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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Flare nodded a little but then said. "He just misses the woman he loves! I think its kind of a romantic." She winked at Rain and ran down after him. Inside the Blue door was a huge, gigantically large library. Over four hundred miles of shelves with every book over written, even those never published, from full blown novels to notes people wrote down on toilet paper. "Holy cow..." Flare said as she entered. But still, there seemed to be no sign of Grace. "Hunter...calm down. If you get all angry then you cant think clearly." She said seeing him and being able to tell that he temper was wearing away.


Silvia whimpered into the gag as third dildo was shove up her bleeding rectum. She had two in her vagina as well, all rough as sand paper and nearly as hot as a cow prod. Her tears continued to flow as Alex flicked one of the weights dangling from her now pierced nipples, the golden rings that secured them there still dripping with a little blood.

Mike reached forward and kissed her gag and lips, pulling away with an evil smile. "What a slut, and I bet you want more down you? Lets see if we can even up the number of dildos in your pussy with the ones in your ass."

Mike lifted up another rough dildo and Grace shook her head desperately, hurting her arms as she did. Suddenly the door behind Mike opened. Who walked in made Mike's eyes go wide. "Impossible..." He muttered, placing the dildo down.


Alex reached for the door handle and found the door unlocked and it swung open easily. On the other side he was greeted with the sight of a large room, full from top to bottom with shelves, cabinets and desks of medical equipment and medicine. In the center was more stuff, including and operating table and a recently used defibrillator as well as some bandages.

Alex knew that one of the two, if not both, were injured, so there was little doubt his Silvia had been through here, but the room was empty now. All that remained of Silvia here were the tattered remains of her clothes. With no other doors leading anywhere else, it became painfully obvious to Alex that he had taken the wrong door.


Into the room stumbled a half conscious Grace wearing a chloroform mask that kept her in her stupor, her hands tied behind her back by a rope. She was shoved into the room by Mickal, Mikes magic counter part. Mike's could not help but stare at the drop dead beauty his friend had managed to catch.

"Where the hell did you find her?" He asked, leaving Silvia to her torment. "She was just wandering the halls." Mickal said as he brought her over to the wall and chained her up, like Silvia but not hanging and fully clothes. "Her name is Grace, she is the princess of the Angelos in my world. She had allot of value to me, so Im sorry to say I wont be sharing her with you." Mike scowled. "Fine then! But dont expect any favors from me!" He said as he picked up the dildo again and shoved it into Silvia's pussy, making her scream into the gag.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter let out an angry sigh and looked at Flare and Rain. "I will not rest, I will not stop until I find Grace. She is mine, and the gods themselves cannot stop me from having her," he growled and pushed past them, out of the libary and tried the red stariway railing. "He's just getting madder," Rain commented.


"AHHHH!" Alex screamed and slammed his fist against the wall, cracks appearing from where he had punched it and ran out back to the three doors. "Where are you?" he growled and kicked open the door on the right, and looked around for his love.
(Um, lol, Hunter just went up the Blue stair way. Whats left is Yellow and red)

Flare sighed and said "I know. Well, I suppose we should follow him. We are helping right?"


The door on the right led further down. There was a sign posted there and a thin chain like those used to make amusement park lines in his path. The Sign read "All those who travel beyond this point are surely doomed to the danger within. Lurking bellow this point will make your fate your own and your safety can not be guaranteed." The air was cold and still, and there was no light to help him see, making the stairs disappear from sight after only a few feet down. If Alex listed carefully, he could hear distant silent echos of something moving down there.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Whoops! Editted))

"I think....I just hope he doesn't try to kill us in his rage," Rain gulped.


Alex looked around and considered going back and trying the left way. The sign warned him about going downstairs, and here he was going deeper and deeper down. He heard the distant echos of something moving down in the darkness, and against beter judgement follow the echo, his senses at high alert, ready to fight back, run away, or whatever he would do...
"...Ya, lets keep our distance." Flare said, following after Hunter.

Hunter soon came to the door of the red staircase, a door which read "Mickal Xavier". Mickal was one of his own warlocks, it seemed he had been trapped in the tavern as well. Perhaps he could help Hunter find Grace. If Hunter tried to door then he would find it locked. "Should we knock?" Flare asked cautiously.


As Alex descended, light abandoned him altogether and soon he was forced to grope the walls as he kept going down the stairs into the darkness. Finally he reached the bottom, only to splash into knee high slimy warm water. The stuff stank horribly and made ever step treacherous. The air was now moist and cold, in sharp contrast with the water he was in. All was silent and the still air mage it feel like he was breathing in the same air he breathed out. Suddenly there was a splash of some sort to his right. Something was down there with him, and another splash told him it was getting closer.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex quickly gathered that this was not the place to find his lover and out of his back came four tentacles, though these four were like the classic kind, with suction cups, which he used to help him begin leaving the room, knowing something was nearing him.
Suddenly, Alex would feel something cold touch his leg, and then wrap around it quickly. In a matter of moments he would feel his left leg go numb from the touch of the slimy appendage, but with the help of his tentacles, he managed to find the stairs and escape its grip, escaping into the light once more.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex slammed the door shut and shuddered in fear and disgust. Disgusting... he thought. He then turned to the door on the left and hoped and prayed he had finally found his love. He quickly ran to it and forced the door open, and looked inside, rapidly.
The door led to another corridor, and at the end of that, another room. One Alex reached the door and opened it, he would find Silvia there, hanging by her arms in the cruel chains Mike had bound her in.,In her mouth was a large red ball gag, her nipples had been pierced with small golden rings that sported weights, and in her ass and pussy where three rough dildos, each cruelly shoved into her, vibrating at maximum power, forcing her to orgasm again and again. Also, there were white pads just over each breast, on her shoulders, back and on her stomach.

The second he entered she began to whimper until she looked up saw her master, alive and well. Tears spilled forth from her eyes with renewed vigor as she struggled a little in her bonds, happy to see him alive but at the same time wishing she had died, knowing that being like this was the last thing her master wanted to see. About ten feet over from her was an unconscious Grace, stripped down to her lacy bra and panties, chained less cruelly than Grace but still chained against the wall with her arms and legs spread.

"Hello there." Mike said with a smile as he walked out of the shadows. "I must say I am surprised to see you. I thought for sure you were dead, and the poison is pretty potent. I would have thought you would have at least been bed ridden for a few days before you could get this far." He held a trigger in his left hand.

"Before you do anything rash, you should know something, something important." He casually walked over to Silvia and cupped his hand under her chin. "Did you know that Psychic types have very very weak hearts? After years of prolonged physical activity, dear little Silvia here is just about as weak as a heart can get without dying. A small electric shock will probably turn the whole thing off." He smile and held out the trigger. "And thats where those pads come in. Take another step closer or do anything I dont like and Silvia's heart stops for the second time to today." Silvia looked up at her master with mortified eyes. She felt like the worst trash on the planet now, this was all her fault.

Mickal was nowhere to be seen.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex took slow deep breaths and glared at Mike with the hatred of a million angry mobs. He looked at Silvia, seeing her like this tore his heart, but his rage made him focus on two things. Getting Silvia back, and killing Mike. "Let...her...GO!" he ordered, barely noticing the girl. "I swear to God, I will kill you. You take my lover, you kill me, you torture my love....I will tear you apart!" he screamed, though he did not move from his spot.

((Gtg, good night Silver. I might be able to post once or twice more. MIGHT))


"Why bother?" Hunter growled and waked off to go and try the yellow stairway. As he left Rain reached forward and knocked on the door.