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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Border Forest)

Just as Dusk had said, a dirt path winded its way to the north, skirting around the trees that were no longer dense. As they traveled, the scenery didn't change much--dark green foliage, moist soil on the ground, a creek here or there, and many towering trees that blocked out most of the sunlight with their expansive canopies.

When the sun was beginning to hide behind the horizon, the trees along the path began to get scarce. The forest's end was fast approaching. However, a scream rang out through the forest. It was the scream of a little boy...

(Castle Courtyard)

"Well, I'd like to know the reason too, so when you research, invite me along, okay?" Ardeal said.

The brother and sister continued their stroll until they found themselves at the iron gate protecting the entrance to the castle. It was sealed shut just in case of an attack.

"Oh man," Solia said disappointedly. "Seems like we can't leave now. That's too bad..."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

Once her claw feets touches the moist soil, the dragoness avoid it by jumping on the tree branch and leapt to another branches, so it would not reduce her pace as well as her energy.

In instant, Mika coil her scaly tail and clamp her claws on tree branch before finally stopped, as she heard the scream echoed through the forest. "Hey, you guys...I think I've heard something..." Mika speaks telepathically.

(Castle Courtyard)

In the meantime, a female cream-colored wolf with long black hair tied in ponytail and nicely dressed, wandering around not too far from the iron gate, seeming lile looking for a food.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

Dusk landed on the ground with a thump and quicky drew his sword. "Yeah, I heard it, too. And right when I was thinking we were gonna escape with no trouble."

"Somebody help me!!" the little boy's scream growing louder.

Ariadne landed on the ground too. "We need to help," she said defiantly.

"Ariadne, that is reckless," Dusk scolded. "We don't know what we're up against here and we're not familiar with the territory."

The screams stopped and the sound of something running in their direction was now evident.

(Castle Courtyard)

Ardeal was about to turn around to go back into the castle when he spotted movement outside of the gate. "Solia, flee, now," he commanded as he drew his sword.

Solia took out her staff. "I'm not leaving you to fight on your own, brother."

Ardeal thought for a second. "Vault me over the gate with magic, Solia."

"Leave it to me--Magnus Ventus!"

A gust of wind blasted Ardeal into the air and clear over the iron gate. He looked around observantly, and that's when he discovered the female wolf. She didn't seem like too much of a threat, so he sheathed his sword, but he still kept his distance.

"Can I help you with something?" he called out to the intruder.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"I have to lend a help..." By ignoring Dusk, she change her direction and leapt to the groun, running towards the source of the scream before it disappeared. She reduce her pace as she could heard another sound approaches them, but cautious at the same time for any incoming attack or some sorts of danger. "Uhmm...hello~~~~? Is there anybody there~~~??" The dragoness called, hoping some positive replies.

(Castle Courtyard)

The female wolf's ears perked up as heard Ardeal's voice, and sowly facing to him with a gentle smile. Based on her appearance, it almost as same with Faiz, but the differentiate is she only have one tail and her eyes is bright yellow. "...Uhmm..nothing...I'm searching for some food to eat..." She said softly.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

The running stopped. A little further into the forest, a deep growling could be heard.

"What are you doing, Mika?!" Dusk exclaimed as he joined her, sword at the ready. "That was really reckless of you. I was planning on helping. I just had to make sure we were all in agreement and knew the circumstances.

The growling grew louder. Twigs snapped. The thing was probably only a few feet away. Eventually, something showed itself. It was a massive wolf--but it was different. On its head was a single glowing silver horn that was juxtaposed in comparison to the rest of his body. His fur was a disgusting brown color and mangy and his eyes were savage and bloodshot. He had large fangs and even larger claws and he looked as if he could shred anyone in a matter of seconds.

But what caught Dusk's attention was the body of a little boy clutching on to a rope that was wrapped around the wolf's back leg.

"Well, that must be where our scream came from," Dusk whispered. "He looks unconscious."

(Castle Courtyard)

"Wow, you're not much of a threat at all, are you?" Ardeal asked rhetorically. "We've got food inside the castle if you would like some. You'll probably have to meet with our leader, but that shouldn't be a problem."

Solia observed the situation like a hawk. If things got bad, one good spell could turn the tables...
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"Shhh...Put your swords back..." Mika said as showing a stop sign to Dusk, while looking to the dirty-looking wolf and the little boy tied on the wolf's back leg. She approaches slowly, and stopped at safe distance before kneeling down and communicate in feline language.

"We're not a threat...We're the travelers..." She bows head and lend her right claw to the big wolf, smiling gently. "We stooped once we heard the scream of a little boy calling for help...and it seems the little boy on the back of your leg unconscious...If you see us as a threat, growl loudly so we can back off and leaves..." She said in feline language as polite as she could, waiting for an answer.

(Castle Courtyard)

The female wolf shooks head gently. "Thank you...but I have gather enough foods for a dinner..." She said as showing Ardeal a half-full of gray-colored wild plants and fruits. "I live in a small home in Lunatio Village, and always went here searching for a food..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

Dusk put away his weapon, but kept his muscles tense in case he needed to act fast.

The wolf howled into the sky and twitched his back leg in an effort to get the rope untangled. However, the rope remained no matter how hard he tried. Every time he tried, the unconscious boy's body would get smacked against the ground.

(Castle Courtyard)

"Lunatio?" Ardeal said curiously. "I thought that place was abandoned or something..." He also couldn't help but think how unappetizing her food collection looked. Where did she find that stuff? Nothing grows around here...
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

Mika grifted her teeth as looking at the wolf howling in pain as well as the unconscious boy's body hitting the ground. Without thinking even longer, she approaches and went to the wolf's back leg and use her teeth to cut the rope. In a matter of second, she finally getting rid of the annoying rope and release the young boy and the wolf. "There you go..." The dragoness gently lifts the young boy, rubbing his forehead.

"...You'll be fine, young boy..." Mika whispers, putting both claws on his forehead and belly before chanting a healing spell; a faint green glow appear around the young boy's body. All the wounds, cuts and scratches slowly healed and vanished, while waiting for the young boy to open his eyes before she ends the spell.

(Castle Courtyard)

"...I know it's abandoned...but I'm still living there...This is because I don't have anywhere to go...." The female wolf replied softly. "Don't worry about this food...I'm possessing some magic to turn this not-so-good looking fruits and veges into an edible we usually find at the fresh market..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

The horned wolf howled into the sky again, but it seemed like a much happier howl than the last. It licked Mika on the cheek with its large tongue and ran off in the direction it came.

Dusk sighed. "Geez, your bold..." he murmured.

The little boy began opening his eyes. He became frightened quickly and jumped away from Mika with astonishing speed. In an instant, he produced a sharp dagger from his belt. His features were similar to the Restocasian guards they had met earlier that day.

"So, are you guys bandits?" the boy asked defiantly. "And where'd that wolf go?! Don't tell me that you stole my prey!!"

(Castle Courtyard)

"You know magic, eh?" Ardeal asked inquisitively. "Magic is definitely not my forte. My sister knows magic, too."

Solia was wondering what was going on from the other side of the gate. She cast her wind spell again so that she, too, would be vaulted over the gate. She landed gracefully beside her brother.

"I was wondering what was taking so long," Solia said angrily. She then noticed the female wolf. "Hey, is that the intruder? That can't be right. I was expecting a buff soldier who could rip this gate apart or something. She seems harmless."

"Apparently, she lives in Lunatio," Ardeal whispered to Solia.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

The dragoness smiles and giggles as the wolf licks her cheek. "Your welcome, and I'm glad to see you in good mood..." Mika said in feline language, seeing the wolf leaves them and disappear in the magic forest.

In the meantime, once the boy had finally wakes up and threatens her, Mika abort the spell and slowly stood up, looking to the boy with a warm smile. "The wolf has returned from where he came from...and if you think us stole the wolf, you could see him sitting near us..."

She explained before turning around, facing to the other direction. "...If we're the bandits...we should ignore your scream at the first place and leaving you being tied at the wolf's back leg...until your body rotten or even worse, being eaten by another horned wolf...."

(Castle Courtyard)

"Yes...I do know some of it...And the restoration magic is my secondary ability after lightning..." The wolf said, seeing another girl in robes appear and went closer besides Ardeal. "Is that...your sister, young man...?"

Solia was wondering what was going on from the other side of the gate. She cast her wind spell again so that she, too, would be vaulted over the gate. She landed gracefully beside her brother.

"I was wondering what was taking so long," Solia said angrily. She then noticed the female wolf. "Hey, is that the intruder? That can't be right. I was expecting a buff soldier who could rip this gate apart or something. She seems harmless."

"Apparently, she lives in Lunatio," Ardeal whispered to Solia.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds