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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Sakura shut her eyes tightly as she was kissed and bit his tongue or lips as soon as she got the chance. er strength was sapped but she could still move her mouth and so the bite would be quite painful.


Hinata did now answer, she only blushed harder and hid her face again. Did she really have to answer all that? Did she really have to do all this? She moaned softly as she felt another hand squeeze her butt and curled up a little tighter.


"No worse than anything I did to you." Mike said releasing Hinata and healing Sakura. "There, all better. Now then." HE placed a gag in Sakura's mouth then and then placed one on Hinata's lips. "IF you say a thing to her, then this gag will NEVER leave your mouth! Do you understand?!" He asked harshly.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex pulled back and glared at Sakura before he grabbed her and jumped on top of the metal giant's shoulder. "Next time you see her, she'll be just like Hinata!" he stated as he, Sakura the metal giant, and his clone disappeared in a huge puff of smoke.

When they reappeared, they were back home, though the iron giant was gone. Alex saw two of his clones speaking to Hinata and smiled, and laid Sakura on the gronud before three other clones before the orignal walked over to Hinata. "Hello, my dear. I see you're awake."

"There he is! Now's your chance," one clone whispered. "Greet him and give him a nice, long, hot french kiss! You can do it, Hinata!"


Hinata gulped and quickly nodded her head rapidly. "Yes, nothing, I'll say nothing, Master," she whimpered.
Hinata blushed hard and walked up to her master timidly, though she stopped when she noticed Sakura. Then her blush enveloped her whole head and with a small gasp she passed out. Hinata was very delicate mentally, they had to be tender with her or this would happen often.

Sakura simply heard her fall and growled. "I wont break." She yelled as she tried her best to heal herself and become free of the paralysis. If she got free then she would be hard to contain.


"Good then straddle her now and kiss her through her gag until she wake up." Mike commanded, backing up into the shadows.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The three clones watching over her knew better than to leave her like this and in two puffs of smoke, two of them held something to help prevent Sakura from freeing herself. One had a pair of large hand cuffs that covered the entire hands tightly, which he placed on to Sakura's hands. Another placed similar hands cuffs on her legs, preventing her with running of kick. The last began moving his fingers in, before placing both hands on her ass and squeezing her butt.

While this doubled a sexual act, it was really to lock her chakra down at a low level, which was symbolized by a a black tattoo appearing on her buttcheeks, much like the ones Hinata had on her ass.

"...Hinata?" Alex asked. "Sigh. Someone put her where she can rest. Tell me when she wakes up," he said, and a clone picked Hinata up and brought her to a nice hammock they had made between two trees, placing her on it, and gently petting her body, groping her tits and kissing her lips. "And now Sakura....We deal with you. Break you, and mold you, until you love me like Hinata does."


"W-what?" Hinata cried, but quickly caught herself. "Y....yes, Master," she cried, and walked over to Hinata. She gulped before reaching closer and gently cupping her face into her hands and kissed her lips.
Sakura struggled as best she could but with the cuffs and her strength being drained from her, she was soon exhausted and reduced to glaring at Alex as she waited for him to do his worst. "Im not as weak as Hinata! I wont break no matter what! You will all pay for this!" she growled.


"Good good, now straddle her and keep kissing until she wake up." Mike commanded. "the real fun happens then." He waited in the shadows for Hinata to follow his orders and for Sakura to wake up.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Sakura was repain with a harsh slap as Alex seemed to change. "You have no idea, what I can do. Most would see me as a nice guy. Woo the girl to love you, treat her with kindess, show her love. I won't do that with you. For you, you will see my hate, my fury, my rage. Now....Tell me who is your Master?" Alex asked. If she said he was, then he would kiss her lips.

If she refused him as her Master in any way, which was very likely, he would put out a kunai and suddenly stab her in her gut, missing her vital organs, but causing great pain.


"Yes, Master," Hinata's heartbraking voice replied, and began kissing Sakura again, straddiling her obdy. With a gasp, the pink haired girl's eyes opened and the shy slave pulled back ."H-Hinata!? What are you doing!? Where am I!? What's going on!?"
Sakura spat at him and in return received a kunai to the gut. She screamed in pain and bit her lip, but she could tell it was not fatal. "S-So..this is how your going to try to break me? Pain?" she laughed bitterly. "Do your worst you pigheaded disgusting excuse for a ninja!"


"Good." Mike said into Hinata's head. "Now kiss her once more and began to undress her, there is a kunai on the bed, use it to help. Dont say anything."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex slapped her yet again, and kissed her lips. He then healed the wound before moving to her fingers. "Who is your Master?" he asked, and if Sakura disobyed him again, he stabbed her once more, missing vital organs, but causing much pain. "Such a nice body you have, Sakura," he said and with a cut of the blade, ripped off all of Sakura's clothes, and healing the wound. "I'll make sure to show your village your naked body when I fuck you like I did, Hinata."

As he tortured her, a mental wave went out. Mike could feel a dark chill, though whether he knew of Alex's much darker side, was unknown.


Hinata did as she was told and took the kunai. She kissed Sakura again, and though she would not want to admit, she liked kissing a girl. "H-Hinata...What are you doing!?" Sakura struggled, as Hinata began cutting her clothes off, and her voice was silenced with another kiss.
Sakura cried out as the blade sank into her yet again, but held herself steady. This type of torture was not uncommon in their world, repeated wounds, healing and then more wounds. Sakura felt the cold air on her body and shivered, even with her eyes closed she knew she was naked. Alex's words confirmed this.

"You sick...bastard." She spat weakly, her chakra all but gone and her abdomen in more than a little pain. "You think this will break me? Ha! I am the apprentice of the Hokage, I will not let her down!" She struggled a little to show him her will still burned brightly, though she knew she would never escape without help.


Mike laughed to himself and continued to order her. "Very good, now that she is in her underwear alone, stop cutting and tell her you have always dreamed of making love to her like this. Tell her that you have spent many lonely nights masturbating about her, her pink hair and small perky breasts." Mike thought for a moment more and then added "And also, as you do, behind rubbing your pussy and breasts."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hmm....So that is how you want to play, huh? Very well. Perhaps more extreme measures are to be taken..." Alex smiled, and suddenly began making hand motions. "I call this the Pain of Eternity Jutsu. It has a relative Jutsu, the Pleasure of Eternity Jutsu. That's what I used to make Hinata mine. The Pleasure of Eternity Jutsu gives who ever it hits amazing sexual pleasure, while the Pain of Eternity...causes the worst pain possible, times a billion!" he yelled as he finished his hands signals.

That's when Sakura could feel it. Hands reaching into her stomach, and ripping her flesh open, knives cutting away at her limbs slowly, not killing her, but causing pain. Sharp needles digging into her eye balls, her every hair plucked out, her tongue being impaled by a needle, nails being shot into her every toe, every finger, her nails being plucked off, her mouth forced open and every teeth being ripped out as her tongue was then slowly cut off, her clit bitten by a mad beast, before being ripped off, and a large katana being stuffed into her pussy, kiling her insides as a large club with spikes was forced up her ass, tearing at her insides. Then to finish it all up, she felt a burning hot lava being poured into her throat, it burned her organs, but yet she lived. Even when it all ended, she lived.

Even when it all ended, and she realized all of it was in her head, but felt so real. Even when she felt it happen all over again.

((Wow....Normally I'd feel guilty for being so mean, but....nope. Nothing.

Alex: So, how do you like that? Who says I'm not a true rapist?))


Hinata did as she was told and stopped cutting. "I have always dreamed of this, Sakura," Hinata whispered, and kissed her once more. "Making love to you, not Naruto. So many nights I was alone, fingering myself as I thought of you. Your pink hair, your small beautiful tits," she whispered and rubbed her own breasts and clit before Sakura.

"Hinata...What's gotten into you?! You're crazy!" Sakura screamed in fear and continued to struggle. "Please, stop this madness! I won't tell anyone if you just free me now!"