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Bleach: Last Stand.
"Thank you Kisuke" she says popping the pill into her mouth and downing it without the aid of any water. She sighed and shook her green haired head "no any recent problems, but it is still a nuisance despite the power that is provided by it" she turns to look at the shop owner. "This kid reminds me of you when you were a kid Kisuke, so disrespectful."
That was when Kentanka's body gave out, and with a gross, but really loud screech, the bug's body ripped apart into a really big blast, its body parts flew everywhere, covering Hyouzen and Vook in the sticky hollow blood, but the large white blob made of goo continued floating where Kentanka had been.

In a matter of seconds, the white blob transmogrified into the shape of a human teenager, contrary to Proto's former appearance of a child. The Arrancar's form, despite its new height and bodily proportions, was exactly the same as before. The new Proto floated down and set his eyes on Hyouzen, and immediately bowed in respect, his eyes closed. Not many moments afterwards, they opened, and the new Proto whisked away with a sonido that was apparently much faster than before.

(Other Building)

Out of nowhere, a hand appeared and grabbed Mindy by her neck, lifting her off the ground as the teenager Proto appeared in-between her and Rei. "Your loyalty belongs to Hyouzen-sama. By abandoning him in battle you have disgraced him." He said, his voice sounding slightly deeper than before, but still with that ominous air about it, his other arm reared back, dispersing and transforming into the blade of his katana, Anaboko, which pointed in-between Mindy's eyes. "If you do not submit and accept the lord's punishments, expect your life to be extinguished in this moment." He threatened.

(Secret Passage)

"Rawr!" Lizzy cheered, her cheeks crimsoning as she noticed Shadow's blush. "Snowball-san likes me!" she said proudly to herself, gingerly walking behind the Captain and the strange Vizard while humming.

He slowed his pace to walk besides Shadow, "By the way, you said your Vice-Captain was injured. Has the struggle between the afraid Hollows come to Soul Society as well?" He asked.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"There was, kaff, nothing I could do there," Mindy gasped a bit for air, "That, thing was too strong, if I didn't leave I would've been killed too." she tried to explain, hoping to avoid punishment.


"No, her pride just got the better of her, she was injured slightly in a battle and instead of resting went to hueco mundo to prove herself." Shadow groaned, "She is skilled, just not as much as she'd like to think."


Katt relaxed a bit, "Apologies, there's been a few skirmishes with the hollows and arcanarr recently."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hah! I knew it!" Vook smiled, though slightly disgusted at all the blood on her body, her wings flapping a bit more, the dragoness shaking her body a bit in an attempt to shake off the warm liquid. "I knew that overgrown cockroach couldn't beat you!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Hyouzen remained silent for a moment, not feeling the same elation Vook was experiencing. We were nearly massacred...and to top things off, one of us retreated. ......Aizen...are you laughing? Well, laugh while you can! He tried not to focus on the negative though, his muzzle curling into a slight smile as he told Vook, "Yes, Proto was quite amazing..." He used his water powers to gently wash the blood off of their bodies, purifying them of the disuto's life fluids. " did good as well, Lady Vook." He looked towards the warehouse door, now wide open and free of the disuto's barrier. "Lets get out of here. I have the feeling Proto is looking for the rest of our team."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"We're nothing alike!" Salem an Urahara yelled in unison, frowning at each soon after, "Speaking of hollows...has anything developed with Rei yet?" Urahara asked with a suddenly serious.

"Nothing new, I sensed small shift in her power a few days ago...but it only lasted a moment..." the Vice-captain replied, looking very concerned as he rose to leave "Thank you for the help Uncle Kisuke, we have to go before anyone notice Katt-hime is gone. And it was a pleasure to meet Ayame-chan." Salem said bowing before he set off.

Rei gasped and quickly hobbled to Proto "Wait! Pleas don't hurt her! She didn't do anything wrong, and she saved me!" sh pleaded hoping her words got through to the new teen.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Oi... hold up" the woman says, standing and strapping her sword to her back. "I got nothing else to do, mind if i tag along?" she asks, smiling and winking at Urahara and giving him a small hug and peck on the cheek "Thank you for the pills, i'll be back in time though, make sure you got some more ready for me ok?" she says moveing to look at Salem and Katt.
OOC: Oops, sorry it took me so long to post, I'm currently having some problems, by the way Crimson, you forgot about Trent.


Rina grabbed three new devices, placing two on her right arm and approched Kazan "Here you go Kazan" Then she gave the last one to him "There's three left, we should find the other captains and distribute the remaining devices"

"That's true, we should inform of the situation to the other captains, we'll need to be prepared for the worse, any idea where could they be?" Naibu asked.

"Dunno, but if Kazan couldn't find them, maybe they aren't in soul society anymore, they're probably in the human world" The feline woman answered.

"Ok, I'll go look for them in the human world, you stay here and search Souls Society once more, if you find them send me a hell butterfly" Using shunpo, Naibu banished from the room.

"Ok, should we get to work?" She said to Kazan as she winked at him.
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OOC: You're right, thanks.

After receiving a device of his own, Trent told the feline, "Thank you, Rina. I believe I'll help Captain Naibu search the human world to cover more ground." The gray gryphon then set up his own portal to the other world, wondering if the remaining captains really were hiding in human's domain.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Proto prepared to impale the coward, but Rei's words made him hesitate as he felt the reiatsu of Hyouzen starting to move. He would not like a messy floor were he to find him like this. The arrancar's arm turned back to normal and he dropped Mindy back to the floor, "Wait for Hyouzen-sama here, or else..." he turned to his side to focus, although from the corner of his cold, red eyes he kept watching both the Quincy and the other Arrancar.


"Hueco Mundo..." The large individual muttered, "It has been too many centuries since I heard of it..." he grunted, the light of the exit making him put his arm up to repel some of it. "We are outside, it seems."

"Ooooh! We're out, yay!" Lizzy said, speeding through Shadow and the large vizard as she jumped and bounced eagerly in front of them, "So now what? Do we get to see a magic trick?!" she giggled, a big smile on her face.

(1st Squad's Halls)

"Work... right." Kazan said, grabbing the small device and making sure to put it aside in one of his pockets in his hakama as he stood up, "Where should we go next, Captain?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad