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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)

Solia gasped. The town was dull and gray. All the buildings were made of the same gray stones as the castle and had straw-thatched roofs. A solitary cobblestone pathway led through the center of the small village straight to the other sides with only a couple of alleys straying from that path. The overcast gray sky only magnified the feeling of gloominess that hung over the village. It was not a mystical village at all.

Ardeal spoke first. " Lunatio?" He looked as far as he could down the pathway and was able to see the exit on the other side. Not a single person wandered the streets. The breeze started up again, carrying with it a few pieces of light garbage.

"Yikes, this place is actually pretty scary," Solia said, her voice slightly shaky. "The soldiers should be to the north of this place, so let's just go through it quickly."

Smoke arose in the distance from where the queen's soldiers were camped out.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Faiz and Mika kept on moving carrying Solia and Ardeal to the other side of Lunatio, which is the exit to go to another village by following the smoke rose up to the air.

"Hmm....quite weird...Before this, I can see people walking around or doing some business on the streets...Something change all this..." Mika stated as taking a glance to the surroundings of the village while still moving fast.

Then, both of them stopped and hide behind one of the small house near exit once Faiz spot the soldiers' campsite. They slowly put Solia and Ardeal on the ground.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

"Can you see them?" Ardeal asked curiously.

Solia took a deep breath. "I can sense them. There are about 20 of them, but I sense two other beings there. I don't know what they are but...they keep moving and I can't get a fix on them. When we take these guys out, we better do it quickly. I don't want to have to fight whatever is around here."


Most of the soldiers were sitting around a dying fire. None of them moved. There was a tent nearby with some activity going on inside. A man emerged from the tent and looked at the soldiers. He was the only thing moving in the camp, but in a flash, he disappeared, leaving the soldiers to gaze wearily and emptily into the flickering embers.

Two shadows circled the camp wildly and became even more erratic when the man left. Something was wrong...
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Mika focus on the soldiers' campsite for the accurate reading including the surroundings to launch the attack. After a while, she had an idea. "Okay, here's the plan. You two walk passing the campsite and act as a traveler, and at the same time, Faiz and I Looking for a specific place to launch the attack." Mika suggest, even though it sounds dangerous.

"Uhmm, Solia, do you know any sorts of spell to disable hearing and vision sense? This is to ensure that we kill the soldiers completely and leaving without a trace. Would you able to do that?" The dragoness said for a confirmation.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Solia smiled and her eyes gleamed with confidence. "Of course I can. Here goes: Factus caecus a non validus audio."

Ardeal looked up to Mika. "We're good at pretending to be travelers, seeing as how we pretty much look the part."

When Solia finished casting, Ardeal took her hand and led her towards the campsite.


The soldiers seemed to remain the same, even though the spell was cast. The shadows circling the camp increased their pace.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Mika and Faiz in the meantime began moving silently to other directions of the campsite and hid themselves behind the tree. There are not much hiding place for them to get a perfect view and to launch an attack.

Right now, Mika and Faiz facing opposite to each other with the campsite on the center of their vision, while Mila monitoring the soldiers' movement, then she discovered something weird. The hearing and vision disabling spell doesn't work. "My goodness, Solia. hat spell doesn't work at all. They're still can wander around with no problems." The dragoness speaks telepathically.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Solia received the message, but kept walking with Ardeal. "Are you sure? They don't seem to be responding to us approaching," she thought back at Mika. She relayed Mika's message to Ardeal.

Ardeal let go of Solia's hand. "I'll go see what's up." Ardeal left Solia standing where she was and boldly approached one of the soldiers sitting around the dying fire. "Hey, we're travelers and we need some assitance..." he said as he tapped the soldier on the shoulder.

Both Solia and Ardeal gasped as the soldier fell back into the dirt, his eyes rolled back into his head, a look of absolute terror frozen on his face.

"H-he's dead," Ardeal murmured. He looked around. "They're all DEAD!" he screamed.

Solia became frightened. She was standing in the shadow of a dead tree. At that moment, a hand reached up from the shadow and grabbed Solia's ankle in an attempt to pull her down into the ground.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Both Mika and Faiz have some weird feelings that something is indeed went wrong. They watches the soldiers fell into a dirt once Ardeal tapping the soldier's shoulders and weird activity of the shadows that they spot just Solia and Ardeal reaches them.

Faiz which is hiding behind the dead trees, saw one hand emerge from the shadow and grab Solia's ankle. Without waiting much time, the wolf quickly approaches Solia and grabs her gently together with Ardeal before sending a short shockwave via his feet claws to the hand, and hide behind the tree next to Mika. "Solia...hide our shadows now..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

"Affirmative," Solia replied. "Umbra, abolesco." The shadows cast by their bodies instantly vanished, leaving no way for the shadow monsters to grasp them from the ground.

So, in anger, two beasts arose from the ground. They were completely black and appeared to be created from the darkest shadows. They were both four-legged and one had a set of horns on it's head. Their eyes were yellow spheres that were untidily thrust into their skulls. Their fangs gleamed white as they bared them at the small group, hiding behind the trees.

The one with the horns spoke. "I am Erisvorch, the Restraint. Our master has commanded us to kill anyone who approaches this camp without any warning."

The other one spoke. "I am Propogoa, the Depression. You shall become food for us, for sure." They both laughed in a growling manner.

Solia cowered in fear. "Well, just when we thought things were going to be easy."

Ardeal drew his sword. "We'll just have to take them out then."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


"Well, I think the same thing until you make our shadows disappeared." Mika take a short peek on those two monsters. "Wait for a while, Ardeal. Let Faiz go to meet them first. We didn't know their strength level." The dragoness said while nodding to Faiz, and he walks behind the tree and approaches the two beasts before stopped at safe distance. "Erisvorch, Propogoa, are your master command you to kill anyone, including the civilians and travelers who passing by...? Or...are you waiting for a person that your master really wants..?" He said calmly and naturally.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds