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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Hinata did not say anything for awhile, blushing to hard to speak. She knew what she wanted to say and what she should say, and hesitantly, she chose. "I love being master's slave." She said silently. "I was never with Naruto...he never noticed me." Her eyes filled with tears and she began to shake a little as she held back her sobs.


Sakura went down in the first punch, but just as the others came out to retrieve her, she disappeared into a puff of smoke. Before anyone could yell "Trap!" or "Ambush!" Narutos were everywhere, many holding rasagains. At the same time the ground was blasted open as Sakura, the real sakure, entered the fight. Kakashi was there as well and in the moment of surprise they were all torn to pieces, leaving only the original and two other clones. Sakura and Kakashi then turned into Naruto's, helping to add to the confusion. They aimed to capture Alex and force the location of Hinata out of him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well....this plan is a load of crap," oner clone commented. "Any ideas now, boss?"

"I always have a plan....Hold them off, and it should work well," Alex said.

"We give our lives to you," the other clone said, before turning to the army of Narutos and made a hand gesture. Suddenly a large white fog covered the battlefield, making vision almost impossible. "Let's go," he said, and the three moved to fight back this army as long as they could, kunais drawn.


"Aw don't cry!" one clone said. He then hugged her and kissed her forehead. "I know how we can make you feel better, little one. You remember the pleasure Master gave you? We can give it to you two. Plus, there's more of us here, so even more pleasure. We can teach you how to really please a man, Hinata. How does that sound?"
The battle was intense but did not last long. Alex was very powerful with jutsu but he was not an actual ninja and was out skilled and overpowered very quickly but the Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi combination. Soon only the original remained and he was surrounded. Kakashi appeared in a puff of smoke, his sharingan exposed and said "This is the original. Take him alive, we need to interrogate him to find Hinata." The senor ninja said as the other Naruto's closed in.


Hinata suddenly blushed very hard, so hard it seemed that she might pass out and shook her head softly. "N-Not right now please...I just...I just finished. Im still sore." Her voice was very soft and timid as it always was and her body was warm and soft as it was embraced by the clone. She then laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes. "Can we...j-just stay like this?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked around and then down, staring at his own dead body. Seeing himself, his own blood, his corpse laying on the ground...was disturbing. "Did it hurt? Seeing Hinata Hyuuga like that? She was begging for me to fuck her. She was such a whore. She was tight two, and her tits...Don't get me started on them, they're huge!" he laughed. "She'll make a good wife, and an even better slut and slave," he said to the Narutos and Kakashi, his smile never leaving. "What it must have felt like to see someone like Hinata acting like such a slut..."


"Yeah, leave her alone!" the clone that held her ordered. "Fine, fine," the other said, walking off. "Keep eating, Hinata," the other clone said, motioning at the fruit. "It will build your strength up."

As Hinata ate, she would occasionaly feel the clone feeling her ass, or groping her large tits. She would also feel kisses on her neck and cheek as he hugged and cuddled up to her. "So...How did that feel Hinata? Master fucking you I mean. Good?"
Mike watched as Sakura and the others arrived at the tower. She was a bit scratched up, but nothing a little jutsu would not fix. He picked his timing carefully, he didnt want to have to kill the main characters yet. With a flash of his hands he copies Kabuto's sleeping jutsu and allowed it to pour over all three of them. With any luck they would all pass out and Sakura would be his without breaking a sweat.


The only answer Alex got was a cry or rage from Naruto as a Rasengain flew towards his chest. Even as he did that, Sakura in Naruto form was running up behind him, if he dodged then she would fallow and catch him where he superior strength would hold him down.


Hinata moaned softly and whimpered as she was felt up and groped. When the question came she blushed hard and nodded softly. "Yes." She said timidly, taking another small bite out of the fruit. "Very good." she blushed hard and buried her face in the clones chest, cutely, trying to hide her shame.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((i'll be on and off for an hour or so))
"You shouldn't feel shame! You were beautiful! You ARE beautiful," the clone said, groping and feeling Hinata's body. "Though, that blush of yours is too cute," he said, and moved so he and Hinata were face to face. "You look cute when you blush," he stated, and looked at her body. "Mmmm....Your body is sexy, cute, and amazing...Would you be willing to give me a kiss, Hinata?" the clone asked.


Mike's plan worked, and the three fell to the ground with out a problem, leaving Sakura as easy picking.


Naruto's attack hit, and Alex flew back, and crashed down to the ground. He groaned a bit as Sakura grabbed hold of him, and by copying the sharigan, he saw this was the real Sakura. "Perfect," he smiled as a large metal foot stomped on the ground, crushing some Naruto clones. There, on top of the clone, stood a clone of Alex, the one who had gone to the village earlier and did the jutsu that allowed the village to see Hinata. "I came as soon as I saw the mist sir!" he yelled as the metal giant he had summonded, unleashed lava from its burning body.

"Sakura, either come with me or I let my clone and metal friend wreck havoc on your village and friends."
(OKdoky, tell me when you are leaving))

Hinata blushed a little harder but nodded and gave him a small kiss on the lips. "I-IS that good?" She asked timidly.


Mike laughed and jumped down to pick up Sakura. He then took her back to where he had Hinata leashed. "Hello cute slave, I brought you a new friend." he said as he laid Sakura down on the bed and then proceeded to heal her scrapes and bruises. He then tied her to the bed posts so that she was like Hinata had been and untied Hinata. "You know that there is nothing but pain if you try to escape right?" He asked her, holding her by her right nipple.


Sakura tightened her grip on his and his back began to strain. "Or I could crush you and undo all your clones." She said, though she did not want to kill him if she did not have to. "You have three seconds to make that thing go away or your spine snaps like a twig!" She warned, starting the countdown. Her lock was tough and hard to escape from for people who were into martial arts and had trained for years. The chances of Alex escaping before she made good on her threat were slim.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex had an idea to counter this problem. He created a jutsu. Usuing his strength, he made a short series of hand gestures, and suddenly the pink haired woman would have felt small spikes hit her hand, not enough big or sharp to cause much bleeding, but enough that Sakura would feel a sharp pain, and soon paralization. "I always have a plan," he said as his clone and the metal giant destroyed a nearby house, and attacked the Naruto army.


"Mmmm....Yes, very good," the clone grinned. "But we can do better! Do you know how to french kiss? Its where we kiss, and your tongue massages mine. TRy doing that with me, now."
"Shit..." Sakura cursed as she was paralyzed. She watched as the situation unfolded and knew she had lost. "Please, you can take me, just leave my village in peace, deal?" She asked, fighting to regain some control.


Hinata flinched away as he suddenly spoke loudly about french kissing. "I...I know what it is...but.." she blushed hard. "I...I..." she could not bring herself to say it, she was to shy, she was far to shy.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex freed himself from the paralyze girl and smiled. "You have my word," he said, before suddenly kissing Sakura's lips, his hands wrapping around Sakura, one hand on her ass, and the other on the back of her head, his fingers going through her hair. If any of the Narutos or Kakashi, or anyone tried to stop Alex from doing so, the iron giant would hit them aside.


"Hinata, if you can't get the courage to kiss a man, can you get enoguh courage to make love to Master?" the clone asked.


"Y-yes," Hinata whimpered. "I-is she okay?" Hinata whimpered, pointing at Sakura. "What did you do to her?"