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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
Alex sent a small squad of clones to Hinata Hyuuga to grab her and allowed his iron giant to hold back any major fighters. As the squad moved to grab Hinata, Alex had another clone to go and meet Tsunade, this one there to send a message.

"Lady Tsunade," the clone said when he finally found her. "It is an honor to finally meet you."


Hinata screamed as she felt her ass being slapped and panicked even more. Never had her byuakugon been blocked like this. She kicked and slapped randomly, trying to hit and fight back Mike in any way. Her heart raced, and her mind raced as her skin paled in fear.
"Afraid Hinata Hyuuga?" Teased Mike, staying out of her range of blows and grabbing both her shoulders from behind. "Afraid because you can no longer see? Afraid because without those precious eyes of your, you are helpless?" He rubbed them and teased her bra strap. "Afraid because your friends are dead and now you belong to me?"


Hinata tried to put up a fight but, separated and weak as she was, she soon fell before the clones and was knocked unconscious. As for Tsunade, she growled and tried to punch at the clone. "Who are you people!? What do you want?!" She demanded angrily.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The clones brought the older Hinata to him, and placed him before their original, on the top of the iron golem. Smiling, Alex ordered his clones to retreat, and many of them did. Some though stayed behind, to cover the rear, and of course the one talking to Tsunade stayed.

The clone dodged it and moved behind her, and suddenly tried to restrain her from behind. "We, or rather, I am Zero. Master Zero. I want one thing, and only one thing. To bring peace, and unity to this broken and divided land," he whispered into her ear as one felt moved, even if was not able to restrain her, with a kunai, and cut her clothes, revealing her large breasts.
Tsunade was unrestrainable and the clone was pounded into dust before he could even finish hos sentience, though she could guess the whole thing. She covered one breast that had been reviled by the nearly completed cute and growled as they retreated, wondering what this was about.


Hinata groaned in her sleep as she was placed on the Golem and stirred, she would not stay asleep for long, and she was covered in wounds and cuts.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
As the clone died, the very few survivors of the war appear around Tsunade. There were two, maybe two and a half dozen at the most. They were all injured, but one of them seemed the least so, and looked at the woman, licking his lips. The other clones dash forward with kunais in hand, all of them attempting to tear and cut off the remainder of her clothing. Whether they succeed or not, the leader jumped forward and tackled her down, and grabbed her head and did just one thing. Slam her lips against his, kissing her lips, and exploring her mouth with his tongue.


Alex looked at Hinata and brought her far away from the Hidden Leaf village, and came near the ocean, where his iron giant gently set him, her, and the remainder of clones down on the sandy beach. He gently placed her on the ground, and some of the clones grabbed her arms and legs, as other undressed her to her bra and panties and began healing her with chakra.
the fallowing battle was bloody and filled with bodies as Tsunade tore the Alex clones apart. Then at the end of it all, she received the kiss for a full three seconds before that clone to became pulp. But the half naked ninja received the message, and shivered at its implications.


Hinata slowly awoke and suddenly began to struggle. "Wh-Whats happening!? Where am I!?" She yelled, looking around wildly, failing to realize that she was nearly naked.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hinata was too scared to answer, and only tried to run, crawl, just get away! She tried to get away from Mike, and fought back tears of fear as Mike's words were blades in her heart.


"First question, you have been kidnapped by me, and will learn your place by my side, my love," Alex smiled as his clones held her down. "Second, you are before your Master," he added, licking his lips, as he, the original, began to make various hand signals. When he was done, he touched Hinata's forehead, and the woman would suddenly feel a warm pleasurable heat focus on her breasts, pussy and lips. He had made her body lustful, and wanting sex.
"Trying to escape?" Mike laughed as Hinata began to craw away from the bed. He easily caught up with her and stepped on her back hard, pressing her body into the floor. "Do you remember this? this is your place now, beneath my heel. You will learn, you will learn soon enough." He smiled and then bent down picking her up gently. "Do you want Naruto to die as we? If not then you shall do as I say." He whispered.


Hinata could not suppress a moan as her body betrayed her and she looked up at Alex pleadingly. "Stop...Please...I have never even...met you..." She said through pants as she began to sweat and blush.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I know you though. You are the beautiful, shy girl, Hinata. You are beautiful, and I have fallen in love for you, as he leaned forward, and bended down, moving forward so Hinata could get a close look at her face, and maybe recognize him as the man from her dreams. "I have fallen in love for you, Hinata, but my love is...dark. I want you all to myself."


"W-w....What do you want?" Hinata whimpered as she was put back in her place by the man, tears falling down by her covered eyes. "Please...Don't hurt Naruto."
"Y-You...No, let me go! You attacked my village! Your killed Negi! LEt me go!" She screamed as she struggled harder and harder, trying desperately to free herself. She did not know rotation very well, but if she could just turn her body a little bit, even a flare of it would get her free.


"I want your body, mind and soul." Mike whispered, taking her back to the bed. "You are going to be my little sex slave, and from now until forever, you will obey me, do you understand Hinata?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)