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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion
The girl whimpered as the vampires picked up her plate and took it away. Angela swallowed hard but said nothing. "Bad dog." Venra growled, smacking Blue hard over the head again and then smacking Luna as well. "You know if I reward you, I will reward her to so I would try to be a good dog if I were you." She hissed before returning to her trembling meal. "Lulu, would you like to taste some of mine? She is delicious, and oh so frightened after what you just did. By the way, what do you want to do with those two? Is my Lulu going soft on me? Or are you just saving a snack for later you naught girl!" Venra teased as she took another long lick of her food making the small girl orgasm with a loud cry and then a series of pants as Venra locked it all up.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu thought for a moment before she answered "I hope not, I guess I'm just in a good mood today!" she said a she suddenly pulld Angela into her lap and began petting on her.

"I'm sorry..mistress.." Blue growled as he closed his eyes to keep from seeing anymore, though with a were's senses this was more or less pointless.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Angela whimpered slightly as she was pulled onto her mistress's lap and curled up cutely to make it easier to pet more of he , though in this way her legs could not be spread. "Would you like a taste of my were?" Venra asked as he small girl panted through her gag, her labored breathes the product of her orgasm. "and I must say Lulu, I love your pet! She is so cute! I would love to fuck her or have my pets fuck her." She said dreamily as she turned her dish so that her pussy was facing Lulu. "Here. have a lick." She said smiling.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Sound like fun, I bet she'll enjoy it. Won't you dear?" Lulu ased Angela before she leaned foreward and began licking the were dish's pussy, probing and tasting more and more before she stopped suddenly, leaving the girl no release to the pleasure that had built up "Exelent taste! The chiefs always know the best way to prepare our meals!"

Blue growled as the conversation, no way he'd take part in that, Angela had been the first person he'd made friends with when he join the pack, he could't think of mating with her 'though, she does look good in all that leather' he said tryingto ignore what his nose told him what that leather had come from.
Lady Devimon's Minions
The small were struggled weakly in her bindings as she was stopped just short of release, and, after realizing there was no other way to stimulate herself at all, she began to cry softly and wave her cute ass in the air as much as she could. She begged something beneath her gag and closed her eyes. 'It...its not fair..why do we get eaten? Why do vampires have to be so mean? I..I miss my pack! Im not even allowed to howl anymore, the mean chief smacks me on my noes...please...let me die soon. Let this good feeling bad thing they do stop soon...' "Lulu, do you think you could tell me what she is thinking?" Venra asked. Angela whimpered and asked, "Mistress...can we spare her to? She is not part of the war, please? She could be a good slave if you train her..with me...."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lulu repeated the were's thoughts word per word, even coping her voice before turning back to her own plaything "She's Venra baby's meal, it's all up to her weather or not to eat or spare her, i your too scaredthen don't watch, Venra baby likes to play with her food.."

Blue tried to shut out everything as best he could, he had killed before and had seen a lot of death, but this was unbearable.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Venra smiled and gently stroked the young girls face. "Oh poor dear, it seems so unfair to you." She said sweetly as her hands rubbed her tender ass, and it was so soft and tender Venra had to stop herself from sinking her nails into it. "Do you want a chance to live?" She asked teasingly. They crying girl opened her eyes wide and nodded vigorously, thinking 'Please! Please let me live!' Venra smiled and looked at Blue. "How about you? Do you want her to live? If you do then I will require two things from you." She said as she stroked her pet on his head.

Angela cringed and whimpered closing her eyes. "Please Mistress...your so great and powerful, stop this...its just...we never do this on our side of the war...please spare the children..." Angela could hardly believe the levels of cruilty she was seeing, how could this come to be!? Why did vampires do this?!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Blue nodded his head bowing to his mistress "Yess Mistress, please spare her, I'll do as you wish..." he had no choice, although fighting had once been his only reason to exist, he no longer wanted to see others in pain.

"When your our age you'll understand..." Lulu simply said not even blinking as she read Venra's plans and the memories of the male were at her side.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Venra's wicked smile grew, but then she felt a small prickling in her head and stopped 'You know its not nice to try to read other peoples minds Lulu dear.' she thought as she felt Lulu trying to read her mind. As a fellow Vampire, Venra could resist the mind reading and blocked off her thoughts. She was not some slave to be toyed with, not any more and though it did not anger her overmuch, she did feel that Lulu should know better.

She turned her attention back to Blue and cleared her throat. "Alright then, first thing is first. Come here, sit on my lap just like Lulu's cute little pup. And if your not as cute as her then the deals off and I will drain this girl painfully." Venra loved mind games, and this was going to be great. Angela whimpered and could not help her cuteness. "Sorry blue." She said softly, realizing that she was the inspiration to Venra's cruelty.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
'Can't blame a girl fo being curiious.' Lulu thought back abandoning her atemptstopry and watched the show "Your game seems a little fixed deary, no way that deformedmutt will be s cute as my precous lil pup." Lulu teased.

Blue whimpered as he crawled into Venra's lap, loering any and all defenses, making himself look vunerable and powerless in her embrace, turning from a hardened wolf to a harmless pup.
Lady Devimon's Minions