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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
For a moment or two Rukia couldn't seem to understand what was going on. She recognized this girl, but...when? How? Why? What had just happened? She quickly pushed Chizuru back, and looked her in the eye, holding her shoulders in her hands. She was the same as before it seemed and so she asked her questions. "Why are you here? What is she here for?" she asked, looking at her and Mike.


As Alex kissed her. he began to touch and remove her clothing, starting with her shirt and then her lower garments. "Just relax, Orihime. I won't hurt you, unless you force me to. I can promise you the pleasure will be wonderful," he said as he felt her body, his hands playing and teasing her pussy, breasts, and ass as he also undressed her.
Mike smiled and Chizuru stepped back as Mike approached his slut. "She is here to play of course! She came willingly when I told her she could take care of you and Orihime when me or my friend are not around." Then he smirked and said "Oh wait! You dont know do you? Orihime had been captured and tamed as well. Its only a matter of time now before we get all you sluts together."


Orihime whimpered and pushed against him weakly. She had just gotten dressed and had just been through a very stressful ordeal, not to mention she only got to eat a little sweet bread. Still, there was little she could do to resist him and hardly anything she could say since she still held half a loaf of sweet bread in her mouth. Maybe Alex should feed his new sexy slave, or maybe he should show her that food and comfort are second to his pleasure.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"A-all!?" Rukia loudly gasped and couldn't hide her fear which made her every bone every bit of her soul shake in...anticipation or fear? She did not know. "What...What do you mean, 'all' Master?" she asked.


"Oh how selfish of me. You're still eating. How about I help you?" Alex smiled and ordered her to finish her food in her mouth. He then got a piece of sweet bread and began chew it before suddenly kissing Orihime, pushing the chewed food into her mouth for her to eat.
"I mean all." Mike said with a laugh, tugging at Chizuru's restraints and pulling her back so that he could embrace his slut with one arm as he led them away. "Everyone me and my friend want. Orihime is part of the party, but there will be others. I have been working on a place to keep you, and I think I have "found" just the place." He said with a smirk as he opened another portal, this portal to a place outside of bleach, a hole in cyberspace were Mike had created their "Dungeon". He stopped to send a mental notice to Alex and then continued forward.


Orihime swallowed her food but spat and tried to escape when Alex tried to feed her through his kiss, not understand what he was doing or why. "Wh-What are you doing?!" She asked as she pushed away from him as hard as she could.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rukia opened her mouth and kept it open as she tried to form words. She closed her mouth and swallowed her spit up. "Y-you mean...all of us? Everyone I've ever met?" she asked. Mike probably meant even more than that, more than she could ever know. "Rangiku? Yoruicihi? Isane? Soi-Fong? All of them?"


Alex was stronger than Orihime, they should both knew that, but still he was surprised by her outburst. "Orihime, I'm feeding you. I don't want you to die! I love you after all. You're so sweet, kind, and ever so beautiful. You're eyes, you're lips, you're're so beautiful," he whispered, petting her cheek. "And you're not just wonderful outside. Inside....your heart is so kind, so fragile, so easily broken, and yet so filled with love...You're willing to give anything to almost anyone, even your life..." he whispered and continued to gently pet her cheek. "Can you blame me for wanting you so much, my dear? For loving you, Orihime Inoue?" he flirted.
"If I of my friend want them, then yes. But I will have even more than that! I grow tired of your universe, so I will leave it soon. but dont think I wont come back for more, and dont think I will just leave you here." Mike smiled wickedly and led them down a long hallway lined with doors. "Hmm, which one..." He said to himself as he pulled them both along. The hallway was endless and its texture and build style changed as the moved along. While one section was like a castle dungeon, the next section would be all cold white tiled floors and walls with bright sterile white lights hanging from the equally as white ceiling.

Finally he led them into a place which resembled a space ship from the Alien move, though it was still just a hallway with doors on either side. " This should do nicely, You see there are millions of ways to imprison you here, particularly because you have no powers here and are only as weak or strong as I say you are. I have decided to keep you here." He turned to the right and opened a door and inside was a mass of tentacles. Right away the lashed out and grabbed Rukia, slowly dragging her towards their slimy brethren.


Orihime blushed cutely and looked away, hugging herself and not saying a word. Her blush only increased as her stomach growled and she looked up at Alex pleadingly. "Can I please eat some more? I mean...normally...I can feed myself." She begged silently, almost whispering.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I would prefer it if you didn't. But how about a deal? You eat now and later we can play," he smiled, and Orihime should know what kind of play that was as his hand squeezed and rubbed her breast. "So eat. I want you strong for the night, since we'll be going for hours upon hours, my lovey Orihime."


"AHHH!" Rukia screamed, seeing the mass of tentacles. She quickly tried to fight back, trying to grab on anything to save herself from being pulled in. "No! M-Master! Please, not this room!" she begged, trying to kick the tentacle to let go of her, while her hands tired to grab something to save her.
Orihime whimpered softly and moved away from him, crawling to the furthest bed post. " said you loved me." She said, weeping softly at the thought of having to be fucked by this hollow for hours on end when a few minutes had done her in before. "If you love me...please treat me well. I gave myself to you, and you promised to take care of me...." She knew she was weak, fragile, just like how Alex said, and hearing that from him over and over did not help her become any stronger. She was already fearful of him, and knew that in the end he would get whatever he wanted from her, but she still held on to some hope that...maybe he would treat her more like a lover and less like a slave, though that hope was all but dead now.


"Dont worry Rukia, your not going to die." Mike said as he watched her latch on to the sides of the door. "But that does not mean they wont do anything to you. Behave and it will turn out better for you, I suggest you dont piss off the tentacles since they are the cell warden, and they decide how much freedom you get." He laughed and kicked her hands off the door so that the creature could start pulling her in unimpeded. "Behave." He called a he shut the door.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rukia let out a scream and was about to try and fight back the multiarmed creature but stopped. I can't risk it! This thing could kill me easily! Deciding that fighting would be returned with a slow death, she did not fight back, allowing the mass of tentacles to do what it want with her. Of course that didn't stop her stomach from doing flips of fear.


"....Fine, fine, sooner or later you'll allow me with you," Alex sighed and he pushed the cart closer to Orihime and took from the bed a pillow, and an extra blanket. "Shower is right there, closet there, and anything you tell me," he said, pointing everything out before taking his pillow and blanket into the large closet. "I'm going to sleep. Wake me if you need me," he said, throwing the pillow on the ground and laid his head on it as he put the blanket over him.

((I actually did sleep in a closet once.....pretty good actually))
The tentacles pulled her up and right away began restraining her arms and legs, long tentacles lined with suckers gripped them and held them apart as her whole body was caressed by the slimy army of appendages. Suddenly one was slapped over her pussy and began to rub her tender sex as two other wrapped around her breast and began to play with her nipples.


Orihime looked shocked by relieved. She did not want to be raped again, not by anyone, be it Alex or Ichigo, she simply did not want to be touched. She ate her fill and skipped the shower, not feeling even remotely comfortable being naked around the hollow that had raped her once already. She fell asleep beneath the covers in the clothes she wore and was soon snoring softly as she slept.

'Having problems are we my friend?' asked a voice in Alex's head, a familiar one. 'If you want, I have a way of fixing her while we go to another dimension and find some more prey. Did you get my mental message about the slut storage I created?' Mike's voice was calm and joyful as he stood right outside the apartment.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)