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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
"I may be able to help you find her." Mickal said, taking a set at table. Mickal's room was completely black, and had nothing in it, nothing but a table and two chairs, which where easy to see despite the lack of light. Mickal only allowed the existence of what he wanted and needed in his room, and at the moment he only needed a place for him and Hunter to sit.

"But first, you have to tell me everything that has happened from when you entered until you came here."Mickal added, making some mead appear on the table in large cups. "Take as much time as you like my lord."


Serenity winced. "I...I was called Wart by my old master. He sometimes also culled me slut and bitch but my real name was Wart. I only wish to be called by what you want to call me. I am a powerless tool for my masters pleasures and biding, my will has no place in this world." She answered in a small voice. She hated the name Wart, but she would not protest it, not if that is what he wanted to call her.


Flare frowned as she waited outside the door and said "Hey...Im bored...lets go down stairs and play in the game room!" She waited to see if her friend would follow.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"But shouldn't we wait for Hunter? What if he comes back and is mad we aren't here?" Rain asked, being more cautious and fearful than her friend.


"Wart, no that won't do at all," Alex whispered, a sad smile on his face. "You remind me a lot like my love, Silvia....I think I will name you, Serenity..." he said, and petted her cheek. "Is that a good name, my dear?" he smiled.


Hunter looked at Mickal and sniffed the air, and he raised his brow for a second. Mickal had Grace's scent on him....He sat down and began explaining what had happen to Mickal. Grace and him making out, his meeting of Flare and Rain, and the wedding picture.

((Hey, if I were to make a new rp in the fetish rp, think you would join? I understand you're busy and all that))
(not sure, whats it about? I need to know if its worth the extra effort. Also, I will need some other people to join it so that its not just another private RP)

"Oh come on, we will be right down the stairs and there is literally no other way to go at all. Its just these stairs and the door, so he will have to come down when he is done. Then we can meet him down at game room right at the bottom of the stairs. Besides." Flare said with a grin. "He is not the boss of us."


Serenity's heart fluttered as Alex guessed her original "free" name. She began to tear up and shook her head no. " have chosen my original name...m-my "free" name. Most masters dont want me to have a free name and make up slave names. I...I wont ever be free, I know this, but if you want to be sure master, then please make a slave name for this undeserving slave." Serenity's name brought such lightness to her heart, brought back such nice memories, such enjoyment, it was not something a slave like her was allowed to have and she felt guilty about it, since she had accepted her role as a lesser being long ago.


Mickal rubbed his chin and thought for a long while. Finally he sighed and confessed. "I have something to reveal to you Lord Hunter. I pray you are not cross with me. I took Grace away. I saw her traveling down the hallway of doors when I was exploring and took the opportunity to capture her, for you of course! I had no clue you were in this place, but such a fair prize as Princess Grace could not be allowed to slip through our fingers.

"So I took her and chloroformed her. She is in a dungeon right now, probably still out cold, awaiting to be broken. I was going to use this place to train her into a sex slave and then present her to you as a birthday gift. I hope this does not upset you, and if it does then at least take solace in that I have done little more than strip her down to her undergarments so far. If you wish, I can continue what I was doing, by the end of it you will have loyal sex slave out of her, that much I can promise."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Well it won't be another rape rp, I can tell you that. It will either be about A: Pokemon or B: A completely original rp, where Earth has just suffered a nuclear holocaust and everything is chaotic. The radiation has mutated the animals of earth into Furries, and now Humans and Furries must coexsist in this world. Some though, will do more than unite, and will instead fall in love. I don't know, I've just been thinking about it for the last few days. I don't know if I'm going to make it))

"...How long will it take?" Hunter asked. He looked at Mickal and sighed, leaning back in his seat. "I smelled her scent on you the moment I walked in. So you are going to turn her into a slut, and give her to me? Just like that?" he asked.

He then sighed again and looked at the ceiling, "One of the greatest features I love of Princess Grace, besides her amazing body, is her purity....The whitest of sheep...Did I ever tell you that Mickal? How Grace was so pure, I knew I must have her," he mumbled. "Will she keep that purity if you turn her into a sex slave?"


"Alright...Let's go!" Rain smiled and grabbed Flare's hamd, running back to the game room with her friend in hand.


"Serenity is your name. I like how it sounds and it fits you. Obviously, you have met many unkind and honorless Master. I am not like them. With me, you will be safe, loved, and happy," Alex assured. "I promise, Serenity..." he added, though in his heart, he wondered if he could protect her....He couldn't protect Silvia.
(Not sure, I doubt I will be able to join though. I had to turn Salem down for an RP as well, just got to much going on right now, if I pick one of them up, then I drop another."

"Well..." Mickal said, thinking hard. " a word that is mostly lost on me my lord. Please describe what you mean in detail. As for how long it will take, that depends on how you want the end product to come out. I could use sexual torture, psychological torture, mind games, mind altering, mind wiping, memory changing, demon possession, mind control, thrall binds and voodoo dolls. Any and all of these are at my disposible, each with a different effect."


Serenity began to tear up and wiped her eyes, biting her lip hard. "P-Please master...dont..I..." she could not say it, she could not make a request of him, she could not ask him to keep his word or to not play games with her frail mind. Outward and direct abuse was allot easier to handle than lies covering the fists that would later beat her or the cock that would rape her. She could only nodded her small head and say. "Th-Thank you master. I will be a good slave for you."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I understand, dude, no problem))

"Trust me....Such words are foriegn to me as well. I suppose, by pure, I mean kind, loving, sweet, selfless, charitable," Hunter said. "Basically everything our people are not," he mumbled under his breath. "As for the second part, I want you to tell me about all of these different products you have and what effects they may have on Princess Grace. Take note, Mickal, I do not want a doll. I want a...lover, I believe the word best for it is..." he said, saying the words making his mouth feel odd.


"Don't you what?" Alex asked. "You can tell Master anything," he assured.
"A lover? Princess Grace? But she is not even a Saxon, she is a lesser Race, fit only to be a slave." Mickal stated blatantly. "Are you feeling well Lord Hunter? I know that you have admired the princess for a long time...but she is no lover, not for a saxon and certainly not for a war leader. Your people would never allow it."


Serenity shook her head. "No master...I cant. I am a good slave, I do as I am told and only as I am told. Objects dont have thoughts or feelings. Please, the only thing I can ask of you is that you let me get better so that I can better serve you...although I will act at any time if you tell me to do so." Angy looked at this all disapprovingly, particularly at Alex, who had accepted her as a slave so quickly, not knowing that Silvia was also a slave and that Alex was a slave master and had been for a long time.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Trust me, I feel....disturbed by this as well, but my verdict stands. One of the reasons I lust for the Princess is because of her purity. Turning her into a sex slave will probably destroy the pure soul I have come to...admire. Thus, I want her as a lover," Hunter said. "It makes less sense to me, trust me, Mickal," he sighed.


Alex patted her head before getting up and looking at Angy. "My friend Angy will help you heal. Master has to go now," he said, and began walking to the door. "We'll talk later," he mumbled to Angy as he left to the door and began to exit, and if nothing eventful happened, would go to his room.
" you say Lord." Mickal said, thinking through the list of things he could do that would not affect her core beliefs but still make her into a sex slave, the closest thing he knew to a lover. "Hmmm....preserve her purity...well then sexual torture, psychological torture, mind games, mind altering and Mind control are all out, as these might destroy her mind. But the rest can work.

"If I wipe her mind, then we are taking a risk since it will essentially destroy all her memories, allowing you to basically raise her as you will, though the mind wiped have been know to keep some of their previous traits. Memory altering will allow me to alter her memories to better suit our purposes, though it is not unheard of for someone to figure out and defeat the magic, returning the memory to normal. Possessing her with a demon has varied effects. If we force a demon of lust into her soul, then that might destroy her purity, but if we use a simply control demon, then she will be forced to do thing against her will as the demon takes over her body when ever we order it to.

"Thrall binds and Voodoo dolls are much the same, forcing her to do what we want against her will no matter how hard she struggles. The choice of what to do is up to you, any of these may be employed against her." Mickal was thinking at the same time though and quickly added "However....if you do not like any of these, I think I know a method that might make her love you...or at the very least feel indebted to you. But there is no guarantee that it will work."


Angy nodded and went over to help feed Serenity as Alex left. From there Alex went to his room, where he found a letter slipped under the door. The letter was written with bad hand writing and was clearly shaky, but Alex would know it all to well. It read.

"Dear Alex

MAster, I miss you so much, I can hardly live while you are away from me. Please help me, Im hurting so much, and he touches me at ever waking moment in ways only you should. Im sorry master, I disobeyed you, I tried to kill him, a human, when I should have ran like you ordered. I do not deserve your sympathy nor your saving, but please master I beg you to reconsider, my world is only you, and if you leave me, I will have no reason to live at all. Please, even if you do not love me anymore, please come to kill me. I cant take it, the constant torture even makes your harshest punishments pale in comparison. Save me master, save me father, save me alex."

Then the words changed and continued as,

"She is so sweet isnt she? She will make a find thrall. In any case, please come to the hot springs if you want to have a chance at saving her. Bring no one, tell no one."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex held the letter and his rage grew as he thought about HIS Silvia being touched by that bastard. He slipped the letter into his letter and ran off to go find the hot springs to face his first challenge. "I'm coming, Silvia!" he declared.


Hunter listened to what his fellow Saxon brother said. He found sall ideas either to cruel to preform on his Princess, or to risky if it were to go wrong. As he listened his ears perked up at hearing about this last, non-guaranteen idea. "And what is this last idea you have, Mickal? Act like a hero and save Grace from you?" he asked.