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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Lunatio Inn)

Dusk went over to one of the tables and rolled out a map. As he was looking at it intently, something scurried by his feet causing him to jump and fall over a wooden chair. He landed with a thud on the wooden floor. Dusk could only laugh when he saw that the scurrying creature was only a mouse.

Ariadne was beginning to wake up, even though she didn't want to. She thought about lying next to Mika, who was naked. She didn't want it to end.


"Yeah, Quarry," Solia said sarcastically. "You need to calm it down. I'm still fragile and recovering." She put her hand to her mouth and pretended to cough.

"Fine, fine," Quarry submitted. "I'll calm down. I'm just glad to see that you're okay."

Masquerade approached them all. "It's really late, guys. Solia will need some more rest, and I think the same could be said about you two, as well as myself."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio Inn)

The naked dragoness cuddles Ariadne even closer, buried her face on the girl's chest as her tail coil on Ariadne's waists. "Mnnhhh...Ariadne..." She murred and mumble silently, seeming like she's having a beautiful dream with Ariadne.


Faiz nodded as yawning softly once Masquerade mention about taking a rest. He indeed feel extremely tired even though he absorb the lightning power that being enhanced by Lorana's gray clouds. It only able to recover a small part of his power, but still the rest is first thing in order to complete recover.

"You're right, Masquerade...I guess I should leave you here alone, Solia..." She paused before continued. "...But if you want me to accompany you for entire night...I don't mind...It's up to you..."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio Inn)

Dusk managed to get up off the floor and brush the dust out of his cloak. "Geez, this place is dirty."

Ariadne stirred from her peaceful sleep. She sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Hey, Dusk, could you be any less quiet. What's with all the racket?"

Dusk blushed slightly as he straightened up the chair that he knocked down. "S-sorry, I was just investigating this map."


"Please, don't bother now," Solia said. "You need your rest as well. I want you to be full of energy tomorrow so we can spend some time together."

"I'll see you later, Solia," Quarry said as he waved goodbye and left.

"I must take my leave as well, Solia," Masquerade said. "You'll have to go to your room on foot this time, Faiz," he continued as he turned to Faiz. "Just go left as you leave this room, and go up two floors on the main staircase. Head right and it should be the last room on the right side." As he finished giving his directions, Masquerade burst into blue flame and was gone.

"I'm only hoping that Masquerade doesn't have something crazy for us to do tomorrow," Solia said sleepily and giggled. "He seems like the type to come up with some weird task to keep us busy."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio Inn)

Meanwhile, the sleepy dragoness buried her face near her knee and turned it into a ball to warm herself up.


"I guess you're right...I should take a full night rest..." Faiz said, nodding gently before looking to Masquerade. "...Don't worry...and thank you for the directions..." Then, he turned back facing Solia.

"I bet he wont, my dear...You just recover today...while I'm feel extremely tired after seeking a Lucid Crab in order to cure you.." He stated as yawning softly. "...Anyway...good night...and have a good dream, my dear..." The wolf then caress Solia's forehead and plant a soft kiss on her cheek.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio Inn)

Ariadne laughed quietly. "God, she's so cute," she spoke and blushed.

Dusk chuckled quietly too. "Too bad she's taken."

Ariadne frowned and gently got out of bed. "It doesn't matter whether I love her or not, or whether she's 'taken' or not. Mother would never allow me to be with another girl."

"Well, you have to understand that you are of royal blood," Dusk tried to comfort her. "Your mother is in a difficult position as queen of Emaldia and it's not exactly tradition for princesses to be with other girls."

"I understand that much, but she has four daughters. I don't understand why she can't let one of them be who she was born to be." Ariadne's eyes began to tear up and she tried to hide it by investigating the map. "It looks like we head directly north from here just like Masquerade said. And luckily, we only have to travel through the outskirts of the forest." Her voice was shaky and a solitary tear fell upon the parchment.

'Poor Ariadne...' Dusk thought.


Solia giggled as Faiz kissed her. "Don't worry. I'm gonna get lots of sleep so we can do something together tomorrow." She smiled at him, her eyelids starting to lower. "I love you..." she managed to say as she fell asleep against her will. Her body was extremely tired from the ordeal.

Masquerade smiled one last time before he left. After a few minutes of roaming the silent, stone passages of the castle, he arrived at his study.

(Masquerade's Study)

"What am I even doing?" he asked himself. "How can I put these guys in danger like this? They can't defeat the queen. Not even I can do it."

He slammed his fist on one of the wooden tables. "Damn it!" His arms started shaking. "That's right. It's because I have faith that they can find the keys needed to defeat her. I can already tell I'm going to lose my life by the end of this. But that is one small sacrifice to make sure that they take down that evil queen once and for all."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


"I love you too...Solia..." The wolf whispers on Solia's ear softly once she close her eyes and fell asleep. Then, his expression turns from slight smile to a little sadness; his ears lowered a little bit and his face turns into his old self before he meet Solia.

Seeming like...Faiz don't want Solia to involve any war or fight. The last fight shows how dangerous it could be even just a split-second off-guard. "I don't know what I should do now...But still...I have to protect her and my friends...even it cost my life..." The wolf let out a soft sigh as leave the Infirmary and walk silently yet slowly back to their room. "I wonder..if Ardeal already sleeping...or still at the library..." He thoughts.


Once there, Faiz look extremely tired, based of how he walks and face expression. He never feel this tired before joining Rebellion Force. Without waiting much time, Faiz approaches his bed and collapsed on it, before fell asleep like a dead person after 10 seconds of his entire body making a contact with comfy bed.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio Inn)

"Hey, cheer up," Dusk tried to comfort the weeping princess. "As long as you're with the RF, then you can do anything you want. It's not like me or Masquerade would tell your mother."

"I know," Ariadne replied and smiled slightly. "It's just, the more I thought of how we get closer to our goal, the sooner I'll have to go back home and resume my duties as a princess."

Dusk frowned, a look of extreme seriousness appearing on his face. "Ariadne, we're not even close to our goal. Do you not remember the Battle of the Capital? All four of us--me, you, Masquerade, and Aussa--fought against the queen with our Divine Forms and lost. She is truly the most powerful being in two known countries."

"But Masquerade has faith that Ardeal, Mika, Faiz, Quarry, and Solia will be able to stop her." Ariadne paused and rubbed her head. The sun tried its hardest to get its rays through the inn room window, but failed due to the gray clouds.

"They might be, but only time will tell..."

(Lunatio Castle: Library)

Ardeal sat comfortably in a large red armchair holding a book in his arms. He opened and leafed through it. It was a book about the discovery of the country of Emaldia, the country to the south of Dalmaschior. He read about the major landmarks and the cities, and about how the first queen rose to power. He found himself growing drowsier and drowsier as he read and soon he was fast asleep, alone in the large library.

(Masquerade's Study)

A knock came upon Masquerade's door. "Come in," he called out, quickly regaining his composure.

Aussa opened the door and entered. "Thinking about the queen, huh?"

"How could you tell?"

"You always get upset when you think about the possibility of us failing to take her out," Aussa replied and walked up to Masquerade.

"Well, it doesn't matter. What have you come here for?"

Aussa frowned. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but sources say that the queen is sending a large force to Restocasia. She apparently thinks that the Rebellion Force's HQ is located there. If we don't stop that troop, the town of Restocasia will fall under martial law, or even worse, be completely wiped out!"
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio Inn)

The dragoness still sleeping peacefully even though she could feel very warm under the blanket. Normally, she wakes up at this time because of warmness and slight chill in the morning. But, she had to sleep even longer because she lost more than half of her internal power as well as healing ability. In addition, Mika's sleeping routine being disturbed.

After an hours of sleeping, Mika open her eyes before shut it back again as the dim sunlight flashing directly near her eyes. "Mnnrrhhh...." She lifts her naked body in sitting position which her body covered with blanket, rubbing her eyes softly. "...G-good morning..."

(Lunatio Castle: Room)

At the same time as Mika, the two-tailed wolf wakes up from the sleep before letting a soft growl and yawn. He could feel his energy completely recovered but his body seems pretty weak. "...Maybe I use too much movements and don't have enough rest in between the battles...." Faiz thought as lifting his furry arm in the air before putting it down on his side. He wants to visit his lover, Solia, but he prefer to lay down for a little while until he able to move his entire body normally.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Lunatio Inn)

Ariadne looked up from the map, a little surprised. "O-oh, g-good morning, Mika. We were just going over the map. I hope we didn't wake you."

Dusk smirked. "Well, we would've had to wake her up eventually, so it's good that she went ahead and stopped sleeping." He gave off a slight chuckle.

Ariadne punched him in the arm.

Dusk laughed even harder. "Wow, Ariadne. You might want to hit the training facility when we get back to the castle."

Ariadne blushed.

(Lunatio Castle: Library)

A knock came upon the library door. Ardeal awoke with a startled expression on his face, the book tumbling down and hitting the stone floor with and echoing thud. He arose from the comfortable chair drowsily and wandered through the maze of bookshelves to get to the door. When he opened it, he found a girl in a maid's outfit standing there.

"Master Masquerade has requested your presence at a meeting located in his study," she said. "Here is a map of the castle." She handed Ardeal a piece of parchment. She bowed graciously and left.

Ardeal examined the map thoroughly. 'I wonder what Masquerade wants...,' he thought as he left the library.

(Lunatio Castle: Room)

A knock came upon the guest room of the castle. "Sir Faiz? Are you in there?" A female's voice called from the door as the knocking persisted.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Lunatio Inn)

Mika shooks her head a little bit, covering her naked body with the blanket as taking and putting the clothes on. "....No...I didn't hear anything because all my senses are turned off..." She said, tidying up the bed and her long hair, slowly stood up and approaches Dusk and Ariadne. "...So, which direction we should go today..?"

(Lunatio Castle: Room)

Faiz's ears perked up as heard the girl's voice and knocking sound. "...Yes, I'm here...Come in..The doors not locked..." He said telepathically, trying to recover and vanished the weak-body some sort of feeling.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds