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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
"Very well, Im sending you to a point were Naruto Sakura and Sai or on a mission. This will be right after intense training so the others will be in some deep sleep. Again, we can use any Jutsu and make up our own, just remember to do it before they hit you with anything that will kill you. Also dont forget that all the female teachers in Naruto are will endowed, you make want to fuck with some of them." With that a portal opened in the black space before Alex and another opened before Mike. "Good hunting!" He said as he walked through his.


Mike exited in a deep forest with huge insects and and all manner of traps and hardships. The forest of death. Here he had his pick of the litter and since the contest had just started he was free to pick who ever he wanted. His finger suddenly became blurs as he made up a Jutsu to let him know where everyone was and smiled as he spotted Hinata's group. "Why not.." He figured as he headed that way. Shino and easy.

(So I will be every character in your dimension and you will be every one from mine right?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Right back at ya," he replied, and walked through the portal and reappeared in a room and looked around. "Hmm?" he mumbled and waited for his eyes to adjust before seeing the sleeping form of an older, and bigger breasts Hinata.

((Sorry if this post wasn't right to what you were expecting. I don't think I understood your post))


Shino, Kiba, and Hinata were quickly moving through the trees, looking for a place to set traps for their enemies in the Forest of Death.
Hinata was sleeping on the floor in her mat only a few feet from Alex. She was in the large clan mansion of the Huga Clan, which mean that a ruckus would alert her guards, Negi, her father and who knows who else. She was currently snuggled up cutely in her covers, dreaming with a blush on her face, likely about Naruto.


It did not take mike long to reach Hinata's group and when he did he stayed hidden for awhile. He did not want to cause much of a ruckus, or rather not one that would draw others so he decided to take out the loudest of them first, which would be Kiba. Smiling, he began his plan. rushing ahead of them and lining the trees with invisible wires. Then he would simply let them jump in and tangle themselves. If Kiba tried his fang over fang then he would slice himself to pieces. After they were tangled a few Kunai would finish those who did not need...and leave the one he wanted for him and him alone.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked down at her, and decided to fuck with her mind. Making a quick series of hand motions, Alex performed a 'dream jutsu' allowing him to see into her dream, and control it. He would portray Naruto in a darker light, and maybe give himself his praise. And if that didn't work, it was still fun fucking with her mind.

((I'll leave the dream to you))


The three moved faster, and Kiba's dog sniffed the air, feeling something a miss. "Huh? What's wrong?" he asked, before suddenly falling into Mike's trap, his body tangling him up. Shino and Hinata, who were behind him quickly stopped. "Don't worry! We'll get you out!" Hinata yelled.
Hinata was walking through the woods outside the village when she came upon Naruto bravely fighting several ninja. He defeated almost all of them until one came up behind him and struck him hard on his back. The fallen orange clad ninja seemed doomed until Hinata came in and expertly deflected all the attacks aimed at him. She then proceeded to beat back the enemies, striking again and again until they were all but defeated. And there she planned to proclaim her love to Naruto, to tell him how much she cared about him. she would do it as soon as she beat the last of these ninja...
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Tch. How boring. Let's mess it up, a bit! Or a lot," Alex mumbled to himself as he saw the dream. Using his Dream Jutsu, he took control of Naruto and created a clone of himself in the bushes, waiting and hiding in perfect stealth for the right moment. When Hinata had defeated the last of the ninjas, Naruto, under the control of Alex, walked over, with a ticked off look. "What the hell!? I had them right where I wanted them!" he yelled.
Hinata blanched at his tone and turned around to see a pissed off Naruto. "Oh...I-Im sorry Naruto." She said, becoming her normal, shy self. "I was just trying to help..."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well who asked you for help! You're almost as bad as your weak ass cousin Neji!" the blond groaned. "Look, Hinata, do me a favor, and quit trying to be helpful. You're really, really not that special, and to tell you the truth, you're kinda pathetic! I mean, not only are you shy, but you always seem so frail and weak!" he continued. "I mean, even Sakura is better than you! When was the last time you did any good?"
"B-But..I b-best...isnt that way?" Hinata stuttered, on the verge of tears from the horrible tongue lashing Naruto, the one person she looked up to, was giving her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)