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Kingzero and Silver
"F-Free?" She asked suddenly. She began to grasp what they were asking now, and remembered seeing stuff about it on the news, activists and such trying to free enslaved pokemon. " thats who you are." She said nodding her head in understanding. "OK then, I will go with you and be free." She agreed, walking towards the Van, though it hardly mattered, as soon as they let her out she would just fallow her psychic link back to her master and continue to serve him. This was the easiest and most painless way to do things, she would be back in time to make dinner for her beloved master and they would think they saved a pokemon and feel good about themselves. She told as much to Alex over their mental link and asked him to forgive her and that she would accept any punishment he gave her when she got him and cooked for him. She then walked towards the van and said "Um..but where are we going?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"To a forest, far away from here. You'll never seen this sicko again," the man smiled and led her into the car. He then looked at Alex. The man's rage was easily visible and it took all of his self control not to kill all the men right now. He looked at Silvia and tightened his fists and gritted his teeth. "Sickos like you deserve to be alone," the man said as he led Silvia into the van.
"Um? How far away exactly? Im a pysichic type so walking really long is not good for me." She said as she sat down in the care. "If you put me to far out then I wont be able to go to the store and get food." She said looking around at the men innocently, genuinely not understanding that they meant for her to forage for her own food and defend herself against other pokemon that would steal her food and maybe even eat her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Store? Food? Little Gardevior, you'll be forging for your own food. IN the wild, you'll have no Master to hold you back, you can be what you were meant to be. Defending yourself against predators, forging your own home and food. Live your life like you should," the man explained as they closed the car doors and started up the car.
"Foraging? Whats that?" She asked innocently. She read his mind and quickly figured it out and almost shuddered but decided to let them explain it. "And whats a predator? Are they nice people like you? Why do I need"defend" myself? Im not sure what that is either."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Um...You need to collect your own food, there are no markets or stores, that I know of," the man said. "Also predators are other pokemon who want you," the man said. "You have to defend yourself from then," he said. He really wasn't making this 'freedom' sound too great. "Y-you don't even know what defending yourself means? Boy....You know...protecting yourself, with your powers? Fighting back?"
"Fighting? But I cant fight, master always kept me safe and made sure nothing ever happened to me." She said suddenly sounding scared. "And I dont know were to find food....and...I really dont want to be eaten." She hugged her knees and looked terrified for them. "H-How Im I going to live? I dont know any attacks, its all I can do to just lift things some times, and even that hurts my head."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"He's not your Master! He's some twisted fuck who raped and hurt you! Look, you're a pokemon, just use your instincts! When we drop you off, we're also going to go back and make that bastard pay, so don't worry about him," the man smiled, revealing a pistol in his pocket. "We'll deal with that twisted fucker."
"Wait! Please dont hurt him." Silvia said suddenly. "He is not just my master, he is my lover. I love him, he never really hurts me. He feeds me and gives me shelter and loves me. He keeps me warm and never lets anyone touch me, Im his special girl." She looked around to every one in the van to see if she could gain any support from them. "Why would you kill him? From the sounds of it he seems to be doing something better than you are. I was born with humans, I dont have pokemon instincts, and still he loves and protects me. He feeds me, and does everything for me, the least I can do is cook for him and help him with his desires. You want to leave me in a forest with creatures that will try to eat me all alone and with no food...wont any of you help me? I thought you were going to help." Her wide, scared eyes looked around at them all, looking for any doubt at all so she could make it grow. If at least most of the people disagreed with the man then it would probably stop them from doing anything stupid and maybe even let her go.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"He's got a point. The guy's messed with her head too much, so we can't leave her in the wild," one man said and the others nodded. "Then what you suppose we do?" the man asked. "Bring her back."

"To what? Be raped? Gardevior, don't you remember how he showed you around town butt naked, and covered in his own cum! How the hell is that love?" the man asked. "I mean come on, the guy raped you and other girls, all for his sick pleasure!"