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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
((*Grabs your leg, crying*))

Ino looked at Mike, for just a second before blacking out, falling under the sleep jutsu.


"Hinata! Yes!" Alex smiled, seeing her alive. "Quickly, help Master, restrain Sauske!" he ordered, and used his chakra to force his broken hand back into position, and groaned in pain as he used his healed hand to remove Sauske's sword and used his chakra to heal his shoulder.

((Oh...YAY! She's alive!))
"Hmmm...I think I will try something new with this one." Mike thought as he healed Ino and brought her to the room. "Say hello to your soon to be fellow slut girls." He said as he laid her down on the bed once making room.


Hinata nodded and charged Sauske but blushed when he came out of the cloud and his eyes widened slightly at her nearly naked form, covered only by her bikini underwear. This caused her to flinch and she received a powerful backhand for this. Sasuke threw some Shurken at Alex and then began to charge a chidori. "Your no match for me." He growled.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I-Ino?" Sakura whispered, seeing her old friend and rival on the bed. Hinata kept silent as the blond girl slept, not yet ordered to talk by her Lord.


"Hinata!" Alex yelled as his lover was slapped. He roared in rage and charged head first into the shurken, feeling them dig into his skin and make his blood spew out. "Pain of Etenity Jutsu!" he screamed as he jumped at Sauske, unleashing the dreaded jutsu as the other man charged his chidori.
"Chidori!" Sauske cried, blasting forth his attack towards Alex only to be hit head first with the horrid jutsu. But Alex did not avoid the attack, not since he took the shuriken face first, and the long metal wires connected to the end of each one lit up with electricity as blasted him with the full electrical force of sauske's attack. Sauske however, was blasted back into a tree where he spasmed and seized for a good long while before going limp. Slowly he began to stand, breathing hard and greatly weakened. His Chidori had stopped the full blast from hitting him, but he still suffered most of the jutsu. Still, he was much stronger, physically and mentally than Sakura and although he had no desire to fight any longer, he was not so far gone that he could not try an escape.


"Yes thats her. She is going to be a guinea pig for me. First..." Mike opened a dimensional door and expanded it, and then placed it on the wall, allowing it to for into an actual door. He stepped forward and opened it and inside was a complete and perfect replica of Ino's room. He smiled and took her, placing her inside of it.

He put her on the bed and then summoned something out of thin air, a small pot full or large, beautiful flowers wrapped in plastic with a card. The card was inside the plastic so she would have to open it to read it. Adding a bow, he made the perfect secret admirer card and placed it just in front of her door.

"Lets see if this works." He said, closing the door and making screen on the inside of his room so they could also see what would happen.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex's body was blasted by the chidori and he crashed against the remains of his shed and groaned in pain. "Damn...that was...painful," he said. He slowly got up, like Sauske and figured out the boy was trying to make his escape. "Hinata!" he yelled. "Stop him! Knock him out! Don't let him leave!" he ordered to his lover. "Please!" he added.


Ino groaned as she finally awoke and looked around. "Huh? I'm home? What hap- Oh...I lost," Ino realized as she slowly got off her bed and looked around. How long have I been asleep? she wondered and stopped as she saw the pot and the beautiful flowers. She walked over to it and picked it up and found the scent of the flowers, amazing. "Huh? What's this?" she wondered as she found the card and opened it, reading what it had inside.
Hinata stumbled back over and before the disoriented Sauske could escape he found himself the victim of the gentle fist, which completely blasted his chakra points to pieces as he was sent flying back into the tree he had just gotten off of. He hit the trunk hard and slumped to the floor, his head lolling down as he passed out and fell to his side.

Hinata panted and then ran back to her master. "Master! Master are you OK?!" She called, running to him and helping him stay standing.


Suddenly, Ino would start to feel hot, particularly around her breasts and crotch. The card read,

"Dear Slut

Please be sure to enjoy yourself with my present.

Love master"

Even as Ino would try to figure out the meaning, her breasts would begin to swell and fill with milk as the plants airborne toxins entered her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'm...I'm fi....fine," Alex sighed as he nearly fell on top of his lover. "Just...give me a second," he said and closed his eyes, and used his chakra to focus on his healing. By the time his hands and arms were fully healed he hugged Hinata tightly. "You were very good, Hinata, I am very proud of you," he said, and pulled back slightly to look her in her eyes. "You have been a very good girl, and you will be rewarded," he said and kissed her lips, giving her a french kiss, his tongue playing with hers. As he did this, Hinata would feel a warm, loving feeling wash over her, pleasuring her as she would feel her Master's erect dick rub against her binki underwear.


"What the he-Ahhh..." Ino moaned as she fell to her knees, her tits growing and her pussy getting wet. "W-what's happening...?" she moaned, her fingers moving to rub her own pussy, against her will. "Oh god..."
Hinata blushed and returned the kiss timidly, closing her eyes and grinding her pussy against his cock. When the kiss was broken she would ask "B-But what do we do with Sauske?" She asked, looking at the unconscious and incredibly dangerous ninja.


The sensation only got stronger and stronger until her breasts were the size of melons, giving her a double D bust, nearly a pair of E cups. Suddenly the plant's flowers moved aside to reveal a phallic shaped vine. It grew out of the base until it stood prominently above the flowers and made the toxins in the air increase until the air was actually turning purple.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I will deal with him," Alex said as his wounds heal. "First though, we're going to need to do something about our population" he said, looking around and realizing how all his ninja clones were dead. He then closed his eyes and made a few hand signals, and with his limitless chakra, a hundred or two hundred clones of him appeared. "Go restrain him," he ordered some to to do. "Go check up on Sakura, make sure she's okay," he said to others. "The rest of you clean up this mess," he commanded, and looked at Hinata. "Now...does slave want her reward now?" he smiled, petting her cheek.


Her clothes could not contain her large new tits and as she saw the phallic vine she couldn't stop herself from walking over to it and rubbing her pussy against the head. "No...stop," she begged her body before slowly pushing the head into her. "No...Only Sauske should be doing this," she moaned as she fucked herself.
Hinata smiled and blushed cutely, looking at her feet and nodding. The other clones went about their buisness and found Sakura where she had been, still sleeping and trembling. Sauske was tied against the tree he had crashed into, though it was unsure if any amount of rope would contain the crafty ninja should he awake.


The flowers soon began to extend and twirl delicately around Ino as she fucked herself. "The heads of the flowers soon found her tits and opened in the center, taking each nipple into their "Mouth" and began to suck on them, gently at first, but then more forcefully for milk. the other flowers went about taking off what remained of her clothes and helping her support herself as more toxins were pumped into her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)