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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver)
"Nico, get off of her, now!" Alex ordered, his voice resembling Dark Alex's a bit. "I don't know what the hell is going on, but you'll tell me...For now...Out of the room," he ordered, pointing out and looked at Asuna, nodding a sign of, its okay...I'm here.
Nico backed away in shock "That power..." she mumbled before realizing that Alex had returned "O-oh gods....oh gods no!" she cried knowing which of them this was and realizing that there was no way he would ever forgive her for somethig like this.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Asuna hardly took notice of Alec's reassurance as she continued to weep softly into the bed. Asuna was a tough girl, any one who knew her knew that, and right now she was broken up like never before, and Nico was the culprit. She could not speak, her face covered in a huge blush as she felt her shame grow, both at lying naked and deflowered before not only Nico, but Alex, a guy, and at showing so much weakness, crying and falling apart as she had. "N-Negi..." She whispered softly as she tried to hide her face in the sheets.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex pointed for Nico to get out and then looked at Asuna. What must have happened to this girl....He wanted to say something of kindness, all he could say though was... "I'm sorry.....Can I help you?" he wondered, looking away, blushing red.
Nico ran from the room crying, she knew that Alex would hate her forever now, and there was nothing she could do to change that...or was there? 'Wil thatminster even help me? He promised that if I was his slave then Alex would be my lover but..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Please...d-dont look at me." Asuna was utterly humiliated and continued to hide her face in the sheets, sheets that were soon wet with her tears, her naked body exposed increasing her shame. Her bleeding pussy was barely covered by her hand as she tried to keep further harm from coming to her. She could say nothing else afterward, simply to choked up to.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex nodded and whispered, I'll get you some clothes," before walking out and closing the door. He saw Nico crying and walked behind her as his rage build, and his sadness as well. "So...You mind telling me what hell is going on here?" he asked, walking up behind her, Dark Alex also wanting to know.
Nico tried again and again to speak but could only cry, after what felt like forever she manged to choke something out " me...Dark..." she begged hoping that her master would have mercy and help her.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Asuna covered herself in her the sheets when she was finally collected enough to move and trembled beneath them, not understanding why this had happened to her. "I-I...I want to go home." She whimpered.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex's eyes suddenly changed, and he grew in size slightly. "Explain, whore. Why was my little slut raping her? You probably traumatized her and made her an even harder prey to catch," he sighed. "Oh, by the way. While my mom and I was gone, I had the chance to make out with her. She's a good kisser, that slut."