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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
(I just had this idea that, since Hunter's leadership was in question, I should put the seeds of a civil war in there two. You know, have Alex calm down a fight in the mess hall between Hunter lovers and haters)

Axel nodded and leaned down to Serenity and kissed her. His hands traced her body, teasing her as he slowly fucked her. He remembered back to when they first met, and he couldn't help but smile. So innocent, so sweet, so fragile. Those bandit bastards treated her all wrong... "You're perfect, Serenity. From now on, if you will allow me, I want to be your lover," he whispered and kissed her neck, as his hands continued to play with her body, and he fucked her.


"Y-yes Papa," Neko whispered as the catnip continued to wrack her body. She moved her head to the lips and licked them, before sucking on them and cutely looked up at her Master as she did. Her begging eyes asking for her Master to make love to her.

((I'm also sorry I haven't been on more....Things are difficult right now.))
(Sure, but lets have a bit of a time skip for that one. Lets get everyone settled into a constant, so lets find Elva and such, and then lets time skip to where the anti hunters have had time to develop and form a group. I would imagine that many would want Alexander to take over in Hunter's place, but Alexander is fiercely loyal, though most dont know how loyal he is)

"Oh yes master! It would be such an honor to be your-Ahh! Your lover!" Serenity moaned as her soft body was caressed and fucked. "S-Something is happening inside me!" She moaned as her orgasm began to reach its entrance. Her body began to glow a soft green and her eyes became like bright green jewels, her sweet moans becoming louder and louder.


(She licked the lips? You mean his fingers right? Lol)

Alexander smiled and began to softly finger her mouth as she sucked, rubbing her tongue and the roof of her mouth. As he did he pressed himself into her more and pushed the head of his dick into her tight pussy softly. "Oh! Tight!" He moaned with delight as he entered her small body.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Feeling her orgasm near, hearing her beautiful cries...It couldn't have been any better as Axel let out a loud moan and shot his cum into his lover. "You and I...will be together forever, Serenity," he whispered as his cum was unloaded in her.


((Lips, fingers, what's the difference?))

"Ahhhh!" Neko screamed in pleasure as she felt Alexander force the head of his dick into her tight virgin pussy. "M-Master! Papa! Neko-chan...she feels....more!" the catgirl begged lost in a wild tornado of pleasure and pain. "More, papa!"
"Hmmm..." The man said as he fucked the young girl. She moaned and screamed with each thrust until he released a moan of his own and filled her with his seed, allowing her to rest her tired, sweating body. "How about 10,000 in gold?" He said looking back over at Mai and looking her over as well. Mai would know that this was ridiculously over priced, Grace's own market value, despite being the former princess of the Angelo and being as insanely angelica as she was would just barely clear the price of 10,000 gold herself. Elva, an untrained, healthy, submissive, non human high quality slave that used to be treated as a princess would probably only be fairly worth about 2000, give or take a few hundred. Paying 10,000 would be paying roughly five times her worth, and would be enough to by five other slaves of her quality, and several more trained slaves of less quality.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"That's a bit high, don't you think? How about we haggle a bit? How about 5,000?" Mai offered. "I mean, Elva is valuable, but even she is worth 2,000, or at the most 3,000," she said.
Serenity was filled with His cum and moaned loudly as she came hard and the green light that shown over her body exploded and filled Axle with new strength, causing him to feel energized and powerful, while Serenity lay dazed beneath him, exhausted from her first time and panting softly. Axle would now find that he was as physically fit as Alexander and his spells were three times as potent, he had just gained a mega power boost, but it would leave him in a little under a half hour.


Alexander obliged and began to fit more of his cock into her as he played with her small body. He loved the sounds of her cried and moans and leaned down, planting a kiss on her lips.


"Take it or leave it bitch." the man said, hardly listening. Silvia growled and drew her sword, and right away the body guards drew theres. "Just let me flay him and his pig guards mistress." She whispered, not backing down.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Planting a kiss on HIS lips? Did Neko have a sex change operation when I wasn't looking?))

Neko moaned as the cock when deeper into her tiny body and she looked up at Alexander, her papa. Her Master. "T-thank you, Papa," she whispered before kissing his lips back, her amatuer tongue begging to be allowed in her master's mouth.


"Serenity...that....that was....very nice," Axel whispered as he slowly pulled out his dick and leaned down to kiss his slave, and lover's lips. "So how was it, my beautiful fairy?" he asked, his hands, wrapping around her waist and his lips kissing and licking her sweet neck.


"Silvia, we're out numbered. Do you honestly think you and I can take both pig face, and his band of merry morons? Not to mention how he might use his slaves as shields," Mai whispered to Silvia.
(Hey dont wine! I have to rush this stuff you know!)

Alexander sunk in about halfway and then pulled out and thrust in again, doing it over and over, very slowly at first but gradually increasing speed and depth. As he kissed her and wrapped her young tongue in his own and caressed it softly as he guided her through the motions of his expert kiss.


Serenity could hardly talk as she panted and moaned softly, shrinking a little, her a magic expended. "S-So good..." She moaned as she looked up at Axle for a little while, kissing him softly if he allowed it. "I good...but I just cast a spell." She moaned, closing her eyes and lying on the soft bed.


Silvia cursed and answered "Then what do we do? Trade? We dont have anything, and that price is outrageous, it costs that much to train five silver knights, a slave worth that much is ridiculous!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Kidding, kidding! I've rushed stuff two))

Axel allowed the kiss, and petted Serenity's body. "Then rest, my little lover. You've deserved it," he said, kissing her forehead.


"I know, I know, I know," Mai sighed in annoyance. "We need to think of a plan...Maybe we could steal her back? But Lord knows we'll face a difficult aftermath if we do....Perhaps we can call on Hunter? Perhaps he could help us?"


Neko moaned and felt her climax reaching her, getting closer by the second. "P-Papa...Neko-chan...Neko-chan feels like she has to pee!" she cried, followed by a moan as he thrust into her body. "What's happening to Neko-chan?" she asked, not knowing much of sex and fucking.
(OK, here goes...)

Three years passed in the Saxon Kingdom and time passed and changed all in its own way.

For Grace the years were slow and tedious. Like the goddess she seemed to be, her appearance stayed the same, not a wrinkle or blemish on her flawless form, and over the years she grew into her new position as Hunter's exalted slave. She was, however, still far from being a queen and any order she issued, to servants or otherwise was ignored unless backed up by Hunter's word, making her feel all the more powerless. More and more often she found herself begging Hunter to help change the sad state of her people, who slaved away night and day for the desires and labors of the Saxons they were forced to serve, and casualties, many still younger than ten, were on the rise as the physically weak Angelo were pushed beyond the limits of normal slavery and into creatures more akin to cattle.

Each night, regaurdless of Hunter's plans or actions, the forlorn queen wept for her people, who in turn cried out to her, but their voices were becoming fainter and fainter as their numbers continued to drop. Grace begged her master to save her people, to at least keep them alive so that they could continue to serve, and sometimes her please were heard. But resistance was plentiful, a fact that was proven when Hunter's one armed maid was raped and killed in her sleep. Many thought that Hunter had grown to soft and was being manipulated by his wife slave.

Still, even their hate could not halt the flow of time and Grace gave birth to a daughter, her name was to be chosen by Hunter but if he chose to allow Grace to pick, she would name her Amy, after her own mother, who was murdered as well by resistance movement. The child was born with white fur covering her whole body and brilliant green eyes. Her head hair was blond like her mothers and even as young as she was, both Grace and Hunter knew she would grow up to be beautiful. Grace cared for the child personally and was with her at all times, fearful of her enemies, and how they continued to kill all those around her.

As the days went by, Hunter would notice something more disturbing. His wife, despite her inability to age, was growing listless and lifeless. When asked she said that it was surely connected to the fate of her people, and as her race faded from the world, so did her desire to exist. Her life began to were away beneath her gorgeous flesh and slowly she became hardly anything more than a doll who took care of her child and gave Hunter whatever he asked for. How Hunter dealt with this was up to him, but no medicine nor magic seemed capable of curing his wife of her lack of life. In these days she did little more than sit in their room, caring for her child and entertaining Hunter and his guests, her breath silent, her words few, her eyes seeming to always be half closed.


Mai and her slaves, Elva included (She was stolen back a few days after her capture) Lived mostly unaffected by the rebels, Elva growing stronger by the day and Silvia gaining more and more control of her potion induced jealousy. That is until Silvia was killed. By all accounts she took a far many with her, but an unarmed naked Angelo slave could only do so much and she was slain for being what she was, an Angelo warrior.

Her death was only one in many as the resistance found and killed nearly all Angela warriors and royalty. It was no longer safe for Elva to leave their room and hardly safe for Mai to leave her alone. Elva was not technically royalty but she was close enough and was targeted many times. The timid cat girl could not fight back, and to this day remains timid and obedient to Mai.


Alexander was put under allot of pressure and could not find enough time to be with her new pet, Neko, so he usually dressed her and brought her with him. He taught her how to act and how to behave in certain scenarios. She was always by his side then and was safe from most attacks since she was not an Angelo and Alexander made that very very clear to all.

Being a champion, powerful general on his own right, and not owning even a single Angela slave that might "tempt" him, he was the perfect candidate for new leader. This made many approach him with the proposition, and many called for him to take Hunter's place as the "Supreme War Leader". He refused each time. But even with his loyalty and his refusal to have any part of this, his relationship with Hunter was strained and pushed to the limit. Many times when they would meet in public, A crowed would form around Alexander and Hunter, one half for the Champion and one half for the war leader.


Perhaps the ones least touched by the resistance were Serenity and Axle. the Fairy, not being of the Angelo, was left mostly unbothered by the resistance and Axle was left alone as well. Serenity often helped Axle in both bed and in the lab, her power to increase his own power becoming a useful commodity for him, allowing Axle to reach new heights of power.

Still, this brought the attention of many who would seek the power for themselves and Serenity had to be kept hidden, lest other wizards and warlocks steal her away and use her against him.

(Ok, now you tell me how your guys have fared through all this. Also, did I miss anyone?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)