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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Border Forest)

Ariadne sighed and frowned. "But this is the only way we have at the moment."

"Yeah, and there aren't that many monsters through here," Dusk chimed in. "And the density? That's just an illusion. Once we step inside, you'll see that the trees are spaced far more apart."

Ariadne became curious. "Really? Is the forest magical?"

"No, but it does house magical secrets inside," Dusk explained. "The Restocasians created this illusion to make the forest appear to be impassable. It's called the Border Forest because it is said to be the border between reality and fantasy." Yes. Dusk may suck in geography, but myths and legends were his specialty.


After a few minutes of awkward silence, Aussa came back into the room slowly. He sighed. "There's nothing to be afraid of at the moment. The castle isn't under attack."

Both Ardeal and Solia gave sighs of relief.

"But that tremble we felt just a few minutes ago? That was the queen destroying her own castle in Monarch's Valley. Rumor has it that she did it single-handedly with a single spell."

Solia gasped. "And she's coming here?"

Aussa nodded. "Masquerade is thinking of an emergency evacuation plan if the worse happens. If the worse does happen, I'm afraid I won't be joining you on your quest. I will remain here to distract the queen so that you three can escape..."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"Well, we can't confirm it now until we experience it ourselves..." Mika smiled as stepped forward into Border Forest while looking around. "...And what would happen to us if this magical forest distract us and even worse...makes us went lost..?" She asked.


Faiz shooks his head as slowly stood up, approaching Aussa. "...I would not leaving you and Masquerade back then..." He paused for a moment before continued. "...My princple is simple...I would not leave my friends fighting even though they forced me to go away and save myself...I'm willing to sacrifice my life just to save people from evil power..That's the sister and I able to survive for merely more than 10 suffering years..."

He gently place both paws on Aussa's shoulder, looking directly into his eyes. "If you still insist...kill me I won't have a sense of guilt for the rest of my life..." He said softly.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

Dusk pondered everything for a moment. "Well, we could skirt around the edge of the forest, but we won't arrive at Shimmering Mountain until tomorrow, which now seems like an inevitability." He looked up into the sky. The sun was already beginning its descent.

"So, we should go around the forest, then?" Ariadne asked.

"I still say it's a bad idea," Dusk continued to press the matter. "If we run into any Restocasian scouts on our trip around the forest, we won't be let go so easily. They've warned us once. Not to mention that going around the forest will cause us to have to go in a more western direction than a northern one, which is something Masquerade urged us to avoid."

"So, either way is dangerous, right?" Ariadne asked once again. "I rather just go back to the castle. I don't want get lost in the forest, but I don't want to get caught by the Restocasians either."


Aussa glared fiercely into Faiz's eyes, a fire burning in his own. "Are you listening to yourself?! If you feel guilt after we battled so hard for your sake, your lover's sake, your sister's sake, and the sake of humanity, you make our sacrifice disgraceful. Instead of being sad, take action. If there is time for regret, than there is time for action. Don't regret our sacrifices if it comes to that, but instead, push forward. Regret only helps yourself, but action can help everyone. And we are counting on you and your friends to carry forth that action in the name of the Rebellion Force and all who gave their lives for such a noble cause--a cause focused on saving everyone on Dalmaschior. Their sacrifices are nothing to be guilty about--they should be honored for it. Never forget them, and never forget us. That is all that must be done."

Ardeal and Solia listened calmly as Aussa gave his long speech.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"Masquerade said we should go north and not to other direction." Mika said, looking to Ariadne before smiling. "Don't worry about it...I will protect you...We're not alone, so there's nothing to be scared of...If we return back to castle, it means Masquerade's mission to get rid of the mysterious man are failed..." She added. "I also don't want to get caught or lost, but there's no turning back...We should proceed with the mission..."


"...I am listening to myself...and I really wish my sister could listen to this and guide me..." Faiz replied before walking towards the door and stopped. "...I'm sorry from what I've said...and I pull back my words...I guess I'm still not getting a proper rest since yesterday..."

With his ears lowered down, he let out a soft sigh and looking back to the trio. "...Aussa, thanks for your guide...I'll try to think about it..." Then, he leaves the infirmary and walk through the passage to the turret so he can have a proper rest while breathing a fresh air.

(Castle - Unoccupied Turret)

Once there, he collapsed onto the floor and leaning against the wall, slowly coil his tails on both feet and curled up like a ball to warm himself up and slowly fell asleep. All his senses including sharp hearing and dark power sensing were no longer active because of he's not getting a proper rest, until he wakes up by his own.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

"Yes, we must proceed at all costs," Dusk said dutifully. "How about this? I'll step into the forest really quick--I won't go too far, and then come right back? That way, I'll be able to tell if the legend is true or not. I'm telling you two that this is only an illusion."

Ariadne nodded in agreement. "I trust you, Dusk. But you better come right back out or I'm coming in for you--to kill you, of course."

Dusk shrugged his shoulders. "Fine with me. Mika? Any objections? This really is the only safest way..."


Aussa frowned and collapsed on the floor, landing on his knees. Both Ardeal and Solia leapt into action and were by Aussa's side in a moment's notice.

"I hope he does understand that I plan to leave with you all," Aussa whispered. "Masquerade does not wish for me to perish. Heh heh. 'Thus, prepare to perish, for it is inevitable.' That's what I fought back at him with. I told him that I'd be gone sooner or later and I rather die gloriously."

"Don't say that," Solia reassured him. "You're not going to be dying at all because you're coming with us whether you like it or not--although I have no idea where we are going..."

Ardeal looked at her. "Oops. I'll divulge the details later. But Solia's right. We'll drag you from the castle if we have to."

Aussa smiled and managed to stand up again. "It feels nice to have friends," he said and walked out of the infirmary calmly.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

"Hmm...Let's see..."Mika thoughts for a while to come up a certain timing for Dusk to make a testing. "No objections...but I give you about 5 minutes to check..." The dragoness smiled as showin her five claws to Dusk. "If you didn't show up after that, well, we have to proceed by using your scent and senses as a guide..."

(Castle - Unoccupied Turret)

In the meantime, the cream two-tailed wolf sleeping quietly with all his senses has been 'shutting down' temporarily until he recovers and wake up by his own. Yesterday is very tiring day for him; two rough battles in one day. He depends on his sister too much lately, especially in healing and didn't have enough natural rest for so many years, which is normally take more than half day to fully recovered. But since Mika went out for a duty with Dusk and Ariadne, he have to be independent and follows any commands from RF leaders.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

Dusk nodded and walked into the woods. As he continued to walk, he felt like he couldn't continue on. The trees were just too thick, but as he pushed his way through, the trees began to thin out and a path became visible leading north. Excited by his discovery, he exited the woods.

"Well?" Ariadne asked impatiently.

Dusk smirked. "It's just as I said. The trees thin out farther in. There's even a path for us to follow along."


Solia sighed sadly. "I wish everyone wasn't so sure that they were gonna die. I think even just a little bit of optimism could give them the boost they need to succeed."

Ardeal nodded his head. "I agree, sister. But for now, we'll just have to let things be. Shall we go outside for some fresh air?"

Solia nodded cutely and they both left the infirmary to go outside.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

The dragoness wait for Dusk to return back, and surprisingly it does not take more than 5 minutes for him to return.

"Sweet!" Mika cheered. "We should continue walking and break through the other side of Border Forest before the day turns dark." She paused before continue. "...Or if you decide to sleep in the forest, I'm fine with it..."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Border Forest)

"I'm not afraid like our dear princess, here," Dusk said, "but I rather not stay the night in the forest. So, let's get a move on." He took off into the woods on his shadow cloud.

"Yeah, let's just get right through this," Ariadne agreed and rushed into the forest.

(Castle Courtyard)

Ardeal and Solia left the interior of the castle and found themselves in the courtyard. The same dead trees plagued each of the beds they were in and the same overcast gray sky filtered the sun's rays from spreading their warmth over the castle.

"When we get a chance, I'd really like to research this place," Solia said.

Ardeal tilted his head in curiosity. "Why is that, sister?"

"I want to know why this place is so dead all the time," Solia answered. "It makes me sad when I have to look at all of these dead plants all the time."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Border Forest)

With that, Mika tailing Ariadne and Dusk forward to the north in fast run so she can catch up with them consistently. She had a reason why she didn't want to stay a night in this magical forest, because she didn't find any dry branches and leaves all the way to setting up a fire.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds