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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
(Lol, hard to tell, did you read your own post? Mike has never been that bad, EVER)

Mike looked back at Hinata as she was molested in her sleep and nodded. "Ah, OK. Well anyways, deleting her will mean deleting her. She wont exist, plane and simple. We can just scoop this whole mess under the rug and no one will be the wiser, the other characters will not even know who she was or remember her at all. Backing her up will back her memories and mental status up to a certain point. This one will only allow her to go back a few minutes, but hopefully far enough for her to be normal, or at least before she shattered her mind."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((.....So....Guess I lost my title of, Nicest Rapist, huh?))

"I'm not just scooping this mess under the rug. Back her up, Mike...." Alex ordered. "God...I've never been this mean to...anyone, I think. I mean....I'm nice right? I'm a good person! Then why....Why did I do it? Why did I cause her so much pain? I made her feel the greatest pain, and now...I killed her. What is wrong with me?" he asked, though he was talking more to himself then Mike.
"Dunno, power trip probably. Your not used to this much power, so you exorcised it a little to much or in the wrong way, no biggie." He then typed on the screen, his fingers flashing across its surface at an incredible speed. "And there." Sakura twitched and began to shake and tremble again. She picked up where the back up left off. "Y-You...Hate" Mike shook his head. "Sure you dont want me ti just delete her?"

(Actually maybe, lol. Not sure, I think it has to happen more than once.)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No, I don't," Alex whispered, and gently moved a hair out of her green eyes. "I love you, just give me a chance to show you that. Unlike Sauske, I will love you, and openly show you that. Unlike Naruto, I will acknowledge your beauty, and how you mature into a beautiful woman. Please, Sakura Haruno. Give me a chance to show you love, as your Master," he begged, and kissed her forehead sweetly. "I promise you, pleasure, happiness, protection, and love, if you give me the chance to be your loving Master," he whispered sweetly.

((It wasn't that bad, was it?))
Sakura twitched with each kiss and squirmed with each word, the pain still very very fresh in her mind. "No...mean words...mean man...what did I you?" She whimpered softly and closed her eyes. She was tortured, broken, naked, and covered in her own filth. Her mouth suddenly opened and she began to spill Kanoha's secrets, all of the, everything she knew and guessed. She was spewing forth all her knowledge so that the torture would end and Alex would leave her on the ground for the others to find. Afterward she would likely be retired to a mental facility were she could live out her days in a large white room with at least ten feet from any person.

Mike shook his head and said "Wow, you really pulled a number on her. I assume you didnt do the same to Hinata, she would have killed herself by now. In anycase, if there is nothing else, then Im off, I have my own Sakura to tend to." And with that he made a portal disappeared.


Mike reentered his world right where he had left and looked to see what was happening with his two new toys now.

(Dude, Iraqi terrorists use the shoots of this weird plant as a form of torture, they shove them under your finger nails. You did the same thing with nails, and so much worse! You made her drink lava and live, I literally cant imagine how much that hurts! And you made it all happen more than once!)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((.....So....bad, right?))

Mike wait! I don't want to lose Sakura! I don't want to give her back! You, you're harsh on your slaves all the time! How do you make it so they DON'T think of you as Satan!? Alex's mental voice begged as he quickly began remembering everything Sakura. "Sakura, calm down, please. Slow down, and relax, I don't want to hurt you anymore."


The two were still kissing one another, and Hinata seemed to be enjoying her role as Mistress of Sakura. The girl tried to argue back, but Hinata would just cover the pink haired girl's mouth with her own as her hands petted her, and groped her body.
(lol, yes, bad)

"Who says they dont? Who says I care? In this case you did to much, way to much, in other cases you care to much. I dont care what a slut thinks of me, as long as she obeys me. If she bores me, I discard her, they are all just data after all."

Sakura stopped but flinched as she did, expecting pain at any moment. "Please stop, no more..." She begged softly, curling up as best she could. "You have...d-done so much...I dont...I...I..." Sakura broke off from her sentence to let out wail of sorrow and pain before falling limp, completely exhausted, escaping the world of the waking to gain some kind of peace in her mind.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at Sakura before sighing and lifting her up in his arms, bridal style. He then began walking back to his clones and Sakura, and look for Hinata, wondering if seeing a friendly face would help Sakura.

Wow....You see, this is why people think I'm the nice one. They compare me to you.
"I know. Oh and dont forget to clean her up! I cant imagine her getting better while covered in her own waste."

Sakura remained unconscious the entire time, her body twitching randomly throughout it all. She was going to need a specialized touch to be a good sevant, but she was scarred for life, that much was certain.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Sorry for leaving without telling you. I fell asleep))

Alex nodded, and brought her over to the ocean, and sat down. In a puff of smoke a soft, wet rag appeared in his hand, and he used it to begin cleaning Sakura's body. He was careful to get all of the dirt, waste, and such of off her and as he did he looked around for Hinata, hoping she was awake now so she could help him calm Sakura down. He also hoped she did not faint, again.