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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Deadwood Plains)

Aussa nodded as he heard Faiz's response in his mind, and he just assumed that Ardeal wouldn't have a problem with it.

(Lunatio River)

Before long, the group of four found themselves hearing the gurgling of the delicate Lunatio River nearby. The clear waters surged gracefully out towards the sea, and the sunlight played on the pebbles at the bottom, making them light up like glimmering crystals.

Aussa knelt by the river and placed his pack on the ground. Without hesitation, he dipped his hands into the beautiful water and took a drink. He savored the cool sweetness of the river water and found himself in a better mood than before.

Ardeal wasn't paying attention to where he was going and accidentally bumped into Faiz. "Oh, I'm sorry..." he apologized.

(Shimmering Mountain)

When Ariadne opened her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the shadow beast in the sky and Dusk with his sword drawn. She got to her feet quickly, but as she did, the shadow beast flew out of sight and landed on a ledge higher up. She looked questioningly at where it had landed.

Dusk sheathed his sword. "I guess it wasn't looking for a fight," he mumbled.

Ariadne sighed. "Boy, I was worried, but I guess that worry was misplaced," she concluded. "But what was it doing exactly?"

"Why don't we just go and ask it?" Dusk suggested as he started repacking the supplies. In the daytime, Shimmering Mountain didn't seem so shiny, seeing as how the sunlight clashed with the magical light of the mountain.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio River)

Faiz didn't say anything once Ardeal bumped into him. He raise one of his tails and gently patting Ardeal's shoulder which shows him saying 'It's okay' in signal form. He decided not to talk for a while.

The wolf gently place Solia on soft grassy ground under the big tree not too far from the river. He took the pack off from Solia and place it besides her. Then, he went to the river to wash his pale face as well as to stay awake for the rest of the day, since he began to feel sleepy a little.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"That would be good, but somewhat I could feel the beast luring us to that place." Mika said as getting up and carry the backpack on her back. "We need to end this mission as soon as possible, because...I sense something not right...."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio River)

Aussa sighed and fell backwards into the soft grass of the riverbank. "Well, I was hoping that this would never happen, yet it has. I should have realized that this was inevitable. However, it matters not, for here we are today. We have to find St. Nerra."

Solia made a cute noise in her sleep and rolled over in the grass.

Ardeal laughed quietly and approached the river. "Yes, we must do as Masquerade commanded us to. And, we must do our best with this mission so that the report we give him will be a good one."

Although Aussa was glad that Ardeal was breaking out of his silence, he said nothing about Ardeal's comment.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Ariadne helped Dusk pack up supplies. "I have to agree with you Mika. That shadow beast was acting suspiciously, but I didn't sense anything dangerous about it."

Dusk sighed as he placed a couple of packs of supplies on his shoulders. "I didn't sense anything bad either, but common sense will tell us that the beast is probably going to try to kill us, Princess."

Ariadne nodded in agreement. "No matter what the case is, we must destroy that beast and the person who summoned it from the abyss."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio River)

The wolf lowering his head and stucks out tongue and drinking the water like a normal wolf does. "I don't know what to say at this time...I just keep myself silence all the way.." Faiz sighed, kneeling near the riverbank with his tails swishing slowly, and looking up to the morning sky. "I think too much...of how to defeat the queen without one of us being killed..."

(Shimmering Mountain)

"The dragoness stood up, carrying the supplies on her back. "What are we waiting for? The target is in our vision." She stated, waiting for Dusk and Ariadne to move first so Mika able to follows and protect them from behind.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio River)

"I'm sure things will become clearer in the future, Faiz," Aussa said. "I will do my best to make sure that absolutely no one else will die."

Ardeal drank some water. "For now, let's assume that no one has died yet. We still don't know what happened at the battle--"

In the distance, there was an explosion at the exact place where Lunatio Castle was. Ardeal turned his head quickly, his previous thought completely cut off. There was an enormous fire where the Rebellion Force headquarters was and smoke was billowing into the sky. There was a loud screech that sounded like that of a woman, and then there was a loud cackling--laughter so evil, it made the hairs on the back of Ardeal's neck stand straight. The malicious noise surged through the air making it seem like the clouds themselves were afraid as they drifted not-so-lazily away.

And then, there was silence.

Aussa didn't look to see what was going on. He merely gazed deep into the shallows of the river.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Dusk nodded. "Affirmative." With that, he took a bounding leap onto a nearby ledge. After he made sure that he had a good balance, he continued up the mountain, leaping from one small ledge to another until he finally reached the ledge where the shadow beast had landed.

"Dusk! You idiot! You should have waited for us!" Ariadne yelled in a scolding tone at Dusk. "Come on, Mika! That stupid man is going to get himself killed!" With surprising agility, Ariadne began up the mountain in the same way Dusk had.

Meanwhile, there was still no sound coming from the ledge that Dusk had ascended to.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio River)

Faiz twitching his furry ears as heard the explosion. Without looking back, he sighed and return to Solia who's currently sleeping like quietly, pretending that he didn't heard anything. Deep inside, he really wants to return back to Masquerade and lend a backup, but he 's not willing to leave Solia just like that.

The wolf lifts Solia like father carrying his child and take a seat under the shady tree before leaning towards the tree trunk. He embrace the girl lovingly and kiss her forehead, trying to hold his sadness from the explosion.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"Man, he's quite fast." Mika try to catch up with Dusk as he ascend to the mountain, and she didn't heard any reply after Ariadne scolded him. Sensing something not quite god, her feet throws a huge force to the ledge and send her up pretty high, so she wouldn't leap several times to reach certain height.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio River)

Aussa was trembling in his spot. He took a deep breath and took off the pack of supplies from his back. He reached inside and took out three pieces of bread with three slices of cheese. He handed a piece of bread and cheese to Ardeal and walked over to Faiz to give him his food. "Here. You should probably eat something. It will most likely take all day to get to Immolatio, so we need to get some energy."

Ardeal laid back in the soft grass of the riverbank and munched on his food. He stared into the unforgiving sky, even though the sky was as peaceful as ever--a brilliant light blue color.

Solia yawned and opened her eyes slowly. She smiled when she saw that she was in her lover's arms. "Hey, sweetheart." Of course, her smile disappeared quickly. "What's wrong?"

(Shimmering Mountain)

When Ariadne made it to the ledge that Dusk had landed on, the avian shadow beast was sitting in the middle. Dusk had his sword drawn, but wasn't making any sudden movements. Behind the shadow beast was a small cottage with a chimney that had a little bit of smoke listing lazily into the bright blue sky.

"Ah, so all of you are here now, I presume," the beast spoke. "I didn't think it fair to fight until your entire entourage was here."

"You speak smartly for a shadow beast," Dusk replied angrily. "What's keeping you from breaking rules, abomination?!"

Ariadne rushed to his side. "Yeah! What gives?!" She tried to sound fierce, but the beast merely chuckled at her.

"My name is Aerionelle, and I believe you are a part of the murder of my three brothers," he said in a nonchalant manner. He ruffled the shadowy feathers of his wings slightly. "However, it is no fault of yours. I wish for you to know before we fight that the man you are searching for is in the cottage behind me."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio River)

Faiz nodded and accept the bread, even though he don't have an appetite to eat anything. He only take a small bite of it while watching Solia waking up from her sleep. "Hello, Solia..." He said in a small smile, shooks his head. "Nothing wrong...I am fime...Would you like some...?" He said as lend the bread to Solia which he only eats quarter of it.

(Shimmering Mountain)

Mika then landed besides Ariadne, and could sense the presence in the small cottage. "If you hope all of us will come here, you're wrong. The wolf is not with us." She said with a gentle smile. "You make our search easy since you lure us to come here, Aerionelle. A one shot is pretty enough to eliminate you and your creator."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio River)

Solia wasn't convinced that Faiz was okay, but she decided not to pry about it. She took the bread and glanced it over. She took a bite and chewed it up. After swallowing, she sighed blissfully. "Wow, this is some good bread!"

Aussa scrutinized her for her strange and sudden excited feeling. "It was our baker's final batch of bread. He said it was super special and that it would definitely prove useful on our journey. I guess that was his way of saying that it was really delicious."

(Shimmering Mountain)

Aerionelle chuckled again. "One shot to kill the one who summoned me? I must say that you are dreaming, scaly one. As for me, I care not about my existence in this dimension any longer. I only wish to see my fallen brothers again."

Dusk fumed. "Well, then let me help you meet your maker!" He rushed at the shadow beast with his sword outstretched and slashed viciously at Aerionelle as he drew nearer.

Aerionelle flew into the air, dodging Dusk's attack. "I, however, have a job that I must perform. I was given a task by the summoner and I cannot disobey. My mission is to 'defend me and the cottage at all costs'. Thus, I cannot simply let myself be felled by your blade." He screeched into the air--a screech of preparation for battle.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio River)

"I can't den how tasteful that bread is..."The wolf commented softly as watches Solia eating the bread. He felt calm when getting closer with his lover and watching her feel happy. He wouldn't want to see her in sadness, gloomy and depress.

(Shimmering Mountain)

"Three against one...It should able to take you and your creator in one shot. Or probably you prefer two against one, while another person entering the cottage and kill your creator straight away..." Mika said sarcastically s watching Aerionelle floating in the air, seeming like giving an early hint of what the trio would do to accomplish this mission, but it'll fool the creature's intelligence that the early hint will not become reality.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds