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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
Mai quickly helped her out and did her best to help her breath, and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry, Elva. Are you okay?" she asked, hugging her loving slave.


((I talk to myself all the time! That's right, I sure do! I'm a very smart person aren't I? Yes. Yes I am!))

"...Grace...There are about three thousand of your people alive..." he sighed. Perhaps if he did begin a battle against the Franks they could acquire more slaves and at least slow down the killing until Hunter could find a more permanent solution. Standing up, abruptly, he walked over to the door and opened it, seeing a group of Saxon solider. Whether they were for him or against him he told them, "Tell the army, spread the word! We go to the Franks, and shall liberate them and put them under our rule!"


Neko suddenly regretted saying that as her Master played with her small breasts. They had grown in sized since the three three years, but were still small in comparison to most girls. She giggled softly as her pussy was tickled, followed by a moan as she felt the teasing build up in her. "Papa...Neko loves you, so much Papa."
Elva moaned softly and snuggled into her mistress's embrace. "Y-Yes mistress, Im OK." She said softly. "But...Im tired...." she added sleepily. This was to much, the doctor had already told Mai that Elva had a weak heart, she could not handle strain like this, though he had also told her that it was best to hang the little bitch. Elva was completely innocent, having always obeyed Mai and taken care of her mistress as much as she could, it was not fair that such a good slave, such a good girl, should die for no reason.


(So do you want to be the king then? lol)

The soldiers bowed and rushed off to spread the word, and soon the armies were already being called and prepared, they would be ready to march in the morning. Meanwhile, Grace felt a cold chill run up her spine, like when you climb the stairs in the dark and take an extra step at the top. It was the most feeling she had felt in awhile, and it was the worst since she had been captured. "Three thousand...three poor...poor people....three thousand....three thousand more graves...need to be dug." She looked at herself in a mirror in the room. "Three thousand and one..."


Mike continued to kiss her and tease her until finally he gave her a single long lick over her pussy. Then another and another. "Are you ready?" he asked his pet as he prepared to dive his tongue into her. Just then though, there was a knock at the door. With a groan Alexander got up and looked apologetically at his kitty. He got the door, it was a messenger. The boy delivered his message and Alexander sighed. He turned and looked at Neko. "We have to hurry it up tonight my pet, because tomorrow pap goes to war."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Rest," Mai ordered, leading her to the bed. "Go to sleep. I'll be right here for you when you wake up," she said, placing Elva on the bed. "Goodnight, my dear love slave..."


(Do I want to be? No, I don't. So Silver should do it! Yeah! I like Silver! Me two. He's almost as awesome as me! No, I think he's more awesome. What? You bastard! (I punch myself)))

"No...Not while I still draw breath," Hunter whispered as his sharp wolf ears heard her. Walking off, he left to the armory, and armed himself with a black light armor, enough to protect him from various attacks, but light enough to not hurt his speed. If nothing went on without a hitch, he would lead to meet his army at the gates of the kingdom.


Neko moaned greatly and wiggled as she was licked, and almost cried when she heard the news. "Papa! No! Why does Papa have to go?" she asked, tearfully. She then became worried, and looked at Alexander. "If everything okay, Papa?"
Alexander sighed and picked up his Neko and placed her in the bed with him. "No." He said silently. He kissed her lips then and added "But it will be. For now, let papa get his sleep. I will leave tomorrow and leave you in the care of auntie Nana (Alexanders personal house slave). But I will come back and maybe even with a sister for you!" He hugged her and decided to get in as much sleep as he could before he had to armor up and ride out.


"Thank you...mistress..." The cat slave moaned happily, falling into peaceful sleep. Was it right that Elva was a slave? She would just as easily be Mai's lover, why did she have to suffer so much for being....a good girl?


Hunter was unimpeded and soon completely ready for battle. Now there was only one last thing for him to decide...who would take care of Grace? Who was trust worthy? Who would not only be able to protect her, but not kill her himself?

(Im thinking a time skip is coming up?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Axel was interrupted during his work as he heard a knock on the door and opened it to find a messenger. Listening to him, he nodded and asked him to leave. "Serenity...Its seems we are going to war," he sighed, allowing her to take it all in before another knock at the door. "What now?" he sighed, opening the door to meet Lord Hunter. "Hunter?"

"Axel. I need a favor to ask of you...As you know, I'll be going to war with the Franks, but need help. I want you and Serenity to go and protect my wife, Grace. I understand you have no one to take care of Serenity. This will solve both our problems. I have also sent a loyal messenger to a young man named, Mickel, to assist you if you need it."

"Are you sure he is to be trusted, my lord?"

"No...but he seems loyal enough. Watch over him though, and your young lover as well."

((Think so))


"Nya! Be careful, Papa!" Neko meowed. "Neko will miss you everyday!" she cutely assured. She then leaned forward and hugged whatever part of her Master she could, before laying down, and if there were no more interruptions, fell asleep.
Alexander soon had to rise again, but not before he made sure Neko was asleep. Giving her once last kiss, he left her and went to fetch his battle armor, armor he had not donned since he had laid waist to the Angelo and dragged Grace screaming from her palace.


Mickal was pulled from the battle lines to serve with Axel instead, as Hunter had desired, and the youth did not seem that upset about it. "If it is what my lord desires." He said loyally as he walked back to his quarters. Serenity slept comfy and cozy in Axel's pocket, cutely curled up there in her smallest form.


Soon Hunter rode out and was met by the magnificence of the Saxon army. twelve thousand soldiers, ten thousand Archers, ten thousand mounted knights, Four thousand warlocks and spell blades, including all the elder warlocks, a bolstering troop of ten thousand demonic thralls controlled by the warlocks, Hunter's own army of Personal Guard, the famous Dragon Kin Slayers, and of course, the head of the spear, the terrifying edge to Hunter's blade, the illustrious and feared Alexander the Black Knight, and his elite guard. Truly it was a shame that all they were going out to conquer was the Franks. Alexander rode up next to Hunter and looked over their army. "How long do you think this will take old friend? A weak? A day? An Hour? Or an instant?"

(I will start the time skip on my next post, also, Alexanders back baby!)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Axel patted Serenity softly and awaited Mickal's arrival as he stood outside Hunter and Grace's room. Deciding to wait in the room, he slowly opened it, and saw the ever dying doll that was Hunter's wife, Grace, as well their beautiful daughter.


Hunter had to admit...Leading his army felt good. He was happy to return back in his old position and when Alexander rode over, he grinned his wolf grin. "Even the best laid plans can go awry, old friend, but to tell you the truth, I doubt this will last the day," he smiled as they rode off. "Tell the troops to stay on guard though. Just because they're just Franks does not mean their harmless," he smiled.

((When did he leave?))
Time Skip

Hunter's armies pushed into Frankish land and soon found grounds to pillage. As they did they got scattered reports of Brittianian warriors fleeing with Frankish civilians, though most were written off as raiders who were unlucky enough to be there when the Saxons struck. Their forces swept across the land and overran all attempts at fighting back. The Frankish warrior was often a weak man in leather armor armed only with a flimsy wooden shield and a pitchfork or spear at best, no match for Saxon steal. They were nearing the center of the territory now and the Frankish capital, The Saxon Army divided into two as to cover more ground, one half led by Hunter while the other was led by Alexander.

As the great warleader and his army approached the castle, they entered the hilly area that made up most of these lands. The sky was dark, a storm was brewing and many could tell much blood would be spilled before the day ended. "Hunter! Hunter! My lord Hunter!" Yelled a messenger on horseback as he approached the camp they had made to wait for Alexanders forces to rejoin them. The man was one Alexander's personal guard, and he was badly bloodied and wounded, his horse hardly able to stand. Horse and man fell to the ground when they arrives and many soldiers had to come forth to pull the man from beneath his horse. "Lost..Lost its all lost.." The man mumbled as he was pulled free.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter ordered for some medics to come and heal the man, and as they ran over he looked at the man. "What happened? Where is Alexander? Where are the rest of your forces?" he asked, feeling both fear and...excitement. If there was some dark threat here, if he were to overcome it, it would give him great prestige, power, and influence...his mind realized as the mages came to help heal the man.
"Lost...we were attacked...Oh god...we are much...The Franks, the true Franks, not the weaklings we have been fighting have hidden all this time. But its not just them! the Brits, the Jutes, even the Vandals have all joined with them! Their armies are about to march upon us! Lord Alexander was separated in the fight, we know not what happened to him! Its all over my lord! We must flee back to the Kingdom and prepare for siege!" Suddenly the sound of battle drums came into the air and all the soldiers tensed up. "They are coming! they are coming!" The terrified man yelled, reaching for his sword despite his many wounds.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)