. Thou hath dost much wrong, and so thou shall be punished.

Ardeal watched as the beast landed a few feet away in the golden swaying grass. A violet, scaly tail twitched behind it. "What did we do to you! We're just travelers!" he called out against the wind.

The beast stopped flapping its wings, but did not respond to Ardeal's question.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Ariadne was panting as she recovered from the recoil damage from her own attack. "Well, that certainly put that abomination in its place," she said confidently as she brushed the dust from her dress.

"I just didn't expect you to go overboard like that," Dusk said nervously. "You're usually so innocent and stuff." He chuckled lightly. "Do you reckon that Mika found the summoner?"

The man made no sudden moves. "And it appears to me that I am in no immediate danger," he replied. "Aerionelle still lives, and I have power. You are in no position to be confident. I'm not that easy to kill."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

Faiz have a clear vision the true forms of the creature. It indeed ugly and fierce-looking creature but it doesn't scare him off. Still carrying Solia on his arms, he make a move by walking to the direction that guide them to find St. Nerra and ignoring the creature since they didn't do anything wrong, but keep himself aware if the creature make a sudden attack.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"I obviously know the fact...and I believe Aerionelle is badly wounded..." Mika gently prodding her sharp claws on the man's spine to guide him to walk outside. "You should meet the other two in order to settle this thing once and for all..."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Tyrant's Plains)

A rough chuckle rang forth in all of their heads. Keep walking, victim, the thing telepathically said to them. You will find yourself walking for an eternity, or even longer so. You do not even realized how much time you have wasted going nowhere. I rule over these plains. I keep the calm on this land. Trespassers will NOT be tolerated.

"No one cares about your damned plains!" Aussa challenged angrily. "You're pathetic! There are people out there who have more to worry about than some stupid piece of land with this idiotic golden grass!" He pulled out his sword and violently swung at the grass. Several golden blades danced elegantly in the air before falling back to earth.

"Faiz, there's some sort of magic surrounding this place," Solia whispered to her lover worriedly. "The source is that beast."

(Shimmering Mountain)

The bird's eyes shot open and he flew quickly into the air. "Shadow Featherbomb!" He flapped his wings causing a cascade of black feathers to rain down upon Ariadne and Dusk.

Dusk thought quickly and vanished into shadows, but Ariadne was not that fortunate. She cried in agony as several feathers lodged themselves into her body--one in each leg, two in her right arm, and one in her torso. Of course, the real horror was when each feather exploded, sending her flying to the air. Her unconscious body landed with a heavy thud as it hit the rock floor of the ledge. She was bleeding heavily.

"Sounds like I was the one correct about my companion," the man said confidently. "I find it humorous that you think you have any hold over me." He chuckled maliciously.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

"Let's keep going, guys. Don't waste your time to fight with this creature...We have extremely urgent matters to do..." Faiz said telepathically to Aussa and Ardeal, while kept on moving through the grassy plains.

The wolf indeed are aware of the strange presence of magic even he manage to spot in small scale. "Don't worry...I keep myself ready just in case..." Faiz telepathic back to Solia, lifting a small smile.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Mika in the other hand, heard the explosion and Ariadne's scream in pain, and also could sense she's bleeding. The dragoness wants to help Ariadne, but her hands now is on the man's neck and back. It's hard to force him to go out.

Then, she execute a solution by lifting the man on her back, locking his arms on hers and rushes out of the cottage. "Dusk, I want you to look up at this man!" Mika said loudly and release the man to the ground before looking up for Ariadne. Then, she spotted Ariadne bleeding heavily and unconscious on the ledge. Mika shocked and worried seeing Ariadne bleeding this much. She need to be heal fast.

By jumping on each rock down to the ledge, she landed besides Ariadne and casting a healing spell, which drain almost half of her own energy to stop the bleeding and heal the wounds. "You'll be okay, sweetie...Damnit...I should let you or Dusk to look up for that man..." Mika curses and blame to herself as the healing spell kept on doing its job.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Tyrant's Plains)

"You sly wolf," Solia whispered a reply and smiled. "You've always got it covered."

Aussa was breathing heavily with his sword drawn, but smirked suddenly and sheathed his weapon. "That's a good point, Faiz. We've got bigger things to worry about." He turned away from the beast and started walking in the direction they were supposed to go in.

Ardeal was silent, his eyes glaring at the creature making sure to note of any sudden movements it might make. He followed his companions cautiously.

I did not say I had a problem with you all walking, the beast said. I just said that you'll be walking for an eternity! It laughed cacophonously, the sound ringing in each of their heads. When you finally realize how foolish your efforts are and you are ready to be punished, let me know. With that, the beast flapped its wings hard and took off into the air.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Dusk appeared out of nowhere catching the man, pushing him to the ground, and clamping his hands behind his back so the man could take no action. "I can't believe you'd go this far."

"I can't believe you did nothing for our master," the man replied angrily.

"You saying that makes me sick since you're the one who must have desecrated his grave by stealing his sword," Dusk retorted defiantly.

"Words are nothing! Aerionelle!" the man shouted suddenly.

"As you wish," Aerionelle muttered and dove at Dusk.

"Shadow Shie--," Dusk started to say.

"Dispel Shadows!" the man interjected. All shadows on the ledge they were on disappeared momentarily.

Dusk could do nothing as the bird lodged its beak into his chest knocking him off of the man and sending him flying into the side of the small cottage.

On the ledge below, Ariadne's breathing was returning to normal. She felt some pain, but found the will to move. She opened her eyes suddenly to find Mika healing her. "That's enough--you'll drain yourself," Ariadne scolded in a very quiet voice. "Let me get up. We can't leave Dusk with the both of those monsters."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Tyrant's Plains)

"I'd like to get myself off-guard to fool the enemies, so I can make a surprise attack." Faiz stated before the beast's statement ringing in his head. He analyze what the beast is actually mean while kept himself walking.

After a while, he realize; they're moving to the direction where there's no end of it. They will kept on walking on Tyrant's Plains for the rest of their lives. With that, Faiz decided to stop and place Solia on the grassy ground. "I want to battle with you..." He said telepathically to the beast with a small deep growl.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Mika could feel her energy drain based on the small gasping she made. "No...I won't let you go at this rate...*gasps*...I can't stand myself of seeing you like this.." She stated with a gentle smile, but feel sad inside her heart while kept on healing Ariadne's wound. At that time, she realize there's no shadow appear on the ground nearby.

"Already make a move, huh...?" Mika mumbles silently, referring to the man who vanish their shadow. By lifting her left claw in the air, she chant a spell and a sharp icicle appears before dropping to the specific direction towards Aerionelle and the man, without hurting Dusk in process.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds