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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
"Retreat! Retreat!"

Few times has Hunter said those words in combat...Ordering his troops to retreat after the death of his friend. He lead what remained of the great Saxon army back to the kingdom, wondering on how they were to deal with this army of enemies. The Queen.... he though, remembering the Barbarian Queen. She plays a great hand in this, he thought as he rode on horse, leading the army back to the castle. "W-War Leader Hunter!? What happened?" the gate guards asked as they opened the gate for him and his army. "A trap..."
Mickal teleported before Hunter in an instant and other warriors began to help their injured comrades into the castle. The enemy was only a few days march from them, they had to hurry and prepare for a siege!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I take it my wife is okay?" Hunter asked Mickal before turning to his comrades. He knew things were bad, and many of his troops were low on morale. Only one way to solve that, he realized. A speech...

"Our enemies are nearing. Though things are dark, though we may have lost great warriors, we are still Saxon! The fire that is our soul will burn forever! We will not give up! We will not falter! We will not lose!" the wolf man yelled. "I know, many of you believe me weak. I know. But no longer can we just fight amongst ourselves! Now, we fight for our very survival! These armies, our enemies, wish to wipe us from existence! We can not allow this! Think of all the mighty War Lords and Champions of our people! Each of them faced death, and doom, and yet fought on! Fought until they, the Saxon, had won! It time again for our people to face death, and once again we, the great Saxon Kingdom. Shall. Remain. VICTORIOUS!" Hunter roared, and thrust his fist into the air.
Several other saxons roared in agreement but many were wounded or exhausted. Mickal remained close at hand. "Yes, well, she is not any worse. Also, Amy learned the word mama last night, I think it made Grace smile sincerely. Other than that nothing has changed, she awaits in your room...shall I schedule a meeting for you and Alexander to meet with the king?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...A meeting, yes," Hunter sighed. "But only with me. Alexander....He gave up his life, to help what remaind of our forces..." the wolf man looked away and turned to his forces. "Alert the kingdom and prepare for war! Our enemies draw near! We must prepare for siege! Long live the Saxon Kingdom!" he declared to those Saxon who roared in agreement.
"Alexander is...I understand." Mickal said, eyes wide. If Alexander had actually died, then things were truly and undeniably dire. "I will send a message. I will also inform Axel and Alexander's home keeper. She will need to remain longer than first anticipated it seems." And with that Mickal vanished.


Grace waited silently in her room, her daughter dreaming soundly in the crib next to her. She looked up suddenly and though no one was there the action was more than simple movement. She could feel the coming storm and she knew that the end her her people and herself was drawing ever closer. She tried to shed one last tear for her people, who were now doomed beyond doubt, but found that she could not, she had no tears left to give. And so, alone, doomed and unable to express it, Grace's soul trembled in the pits of its darkness and she knew what it was to be truly anguished.


As Sally, the old home keeper who had worked for Alexander all her life finished making the bed, she patted Neko gently on the head with a smile. "Dont worry. He wont forget you." She assured the cat girl, who had predictably suffered through her papas absence. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Sally quickly walked to it and opened it. There was a messenger there with a letter. After a small word of thanks and respectful bow, she closed the door and sat on the bed. She opened it and read it, it was a part of a report, but the meaning was clear as day for the old house maid. "Alexander...."She muttered softly, the letter dropping to the ground from her trembling hands. Upon it were the words "Champion General Alexander has been declared as lost in combat. His end came at the hands of a joint force of enemies, mainly franks and Brits. The honored champion died in service to the war leader, and as such his will is to be retrieved and read before War leader Hunter." Only Sally knew where he kept his will, and she never thought she would live long enough to see it again. The paper fell to Neko's feet and the poor old woman was to lost in her own sorrow to correct her mistake.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter kept his cool, knowing full well that they he could not show weakness. Not now. "Come on, let's go!" he ordered, and with his fellow warriors, worked to prepare the Kingdom from the siege of their enemies. "Long live the Saxon name!"


Neko yawned as she sat on the bed, bored as can be. Her tail swished slowly, and she turned as door opened. When the messenger left, and Sally read the letter, she moved closer after seeing her drop it. "Nya? What's wrong Sally?" she asked, and looked at the message. Her reading skills weren't that great, but she could make out enough. Her blood froze, her eyes lost their color, and tears appeared. "P-P-Papa? Papa...No...Papa! Papa is alive! He is!" Neko cried, tears falling down on to the letter. "PAPA!"
It was not long before Hunter was called upon by the Saxon king, the message was delivered by Mickal, and he was escorted to the main palace by the Kings personal guard. He was then led inside and soon found himself kneeling before a silhouetted figure behind a golden curtain. The shadow that was cast by the fires behind the king was large, hard to truly make out and daunting. His deep voice soon rumbled out from behind his cover. "What grave news do you bring war leader?" The voice was deeper than any drum and rumbled like and earthquake, actually rattling the treasures strewn across his private chamber.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter knelt before the great King of the Saxon, truthfully a little intimidated. He had made up those lies about how the King could alter reality to the bandits way back when, all those years ago, but the King was still a great warrioir, and powerful. He waited until he was adress before speaking, his eyes on the ground. "Many of our enemies, the Franks, the Brits, the Jutes, and the Vandals have all united together against our Nation. They ambushed us and injured a great deal of our troops, killed even more. Also...the Champion, Alexander, he is dead. He sacrificed his own life to ensure myself and others' live."

((I feel like this RP is now like some epic movie!))
There was silence for a long moment after that, and the air suddenly became warm and angry. "Rest, war leader Hunter. You have ridden for several days and nights to reach us here in time. I will have others direct the defenses, you are no good to me if you are to tired to direct the war." With that, Hunter was dismissed.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)