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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"If he wakes up, if he moves, you have my permission to use the Pain of Eternity jutsu to it's highest strength, understood?" Alex said, and five clones nodded and watched Sauske, each of them knowing the the danger and the skill this warrior had.

Alex then looked at his other clones and saw they had already cleaned the wreackage of his first shed, and made a replacement. "Sir, I think you'll like it greatly. We improved it alot! It's bigger! Fireproof, incredibly strong, and connected to the ground so well even Tsunade would have a slightly difficult time destroying it!" one clone said.

"It looks the same," Alex commented.

"Looks can be decieving, sir," the clone said as Alex and Hinata walked into the shed. Inside they found a trapdoor, and when Alex opened it and jumped down he saw the inside of a fancy, and stunning mansion. There were beautiful statues and portraits of varius Naruto girls, from Sakura, Tsunade, Hinata and more. He also noticed that many portraits and statues were of Tsunade and Hinata, Alex's personal favorites. "...Impressive," Alex said as he looked around the beautiful home. He then smiled and pointed at a potrait. "Hinata, look."

To the most beautiful woman in Konaha
, the words at the bottom of the potrait announced, as Alex and Hinata stared at a beautiful portrait of Hinata Hyuuga. May her beauty, love, kindness, and soul be with us forever


"Yes, oh god, yes. Harder, faster," Ino moaned, the toxins filling her body and clouding her mind as her tits were sucked and her clothes taken off. "Harder...faster...more!" she begged as she was on the verge of cumming already.
Hinata blushed supremely hard and looked away, holding her face in her hands as she tried to keep from passing out again. She was so very happy now, so so happy. She was also very embarrassed, she did not think she was the most beautiful girl in konoha, but the sentiment meant allot.

Suddenly a clone came in and said "Alex sir, Sakura has woken up. What should we do with her?" Outside, a small, frightened pink haired girl whimpered as clones of the man who had tortured her to near insanity circled her and stroked her body at random intervals, making her curl up and then fall out of the hammock into the sand bellow, where she curled up into as little a ball as possible and tried to bear through the touching and groping she was receiving


The plant was not going anywhere, and it answered her cries with hard suction and the swelling of its phallic shaped head as it to reached near its orgasm. This was the part that Mike wanted to see, what really made Ino a Gunie pig. Conquering all of konoha would be hard enough if he had to do it solely on ninja techniques, and he really did not feel like having his ass kicked.

So he sat, he watched, and he waited, sitting in a chair near the bed, pulling Hinata onto his lap and massaging her breasts absentmindedly as he watched the screen above them.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex put his waist around Hinata's waist and kissed her cheek, and nibbled on her ear, gently. "You're so cute when you blush, my love," he said, his other hand moving to her bikini underwear. This moment was ended as his clone popped in and told him the news and he sighed. He looked at Hinata and in a puff of smoke, she was dressed and cloth in her outfit. "Tell the other clones not to touch, grope, or do anything sexual to her. Just get her down here," he ordered the clone. He then looked at Hinata and kissed her lips. "I did something horrible to Sakura, my love. Now help me convince Sakura of my love, like you promised," he said.


"Yes!" Ino screamed and came ferciously, but did not completely stop. After a few moments of enjoying her orgasm, she started up again, riding the vine. "More! Harder! Again!" she screamed, wildly as she rode the wine like an expert.
Sakura was brought to him as a ball carried by several clones. She had refused to uncoil, even after being threatened, only curling up tighter and whimpering softly. So they brought her as she was and placed the poor naked girl on the floor, where she looked around for a second before spotting Alex and closing her eyes tightly, shielding her face with her hands.

"Sakura..." Hinata said as she watched her whimper and tremble. "Master...what exactly did you do to her...she was the most willful of the girls in Konoha...aside from the hokaga." She bent down and began to stroke her friends back, whispering comforting things as she did.


Mike smiled and pinched Hinata's nipple. "This may take longer than I thought." He said as she continued to hump into the plant. Still, he knew it would not be long. On her third Orgasm it would happen, she would be far to exhausted and lust crazed to care.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hinata yelped in pain as Mike pinched her nipple, but stayed silent. Sakura simply laid on the ground, wondering if it was possible to free her and her friends. Sadly, part of her did not want to leave.

Ino proved to be slightly more sex crazed than Mike though, even taking up the ass after her third orgasm. Her large tits bounced up and down as she rode the wine, before cumming her fifth time and falling on the ground, breathing slowly with hlaf closed eyes. "M-more..." she whispered before blacking out due to exhaustion.


"The Pain of Eternity Jutsu..." Alex whispered. "Do you remember back when we first made love? I used a special jutsu to make you feel amazing pleasure and love. That was the Pleasure of Eternity Jutsu. Now picture the same feeling of love, pleasure, and sex, and replace it with pain...That is what I did to Sakura, and I regret it greatly," he sighed.

"All I wanted, was her as my own. A lover, a slave, a beautiful bed mate, like you, Hinata," he explained. "I used the Pain of Eternity Jutsu on Sauske, during our fight. Some of it was blocked by his Chidori, but he felt a great amount of it. That is why he tried to escape, instead of kept fighting me. The Pain of Eternity Jutsu is a very powerful, and very dangerous technique, that only I know."
As Ino took her last orgasm, she would find herself supported by the vines around her so that she was held in the stem, the vine still firmly entrenched in her pussy. Suddenly, as she blacked out, she would feel a cool liquid shoot into her before the vines allowed her to fall the side, her nipples still bleeding milk as the suckers left them for the first time since the start. The plant then withdrew into its pot and became what it was before, a harmless pot of flowers.

Mike smiled and stood up, bringing Ino back to the bed on his side. He laid her down and smiled wider as he saw her slightly larger stomach continue to swell steadily. "Yes. The women of Konoha wont be able to fight me like this." He whispered as Ino became instantly pregnant.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ino let out a soft moan from where she laid, as Sakura and Hinata were a mangled twist of fear, jealousy, Joy that they would not be alone in this perhaps? "M-Master?" Sakura began. "May I ask a question?" she asked, and if he said yes, then she would say, "What do you mean?"
Mike moved away to show both his sluts Ino's pregnant belly. She easily looked several moths pregnant and her breasts were swelling with milk, which continued to dribble out of her. "How can anyone fight when they are so pregnant?" He asked as he rubbed Ino's bell affectionately. "This is just one of the many things I have in store for Konoha, and trust me, this is one of my milder ones."


Sakura was unresponsive, choosing to remain silent as Hinata tried her best. "I think you broke her master...she does not seem to be able to come out of her fear....but I think I know two people who can." She said looking up at her master. "Naruto and Sauske were from her squad and I know she was in love with Sauske. Either of them might help...but Naruto...I dont want him to get hurt and Sauske might not help, if he is not broken like she is."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex nodded his head and began moving to the exit. "Keep trying to help her. I will talk to Sauske," he said, and jumped up to the trap door, and left the two girls. He walked out of the shed and checked to make sure Sauske was still there. If he was, he would walk over to him and check to see if he was awake or not.


Sakura gulped in fear and merely looked down, hoping that somehow Mike's plan would fail. "W-what about the males?" she asked, bravely. "Like Kakashi, Sauske, and the Hokage...What about them?"
"They die I suppose." Mike said without hesitation, stroking Ino's belly. "I have no use for them at all." He then groped one of Ino's breasts and made some milk squirt out. "Hinata, Sakura, taste these for me, tell me how good they are on a scale on one to ten."


Sauske was out and sitting, his head lolling to the side. He could be made to wake up but the lord could only guess how bad his mood would be. Sauske was probably not broken, maybe even not afraid of Alex, and it was well known that he had NEVER really loved or even liked Sakura as any more than a team member if that.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)