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Kingzero and Silver
A few more hours passed as Rain was left in the cave without her master, naked and alone. Then suddenly there were bright lights and loud noises outside of the cave. All the digimon began to scramble to the back of the cave as those who could fight began to battle against whatever was attacking them, but one by one the fell and were captured in snaring energy draining nets. Soon humans in armor with guns and cuffs began to flood into the cave, tackling the digigirls and restraining them with the cuffs and tranquilizers. One suddenly grabbed Rain and threw her to the floor, straddling her back and cuffing her hands there.


Ren was to busy moaning to notice when Alex came in for a kiss and took the whole thing, tasting her own milk. She drank it all down and it seemed to have a drug like effect on her as her eyes half closed and she moaned softly, becoming more sluggish.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"No! No wait! Not me!" Rain yelled. "Master! Master!" she cried out, looking for her Master Mike. "Master, please help me!" she begged. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Neko and K both trying to fight, but quickly falling. "Master, please help your slut!" she begged, not caring who heard as long as Mike heard.


Alex pulled back and noticed the drug like effect and smiled. "Ren? Ren, dear how do you feel? Does your milk not taste good?" he asked, and kissed her lips again, then her neck, then back to her lips, tasting her fur and exploring her mouth with his tongue.
Ren only moaned softly as she was kissed and sucked on. Her pussy was wet by now and a soft blush had made its way across her fur, make her look even cuter than normal. "Master..." She moaned softly as he kissed her again.


The human began to drag Rain out by her hair and cuffs, even as she screamed and was brought outside to see tons of other captured digimon being taken into helicopters that had landed not far away. There in the center of the clear stood Mike. She was brought before him and her feet were kicked from under her so that she would bow. "IS this your slut sir?" The man asked. Mike looked at Rain for a second and then said "I have never seen her before in my life, take her away."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and kissed her some more, on her tits, face, lips, and neck. "I have to get some more of this stuff for Angy, Flare, and Silvia!" he smiled, and moved his fingers down to rub her clit. "How does that feel, slut?"


Rain's eyes widened and tears fell down them instantly. She quickly began fighting back, fighting to stay with Mike. "Master! Master no! Please Master, I love you, don't abandon me! I did everything you say, please don't leave me! I've been a good slave! A good slut! Master, please don't leave me! Don't abandon me!" she begged.
Mike smiled and waved the man away, who dropped Rain to the ground as soon as he did. "I know slut, here, come to master." Mike said with open arms, still enjoying her desperation at being abandoned, she was a fine slave, a fine slave indeed.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Rain ran to him and embraced him, crying into his shoulder. "P-please never leave me Master! I don't know what to do without you!" she cried, as she held him tightly, her arms around his shoulders. "I need you....don't leave me." It seemed Rain was beyond repair now, if Mike ever wanted that. She was broken.
Mike smiled, the box was a great success, and he loved his little slut so! "Its OK." He said embracing her with a smile. "Master is here for you, and as long as you please him, he will always be here for you." As he hugged her the soldiers around them lined up all the Digimon and awaited his command. "Ah, here they are. Lets take three, shall we?" He said as he led Rain over under his arm so all could see who the traitor was. "Lets take....this one." Mike said as he walked to where Lilly was restrained and pinched her nipple between his fingers. "A fine test subject for the box I think." He said smiling even wider. "So slut?" He asked Rain. "Any you took a liking to while in there?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Anyone you want, Master," Rain whispered as Lily let out a moan of pain and pleasure from feeling her her nipple being pinched. Suddenly Rain was tackled down by both K and Neko, both of who had broken from their captors and were now trying to kill the Ranamon. "MASTER! Help!" Rain cried as the two clawed, bite, and slapped her.
"It..It f-feels good master." Ren moaned softly, holding her child protectively as she was pleasured so that she would not get disturbed by Alex. "Please master...continue...but dont disturb her." she moaned softly, her pussy damp and in need of attention.


With a wave if his hand, both digimon were sent flying as puppetmon strings were attached to them and pulled them both clean off. "Fine then, you two shall also be prototypes! But for different training!" He said angrily as he pulled Rain back into his arms. "Dont worry good slut, you can help me train one....the Kazemon, we shall train her personally. The Gatomon can take my kitty training, and the Lillymon can go into the box." He said.

(You can choose not to be all three of them if you dont want to, or at least not at the same time. Kazemon will have to be played but you can choose between lilly and Neko)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Whatever you say, Master...Um...Master? May I hold you?" Rain asked, wishing to cuddle into her Master, wrap her arms around him, because now, he was her only protection. Her only home.

"I have a name, you freak!" K roared. "And you! You sick whore, you betrayed us all! I swear, I'll kill you for this you bitch! Fucking slut!" she screamed, and Rain looked away in pain, fear, and shame, crying a bit. "Master, make her stop," Rain begged.


"But of course," Alex smiled and kissed Ren's neck, his hand moving to her pussy to now finger it with two digits, and rubbing her clit with his thumb. "How does that feel, my dear? Good?"