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Kingzero and Silver
"R-really? Are you telling the truth? Please, don't lie," Neko begged/ordered, gently pushing her off. "Don't place your forehead on mine, unless you really tell the truth, Mistress..."


Alex's eyes widened, and he stared at the empty cup. "....You weren't supposed to drink the whole thing," he commented. He did smile at the drug's effects though, and kissed her goodnight and began leaving. If nothing went without a problem, he want back to Ren, sucked on her tit, spat in it, and then went to Silvia and Flare, and opened the door, to hopefully see them.
"Now now, I might be your friend." Frina said, grabbing Neko's nipple and twisting it painfully. "But I am loyal to my masters and my orders above everything, even my own life, so dont think its alright for you to misbehave." She released her nipples and resumed stroking her head. "Please believe when I say it though, I dont have any reason to lie you. You have a friend in me, if you would allow me that." She smiled gently and waited.


Ren moaned as more of her endless milk was sucked. "Ahh, m-master..." She moaned in her sleep as she hugged Tali and rested with her daughter. In the room. Silvia was asleep, flare tightly curled up cutely in her arms. Even as Alex walked in, he could feel the soothing mental waves that Silvia was releasing, calming him of all anxiety.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Neko screamed as her nipple was twisted and she tearfully looked at Frina. "...Please....Just...Can you just hold me?" she begged, crying. "I won't misbehave, or be bad, I'll be good Mistress! I'll accept you as my friend just,,,just hold me for a bit?" she begged.


Deciding that he could just use the milk to wake up Flare in case she woke up, Alex sent a mental order for Silvia to awaken. If she did not wake up, he would lean forward and shake her a bit to wake her up.
Silvia woke up slowly at his command and smiled at him. 'Yes master? Would you like me to leave flare now?' she asked softly as she stroked Flare's soft furry head.


Frina smiled and nodded. "OK, but not for to long. I cant let the masters see you getting special treatment." She the wrapped Neko in a tender hug, pressing their bodies together as she did, letting Neko feel ever inch of her muscular, toned athletic body. "Are you feeling better Neko?" She asked softly as she stroked her head.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"If you can, yes. I don't think you and I have spent enough time together alone," Alex said, smiling already about what he was planning. "Why don't you and I go eat in the kitchen and spend some time together?" he asked. What Alex really means is, let's go eat and then I can fuck your pussy and humiliate you, my love slut!


"Yes...Yes, thank you," Neko replied feeling better after having that hug. Why? Because hugs rule. Ahem, now Neko pulled back as to not ger her new friend hurt or in trouble. "So...what now, Mistress?"
Silvia nodded obediently and got up slowly, allowing Flare to continue her much needed nap. she then walked out to Alex and smiled at him cutely, her eyes angled down as she had been trained to. "Lets go master." She said in her soft voice, leaning against him slightly, seeing if he wanted her close or not.


Frina smiled an placed her head against Neko's like she had before. "Im sorry but I have to leave you like this for at least your first night, but if you keep up the good work then no trouble will come to you and I will be able to let you sleep on the ground tomorrow. For now try to rest, tomorrow your training begins." She kissed Nejo's lips softly and pulled away, smiling kindly at the poor girl.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and wrapped his arm around Silvia waist and kissed her cheek, leading her out quietly as to not awaken Flare. If leaving went on without a hich, Alex led his slave to the kitchen, still holding the cup of Ren's milk in one hand. "Sit," he said, motioning her down on a seat before placing the cup before her. "Drink," he said. He knew that Silvia had already tasted Ren's milk, but he still wanted to see if there were any other special effects from it.


Neko couldn't help, but blush as she was kissed. Bowing her head, she looked around the barn and looked for a good place to sleep. "So I am to sleep here, Mistress?" she asked, looking around. "Anywhere special?"
Silvia did as she was told and drank the milk. "Mmmm, Ren's milk!" She said happily as she drank it down. "And it tastes even better than normal..." She moaned as her tummy was filled with the sweet, warm stuff. She drank it all and smiled almost drunkenly at Alex, her eyes half closed as she awaited another command.


"Right where you are hanging." Frina said as she pulled away. "Right there for tonight. If you behave then tomorrow night you will be allowed to sleep anywhere you want in the barn." With that she began to walk away. "Good night neko." She said as he departed.

(Time skip?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

After a decent nap, the Gatomon known as Neko awoke and looked around. On one hand, she know had a friend in this hellhole. On the other hand, she was still in the hellhole, so her face was slightly sad.


"How does it feel, my dear?" he asked, his hands moving along Silvia's body, squeezing her ass and breasts and tracing her sweet body as he led her into another room so they could have the chance to 'bond.'
(Dont forget the others)

It was still early when Neko woke up and she would have a little while left to sleep before Frina came back. But this time she was not wearing what she had worn the past day. Instead she now wore black leather that allowed her breasts to show through, while her corset lifted and presented them.her pussy was also exposed and in her hand she carried a wicked looking whip. "Ready to rise and shine slave?" She asked she she entered the barn.


Silvia was easily led away and moaned softly as she was taken. "I feel...funny...master...kinda sleepy...and...unfocused." She said as she blushed and moaned against his touches.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)