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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
"What is it now?" Axel sighed, and opened the door to see Mickal and....Serenity? "Why is she in your hand? What did you do?" he asked, taking the dozing fairy into his hands.
"Nothing permanent." Mickal said as though he were simply returning a pencil. He knew that the clone would dissolve into nothing when he wanted it to and made sure it did just that. "Dont worry, I erased her memory, as far as she is concerned she has just been asleep for a day or so." He explained as he turned around. "Did you really think a fairy with that power would not be targeted at one point or another? Just be happy it was me and not some one with....cruder tastes. There should be no scaring and no pain, but she will be tired for awhile. As for her power, it should return in a day or two, but until then all she is is a pretty face."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mickal would soon find suddenly that Axel was aiming his fist at him, and a fire surrounded it as he held Serenity in the other hand. He aimed at the back of the man's head and his temper burned. "What did you do...?" he whispered, fearing he...this man had...touched his fairy, his lover, his woman! "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you, or at least beat the crap out of you for what you have done?"
Mickal smiled and laughed, turning around and unleashing a wave of energy so strong it wiped the flames surrounding his clenched fist from existence. "Because you havent used her power lately and I have, which means I am several times stronger than you. Incur my wrath and you and your pet fairy shall both burn in a the deepest hell I imagine. I may not agree with kill angelos, but you are soft Axel. What makes this fairy so special, so different from the other woman who suffer the ravages of out race? What makes her so much more privileged? Face it Axel, in our world, in our society, I am guilty of no crime greater than using your hedge clippers without permission." He turned again, uttering a single word of power to defend him should Axel attack despite the current differences in there power. "Make sure none of the others spot your weakness as I have, or your dear serenity will have more to worry about than the modest likes of me.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Axel growled and watched the man leave, not choosing to attack. Instead he held Serenity in his hand and turned around, walking into his room as his doors slammed shut and locked themselves. "Serenity? Serenity?" he whispered, gently placing her on a warm cloth, hoping she was truly okay. "Serenity, wake up..."
Serenity opened her drowsy eyes and weakly smiled at her master. " hurts allot...did I sleep to long?" She asked him, blissfully unaware of what had happened. " must need me now.." She suddenly realized standing up on unsteady weak legs. "I..I wont..make you...wait...master..." She panted as she began to undo her little green dress, but she only got halfway through before she fell on her side again, completely exhausted. "I-Im must" She said sadly as she closed her eyes gently.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No...Don't be, Serenity," Axel whispered and helped her stand with his stand. "I'm...I'm just glad your okay," he said and gently placed his lips against her cheek. "Can Master get you anything?" he asked, thoughts of working on his side projects from his mind.
"..Warm.." She said softly, hugging his finger and cuddling up against it. "...Pets and warmth.." and with that the fairy was out like a light. sleeping in the palm of Axel's hand, hugging his index finger cutely.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Axel nodded and gently placed her down and summoned a blanket over her body, keeping her warm. He then made a soft pillow appear under her head, and gently rubbed his index finger against her head, feeling her soft hair and skin. "My dear Serenity...."


Mickal strode confidently into his room, shutting the door with a mere thought and sitting down at his desk. He smiled widely to himself. Killing, cursing and banishing his competition was not only unsatisfying, but standard for all those spell casters who wanted to move up in Saxon society. But he had just taken a leap forward, not only with his new power, but in taking on, facing down and surviving a confrontation with Axel, a feat few, if any, could claim.

His mood only brightened as he looked over at the large jar sitting on his disk, shining from within, the light being split by the crystal the jar was forged from. Within the jar was a nearly complete fairy, his fairy, created through the use of Serenity's magic, and brought to life by her own life force. She would soon be complete, and then Mickal would enter a new level of power, where he would always be a step ahead of his enemies. The best part however, was how he obtained the power. The warlock licked his lips, he would have to show restraint, due to the high mortality of his slaves, at least the ones he used to have, but never the less, her screams would be quite a delicious sound to wake up to.

(Go ahead, since your Hunter)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)