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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Oh crap," Alex whispered as he saw the volts of electricity near him "Wind style jutsu! Godly Wind from the Mountains!" he declared, making a quick series of hand motions before a vortex of wind surronded him and shot at Sauske, since Wind Style Jutsus were meant to weaken Lightning style Jutsus.


"Please Sakura! Do as he says!" Hinata cried, going crazy, wanting only to cum. "I'm a whore! A dirty, slutty whore! I serve my Master, you! All I want in life is your godly cum filling and fucking my whore body! Please Master!" Sakrua screamed out.
"Finally you submit! Now cum my lovely sluts! Cum for master!" He ordered as he kept thrusting into Sakura, on the verge himself.


Sauske was already moving, figuring someone with the power to bring Konoha to ruin would not simply allow themselves to be hit. He had never intended for his jutsu to beat Alex, it was his tiejutsu that would win the day. Shooting across the field with Rock Lee's speed, he jumped off a tree and quickly fired five more bursts of flame from his mouth, fallowing up with a lightning blade. If Alex used wind, the fire would become greater and greater although the lightning would be defeated, and if he used water than Sauske would surely cut him in half. Using a duel jutsu technique, if he even had time for the hand signs, would simply cancel to the other jutsus out and he would still find himself at the mercy of Sauskes blade. If he dodged, then the attacks would hit the tent, the tent Hinata was currently waiting in.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Both Hinata and Sakura screamed as they unleashed their cum, feeling the greatest pleasure possible from their Master, letting their hot cum hit the gronud and maybe even their Master's dick.


"I just got one shot at this," he yelled as the attacks neared him. "Ultimate Absolute Defense! Sheild of Shukaku!" he yelled as the sand beneath him jumped up and formed a large shield like structure between him and the attacks, copying Gaara's jutsu. "I hope this works!" he yelled as the attacks neared.
Mike roared and released his cum into Hinata, filling her up all the way and flushing her womb with his seed. After a moment, he pulled out and smiled at her. "Do you feel my cum in you slut?" He asked mockingly. "Do you feel your new life?" Even as he spoke, the invisible collar and link had formed around Sakura, binding her to his will.


The fireballs were completely deflected in the sea of sand, but Sauske's chidori blade cut straight into the so called ultimate defense like a knife through actual sand. This would become painfully obvious as the sharp blade entered and exited Alex's left shoulder, driving all the way through. "Tss, he drove me off course." Sauske growled, knowing that the sand had diverted the blade away from his chest and to his shoulder.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex growled in pain and looked at his left shoulder. "Damn, that hurts!" he thoguht aloud. He placed his right hand on his left shoulder and began using his chakra to enhance his healing factor for his shoulder. He then looked at Sauske and decided to test something. "Hinata!" he yelled loudly. "HELP!" he shouted, his shoulder not yet fully healed.


"Y-yes, Master...I-I feel your nice, warm cum in me...I feel my new life, as your whore...Thank...thank you, Master," Sakura whimpered. "Yes...Thank you, Master," Hinata agreed, resting on her friend's tits.
Just after Alex yelled for help, Sauske responded with another fire jutsu, blasting the tent with a huge ball of fire that utterly immolated the entire thing. "No one will help you now." Sauske said, having yet to withdraw his sword from Alex's shoulder. "Surrender and no more harm will come to you. Lord Orochimaru merely wishes to speak with you."


"Good, good." Mike said, petting Hinata's ass as he spoke. "Now then...I have two Konoha girls in my possession. Two more to go." Thinking hard, Mike tried to think of who would be next to fall into his possession. Since Hinata and Sakura and Hinata's entire group never made it to the games, then that would mean Ino would be fighting someone else. Who ever it was, Mike was sure she would lose, or had lost already.

Snapping his fingers, he released Sakura's bonds. "You two stay here and play while im away. If you leave this room, I will know instantly and more pain that you can imagine will be projected into you. You have been warned." After that, he left the room, clothing himself as he did. First he would pay the medical ward a visit, to see if she was out yet. If not then he would go to the arena disguised as a medical ninja, and summon a clone to act as another and wait for Ino's K.O.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ino was in the arena, fighting against Ten Ten. The battle was fierce, but soon very one sided as Ino hit the ground, bleeding and bruised. "I...won't...lose!" she groaned, standing up and limped over to her opponent. "Bring it on!"


Alex stared at the burning tent and closed his eyes. "...I...will...kill you!" he yeleld and suddenly used the sword in his other hand to try and cut Sauske, ignoring the pain in his right shoulder.
Mike shook his head. "Ino should really come to terms with how useless she is." he thought as he watched them fight. He leaned against the wall with his three clones, two being medical ninja like him, and one being a stretcher. All that was left to do was to watch Ten Ten K.O. Ino.


Sauske easily avoided the untrained attack and grabbed his wrist, breaking it in the process, using only tiejutsu. "Now you can use Jutsu." He said, seemingly bored now, unaware of Alex's power. "Can you simply give up now? Before I am forced to take everything from you?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
After about a minute of fighting, Ino hit the wall and was pinned by a series of kunai that pierced her clothes to the wall. "Match over! The winner is Ten Ten!" a voice announced as the winner smiled and the loser, Ino, tried pathetically to free herself.


"Dynamic Entry!" Alex screamed, now using his legs, and using the famous Taijutsu of Guy and Rock Lee. He jumped up and with suprising speed he tried to slam his foot against the side of Sauske's head.

Without any hesitation, Mike and his crew ran out to recover her. The other medical ninja stay back, seeing that another squad had it under control. They lifted Ino onto the Stretcher and led her away. "Calm down miss, everything will be alright." Mike lied as he led her away from the medical ward, one of his clones already preforming the sleeping jutsu.


Sauske easily dodged the attack and jumped back, having long ago mastered Rock Lee's speed. But then something he didnt expect happened. A large chunk of what was a bed fallowed by tons of sand and shrapnel blasted him from the side. There Hinata was using her ultimate defense, her arms moving frantically to keep up with the demands of battle.

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)