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Kingzero and Silver
Ren nodded and suddenly hugged her daughter tightly and snuggled her. "My daughter, my poor beautiful daughter." She said sadly as she hugged her child, Tali hugging back gently, and resting her head on Ren's breasts, closing her eyes as she snuggled her soft furry mother.


(lol, no offense but we use Rosemon allot and lady Devimon gives me the creeps, lol, are there any others we have not used? We've covered renamon and angewoman as well, surely there are other digibitchs we can use right?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Kazemon and....hmm....I dunno))

"Well on the bright side, she appears fine," Alex stated. "....Perhaps we should experiment and see?" he asked, looking down at his dick, wondering what would happen if he revealed it.
Ren shook her head and said "Please dont...please spare her. I will relieve you later...just please dont make her live this life." Ren's eyes looked pleadingly up at him as she held her child. Suddenly Tali moved a little and latched onto Ren's breast, beginning to suckle from it. "W-What is she doing?" Ren asked in surprise as she felt the strangely pleasurable sensation of her nipple being sucked. Digimon did not nurse there young so this was new to her.


(Um...let me think...any how digimorpgs you can think of? Digimon anthros?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)


"Heh, its called breast feeding," Alex said. "In my world, humans are a part of a class called Mammals and mammals feed their young milk from the mother's tits. In other words, she's hungry, and you're her food source. Lovely, isn't it?"
Ren moaned a little and nodded, stroking her daughter slowly as she drank from Renamons large, milk filled breasts. The milk smelled delicious and the baby did not spill any at all, which probably meant it was. "IT feels....nice." Renamon said with a blush as the baby fed.


(Gatomon? Hmmm...Kazemon....What about Might work.....)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((I dunno, you choose. Tell me when you come to a decision))


"That's good, because you'll be doing a lot of it," he smiled, and patted his daughter's head. "Tali...Tali Hunter....Such a cute name," he said, and looked at his vixen and kissed her cheek. "She's almost as beautiful as you, Ren."
(They are going to be yout characters, you pick em, you can even stick with your originals, those were just my thoughts on it)


Ren blushed but said nothing, uttering another small moan as her daughter continued to feed. She blushed a little more at this, she felt like it was some kind of dirty act now and was tempted to start fondling her free breast.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Let's just say they're a Kazemon and Gatomon, alright?))

Rain walked over to two girls who were glaring at one another. One was a catgirl, with silky white hair, aubran eyes, nice soft plae skin, and the other was wearing a purple jumpsuit, and was a Kazemon. "Hi! I'm new here. My name's rain and you two are?"

"Neko, this is whoremon."

"What!?" Kazemon growled. "Sigh, my friends call me K, but my real name is Wendy. This is slutmon."

"Shut up, bitchmon!" Neko growled in return.


"You know, I could use a meal," Alex smiled and moved to her other breast and kissed it, before taking the tit in his mouth and sucked on it, softly at first, but slowly wanting more of it.
(Go ahead and post a little more on what happens in the cave if you like since when Mike comes back it will all be over)


"Ahhh! Ohhh...." Ren moaned as her other breast was sucked. Her breath was steamy with arousal now as her milk was sucked from both breasts. It tasted sweet, but not like Angy's milk, more like a vanillay flavor and it was thicker to, almost like a warm milkshake. It tasted great and Alex could even feel himself getting stronger as he drank it, the milk being super nutritious. If he could capture a few Renamon and milk them like this he would make millions.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The two Digimon looked like they were about to kill each other, so Rain avoided them. She looked around some more and found most Digimon had never seen a really human, they just heard stories, but not the real thing. Nor have they seen the Human World. Some say the Human World was a huge utopia, and that there was an underground society with Digimon sluts. Others said it was a place of hell and pain.


Alex moaned as he sucked her tits, and he could feel his cock hardened and become noticeable, but he just kept sucking her tits. He pulled back for a second, his mouth filled with Ren's milk and kissed her, making her taste her milk right from her breast.