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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion
The Girl paled and whimpered as she was pulled close to Lulu, her small soft body trembling in fear. "O-OK." She stammered, willing to say or do anything so that she could just keep living. Angela sat at the edge of the bed and watched silently. "W-Why is he here?" The small girl asked timidly, looking over briefly to the boy. Her naked body was now so close to Lulu's clothed one that Lulu could feel her warmth, her rushing blood, but she was no were, she would not be able to play even half as rough with the delicate human child.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"That's a subject for another time, right now though I make you mine." Lulu said as she pulled the girl into a deep passionate kiss, though Angela could not see it Lulu had bit her tongue and was pouring her own blood down the girls throat. In moments she would be a vampire.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Venra pointed to a cage and the Vampire escorted Blue and the trembling were girl, who quickly ran in to avoid being touched by any vampire again, inside. There he chained blue to the wall like he had done with Luna and backed away, closing the door. "I want you to behave while I sleep, got it? Any funny business and you know who will feel the most sting." Luna lay on the floor breathing hard as he were body tried make more and more blood to make up for all that was missing.

The small were girl, though she was not chained, was bound by Venra's words, since she herself was frightened that it was unlikely she would ever stare at a vampire, any vampire, in the eyes ever again. Shed huddled in the farthest corner from everyone and trembled hard, whimpering like a puppy would when separated from her mother.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Blue looked worried at the girl ad hoped she be alright, he turned his attention to Luna and whimpered abit, fearing tat she'd never forgive him for what he'd caused.
Lady Devimon's Minions
The girl gurgled and and coughed a little as Lulu began to poor the blood down her throat and moaned softly as the warm (Because she just fed) liquid filled her tummy. But soon she needed to breath, and turned blue as her oxygen was deprived. At last she breathed in a lung full of blood, and then another. Tears streamed down her face as she was drowned in blood and soon after he small heart ceased its beating and she closed her living eyes for the last time.

Angela was horrified, she had never seen a vampire transform any one else into a vampire, and so to her it simply looked like the girl had died. Her small naked body trembled and twitched for a second or two but there was no going back now, she was dead, very very dead. When at last Lulu ceased the kiss on her listless body, the small girl would be warm with blood but not life. "W-What have you done?! Why? I though you were going to spare this girl!" Angela said tearfully as she looked at the small human's peaceful little corpse. Little did sh know that already the curse was awakening, and the small girl's body was undergoing radical changes, though not visibly. It was only a small matter of time now.


Luna slowly opened her eyes and whimpered weakly as she crawled as close as she could to the bars of her cage that were nearest blue. There she slipped her hand through the bars, and reached for him weakly, her half closed eyes pained by her loss of blood, but not angered or vengeful. "B...lue..." She moaned softly as she closed her eyes again, her body forcing her mind to shut down to save blood as it worked on making more.

Still the small girl huddled there, staring fearfully at Blue and Luna and all her surroundings, completely lost and confused, not to mention frightened. She continued her soft whimpers, though, unlike most distressed were children, she did not howl even once. If Blue bothered to look at her hands, he would find several white scars that told of her stay there, and how the cook would punish her for howling with a sharp whip across her hands and a hard spanking. Her long brown hair hid her mostly since it was long enough to reach her butt and she was hugging her legs. She had suffered much, and she was sure to suffer more soon.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Blue whimpered back to Luna and reached back, is hand just clos enough to grip hers "Luna...I'm so sory..." he hoked realizing how attached he had grown to her. looking back to the girl h looke her ove, first tcing how young she seemed, still a pup by most were standards but son hiseyes rested on her scars, he knew she had be tortured and wished hcould help in some way "How could they do this?"

Lulu savored the kiss but knew that it was time to stop, after pulling away she cradled the body and began singing lulubies looking like a mad woman by doing so "And I kept my word, after I'm done with this I'll decide what to do with the boy. It's too late to turn him but I may have a use for him."
Lady Devimon's Minions
(Sin side Alley?)

The were pup looked at Blue with frightened eyes and whimpered softly. Weres were not always very kind to even their own children, beating them away in mild cases, or eating them in worst cases. This young were's mother was slain when she was captured and so little hope remained for her, even if she escaped. Blue had the air and scent of an Alpha male, and that meant there was a fifty fifty chance he would eat the small were child if she got to close. But eve knowing this, the were longed to cuddled up closer to him, at least if he ate her it was bound to start with her neck being broken or her throat being ripped out, not lasting nearly as long as death via blood draining.

Still, for now she huddled in her corner, cold scared and hungry, and completely alone. The mental stress attacking this pack based creature was overwhelming and she felt as though the small roaches that scurried about the ground would devour her. Luna was fast asleep and would remain as such. IF Blue wished, he could attempt to interact with the girl, at least procure a name, or fall asleep, she would no doubt be there in the mourning, despite everything, were's were tough and she would not die of physical causes, not tonight at least.


The Girl opened her eyes slowly before Angela could question it, and her new bright red eyes shown softly in the dim light of the room. She moaned softly, her soft body cradled in Lulu's arms. She seemed to weak to speak right now, but soon she would ingest the blood given to her and become strong. "You...You turned her?" Angela asked as she looked at the new little vampire. "But what could you do with the boy? He is drained and lifeless, surely he can not be brought back from the dead in such a state." She sad softly, not wanting to raise her voice for fear of startling the dazed child.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(Oh, is it my turn to post in that?)

Blue looked sadly at the girl and wrapped his free arm around her in a comforting gesture "Can you speak? Tell me your name young one." he asked calmly, if he could get her name then he could get her talking and calm her nerves.

"Like I said I'll decide that later, I might make him into cloths for her, they'd fit better than anything I have. Though human leather isn't as soft as were leather like your wearing." Lulu said wondering if Angela had discovered what she was wearing on her own or not "Well little one, can you hear me? Can you hear your queen?"
Lady Devimon's Minions
(Yes, Yes it is)

The small were girl squeaked as she was pulled in towards Blue and let out a half howl of fear before clasping a trembling hand over her mouth. After a little while Blue's words sunk in and she nodded her head a little. "May..." She whispered softly, still hugging herself and shaking badly. She whimpered softly and looked up at the larger werewolf with large eyes. " not eat me." She begged softly, her English broke up and obviously mostly unlearned.


Angela looked down at herself and trembled again as she remembered what she was wearing, though she knew she had no choice in the matter, she would rather be naked. Looking back she could see the small girl look at Lulu with wide eyes before nodding slowly and softly saying "Y-Yes my sovereign. I hear you." She was a slave still, though now a slightly more valuable one. "Is...IS there something you desire of me mistress?" she asked as her instincts directed her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu grned at Angela when s heard the were's thoghts but quikly returned her attention to her new slave "First tell me your name, and then....tell me what you want us to dwith this boys body. Think of it s a 'birthday' gift."

"I don't eat other were's..." Blue said as he tried to rub her back andcalm her down "Have you had enough rest May?"
Lady Devimon's Minions