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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver)
Alex kissed back with passion, and his hands continued to rub and massage her breasts, and if Amy had a bra, he would mess it up greatly, and ruffled her clothes. He was a wild animal, lusting for a mate, messing up Amy's hair and clothes as they made out and he felt her up. "Mmm...How old are you, babe? You look pretty young."
"No clue, try doing something there's usually some instinct feeling that tels you what to do." Nico s growing curious.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Amy whimpered softly under his wild caresses and could feel him messing up her clothes and bra as he fondled her and felt her body up. "I-Im thirty six." She said softly, hoping they would not attract attention but not daring to ask to move to a quieter space since at least here they could not have full blown sex without having the police get involved.


Asuna closed her eyes with a nod and tried to feel something different, anything different, but could not feel a thing. "Nothing...maybe this just isnt the right situation? Or maybe it was a dud?" She asked as she opened her eyes again and flexed her muscles, nothing had changed.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"And when was the last time you had a fun time with a man?" Alex asked as he licked her flesh, one hand rubbing her left breast, and the other moving down to her skirt and, and slithered down to her panties and rubbed against them to feel her pussy. "Like that babe? Don't you dare lie, or else your kid gets beaten into the ground. You and I are going to get to know one another for a while."
"Keep trying, calm your mind and focus." Nico instructed doing her best to help.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Amy gasped and tears filled her closed eyes. "Its b-been a long time." She stammered as she felt him rub her pussy. Then, knowing any other answer would hurt Alex, she took a deep breath and said "Yes, I like it, I like it allot..." she felt horrible, submitting to some one she had not even seen, but Alex was the only thing important left in her life, she had to protect her son no matter what the cost. "Please sir, cant I at least open my eyes?" She asked as politely as she could muster while being licked, fondled, kissed and rubbed.


Asuna tried again and again nothing happened. She was probably right, either the situation was not right or it was a dud. The best way to see if it was a dud would be to get Asuna into some drownable water, but that hardly seemed safe for either of them.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No. Not yet. Maybe later, but not now. You open them without my permission and I swear to God. You will never see your son again. He will die, and you won't even get the chance to see his body," Alex responded. "Now be quiet, time for me to-"

"Something going on here?" a worker suddenly asked as a flashlight came on the two. Luckily, Alex was kind enough to stand in the way of his mother and block any chance of looking at her, giving time to fix herself up a bit. "Open your eyes," Alex whispered and turned around to look at the worker. "Sorry, bro, just trying to have some fun with my girlfriend," he said, and got up and moved so he was at the seat behind Amy. It was now dark and the movie was playing, so Amy couldn't see him in the darkness without focusing for a bit

"Tell him you want to be left alone with me. Feel free to be slutty with it," he whispered to her. And by feel free, he meant, sound like a slut.
Nico thought for a moment before she rose and gazed down at the younger girl "Maybe you just need a reason to use it." she said as arms sprouted from the bed and pulled Asuna onto her back.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Amy quickly fixed herself up and looked up at the man, spotting Alex's from behind. Luckily for him, it was dark and hard to see, but Amy instantly knew that she knew this person from somewhere. But he moved behind her to quickly for her to be sure. In any case she was now facing a theater employee and blushed quite a bit as she heard her command. "I..I really want to be left alone with my boyfriend...if you know what I mean." She put on her most seductive look, pressing her breasts together as she leaned forward a bit, her roughed up appearance already erotic. She prayed this was enough since she really really had tried her hardest.


"Whoa! What are you doing?! Where did these arms come from?!" Asuna asked, unfamiliar with Nico's power. "Please tell me your not going to strangle it out of me." She said only half joking.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"O-OH~ OH! Heh...Uh...Sorry, Miss," the man said, blushing red. He quickly ran off whispering, "Lucky bastard!" and disappeared. Alex smiled and his hands moved forward and rubbed Amy's breast and he kissed her neck. "Very good slut. I bet that was so natural for you. But maybe we should move somewhere else? Like a closet or the bathroom or something so we can be alone..." he said. "Or we could stay, might get caught, but we could stay," Alex suggested and decided to have fun. "If you want to leave say 'please fuck my pussy Master,' but if you want to stay say, 'I love you, Master,'" he ordered. "And make it sound convincing!"