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Kingzero and Silver
Mike wrapped and arm around Rain and said "Dont worry, she cant hurt us, and by the end of this she will be jealous of you instead of hateful." Mike then turned to K, wrapped a puppetmon string around her nipple and began to pull, the thin string being extremely painful with even the slightest tug. "You have no name, you all have no names! I shall pick them for you. Now move out!" He said and most of them were knocked out, all but K. "You my dear, are coming with me." He said as he began to walk her and his slut back to the house, one in his arms, the other on strings.


Neko woke up in a small cage in a helicopter. The thing was still flying, and the blue sky was above them. Blue sky, perfectly blue, unlike the one in the digital world. The air, everything about her new surroundings were different. This was because she was now in the real world, being sent to a special anthro Gatomon farm were Gatomon were trained and sold. It was out in the middle of the country and so the fastest way there was helicopter.


Lilly awoke in a black room which seemed to be made of extremely dark obsidian glass. As she awoke she would find two red footprints illuminated in the center of the room, and then here a voice. "A good slave stands were her master wishes." The training had begun and the floor was already getting toasty.


Ren moaned softly and bucked a little, her eyes glazed over with pleasure. "IT feels really, really good master." She said softly to him as she fondled her breast a little. She just wanted more, more and more!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rain nodded and cuddled up to her Master, holding him, and crying slightly, out of fear. "M-Master? When we get back will gentle with slut? Slave has been good, so please...Be gentle with her if you want to fuck her tonight," she whimpered. Behind them, K was fighting the urge to scream, and fallowed. She glared at Rain and fought the urge to bite and rip her apart with her teeth. You'll pay for this, bitch!


Alex smiled and kissed Ren and their daughter's cheek. He suddenly plunged four fingers into her pussy, his thumb rubbing against her clit. "What about that, slut? Still good?"
(What about the other two? Not even Neko? I had some plans for her....)

Mike frowned suddenly and said "Never ask me to be gentle Slut, I will be as rough as I damn well please. If you dont want to get any more punishments then dont say such foolish things." Mike then grabbed her tit and began to roll her nipple. "Now dont say any more or I will let the new slut rape you." He threatened.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Calm down, calm down, bro. I also have to go soon. Dentist appointment.))

Rain gulped and looked away in fear. She said nothing, but nodded as her tit was rubbed. Her grip on him loosened slightly, afraid of him once more, losing hope of a nicer night as his slave. I'm going to die...Rain thought, feeling K's glare burn a hole through her.


Not realizing the danger she was in Lily spat on the ground and screamed out, "Fuck you humans! I won't bow down to you!"


"Nya? Where am I?!" she asked, and practically jumped up, hitting her head against the metal cage. "Let me out! LET ME OUT DAMN IT!"
(lol, Im calm! Im calm!)

Mike noticed this but could not careless, fear was, to him, more desirable than love, though both was preferable to just one. "Come now slut. I wont punish you unless any more unless you earn it or I really really want to since we have this new slut. But never ask me to be gentle, or rough or anything, that is not something you get a say in." Soon they were near the house and the sun was setting. "Well, its been a busy day, I guess I will put my sluts to sleep." He said giving Rain a squeeze, walking K in after them with the strings.


The floor began to heat up, getting hotter and hotter and hotter. If Lilly tried to fly then she wold be hit woth horribly painful cramps in her wings and then be sent back to the burning floor.


Neko would feel a debilitating surge of electricity as one of the men sitting near her hit her ass with a shock stick. "Shut up!" He yelled at her. "Now, what were you saying about this one?" The man asked looking over at another. "Ya, a new catch, fresh and ready for training. I feel sorry for her, maybe I will buy her later." The other man said as they began to land.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Yeah, right!))

Rain cowered by his side, as K let out a scream of pain, before following, feeling as though the string was going to cut her nipple off.


Lily did tried to fly, and crashed back to the ground and screamed as she felt the burning earth. She quickly ran to where she was supposed to stand and stood there, taking gasps of air.


Neko let out a scream of pain and cowered back, crying a bit. She looked at the humans and felt her tears fall, and looked away, not wanting them to see in her crying like that.
Ren moaned and had to bite her tongue to not be to loud and nodded, thrusting weakly against his fingers. "M-More..." She silently begged as she felt desire push into her mind and take command. She wanted to feel good for once, to feel good because she wanted to!


"OK, first lets put this naughty slut to bed." Mike said as he held Rain close to him. He led them down to the cold basement of the building were there were cages upon cages of cages. He selected a small one and let go of Rain. "I need both hands for this." He said as he attacked all the strings to K's limbs and began to maneuver her into the cage, so that when she was finally squeezed inside she was laying on her side on the cold bars, her knees pressed so hard against her chest that her breasts would hurt, her hands pinned to her side, her wings crush against her back. "Now for two more things." Mike said as he pulled hard on the string and ripped away all her clothes, and then snapped the strings, turning them into pink leather bonds that tied around her, making extra sure she would be unable to move. In addition, she was gagged and blindfolded and then locked in the cold cage, naked and alone. "There we go. What do you think slut?" He asked Rain, knowing the K could not say anything or even look at her. "Want to say anything about our new slut?"


The floor began to cool then, but not before robotic arms came out of the ground and latched on to her wrists and ankles, keeping her still while a steal table like the one used on rain was lowered. Once it was lowered, she was chained to it with the special restraints and collar, held spread eagle against the cold, emotionless steel. The two other small arms came out with bladed fingers and began to snip away her clothes, touching her skin but not cutting her, though they moved fast and cut it all pretty close, probably scaring her.


Soon the helicopter landed and Neko was wheeled out. From there her cage was thrown on the ground in front of a large mansion and left there. Another man got the door while one stayed behind and watched her, prodding her ass with his shock stick, not zapping her but hitting her tender flesh with its points, threatening to zap her at any moment. "So bitch, you gonna behave for us?" He asked as he now passed the powerful stun weapon between her tail and ass cheeks and began rubbing and prodding her tail hole.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"More what?" Alex asked. "More MASTER," he corrected, and kissed her neck and licked it with his tongue as he finger fucked her. He soon moved his head away from her neck, and down to her free breasts that wasn't being sucked by Tali. "Good girl, help Daddy please Mommy," he smiled, before sucking the other tit.


"She will make an excellent slave for you, Master," Rain whimpered, still afraid of K, who was steamed and pathetically tried to free herself, a red hot blush on her cheeks as she realized she was naked. "What are you going to do with me now, Master? Beat me? Punish...? Is it time for me to die?" Rain asked, slightly bitterly, but mostly sadly.


Neko let out a pleading meow as she felt the thing touch er tender skin. She looked at the man and was on the verge of tears, but nodded. "I'll behave....Master."


Lily gasped as her clothes fell apart, and she quickly tried to covered herself, but the bonds were too strong, instead making her feel a little pain. She gritted her teeth, and yelled out "Damn it! Sick perverts!"
(Lilly is being restrained in a spread eagle position so she cant cover herself)

Mike seemed to think for a second and then added "No, not tonight. Come with me slut, and say goodbye to your knew friend." He said as he took Rain around the waist and led her up to his bedroom. It was large and elaborate, decorated in red and gold. He picked her up then and smiled down at her, loving her fear, it made her look so adorable. He placed her down on the super soft velvet covers and said. "When you serve me, you shall be rewarded." He said simply as he stroked gently over her body. "You have felt pain, and now you will feel pleasure. And every night, as long as you are good, you will feel pleasure." He began to play with her nipples then and smiled as he placed once hand on her soft lips, pressing against them gently. "Just relax and do as master says and your life will not be as painful."


"Good cat. And here comes your trainer." Then came a man dressed in business suit with slicked back black hair and a rather powerful aura around him, like he had control over every little thing around him. He was handsome and imposing, looking like he was in his late twenties but not yet thirty. "So this is her?" He asked, another Gatomon, this one orange instead of white, and with larger breasts, stood beside him. "Yes, she is the new trainee." They said as they opened the cage. The man from before prodded gatomon with her wicked weapon and said "Out, come on, get out but stay on your knees you worthless bitch!" The man waited, as did his submissive looking cat servant.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Neko almost screamed in fear, but held her composure and began walking out on all fours to her Master. She fought back tears and looked up at him with pleading eyes, begging for mercy. "Nya..." she whimpered, almost silently.