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Bleach: Last Stand.
Hyouzen didn't flinch from the Disuto's announcement, the water dragon continuing to grin, almost in an eerie manner. "Heh, so you think we'll try to run away, eh..." His expression slowly turned into a snarl as he added rather firmly, "I have no respect for'll pay for insulting me and my followers..." A thick blue aura enveloped the aqua lizard and pushed away the hands around him as he prepared to invoke his bankai.

(11th Squad HQ)

Trent chuckled a little before telling Naibu, "Yes, I can see. They look rather eager. Well, a short battle wouldn't hurt before that drink, I suppose." The gryphon arose from the floor and looked the subordinates and their fiery eyes. With a light grin, he asked them, "Alright then, which one of you would like to go first?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
(Underground Passage)

Upon contact with Shadow's paw, the wall turned, taking him to the other side just as it had taken Lizzy.

Sitting on her butt and staring up was the young dragon shinigami, "Uhm... Hi!" Lizzy waved her claw with a smile.

"It appears I should change the messages on the walls." A voice said from the shadows of the secluded room, a large, bulky being covered in a thick garb which hid its face appeared. Its large body was completely grey, as if devoid of any human look-a-like color. "Why have you come here, shinigami?" the being asked to the two newcomers.

(Real World)

As Rei took care of one of the arms, the Disuto laughed, "Perfect, an oportunity to show my power."

And with that, all of a sudden, as Hyouzen tried to summon his Bankai, his entire right arm, where the black burn mark had appeared, would go numb, as if it had been paralyzed. Yet it was not the only thing that happened, as the black suddenly glowed a bright red and a searing pain would start coursing through Hyouzen's sword arm.

Similar effects started spreading over all the 'burned' subjects, their touched spots would turn red as they would go numb, before they would start hurting as if a hundred blades had pierced through their flesh and bone at the same time.

Proto felt this power as well, his back, completely black now, made him collapse on the floor on his knees, unable to float as his concentration wailed off thanks to the unbearable pain. "Wh-what is this trick?! I cannot move!"

(Seireitei: 12th Squad's Bureau)

Kazan could scarcely talk thanks to the suffocation provoked by Rina's overwhelming bust pressing his face. "Mmpphhff!" he muffledly said.

The entire squad before Rina and Kazan sweatdropped seeing the display, but the organization didn't take long.

(Some minutes later)

"The teams are ready, Yuyou-futaicho!" The new third seat said, Kazan nodded and then looked over to Rina, "Taicho, we're all set. Where shall we begin our search?" he asked, not wanting to rush into anything before receiving consent from their Captain.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Okay, split up and sent me a report of your findings" She turned around facing her team "Follow me" The team followed her to the lab, Rina stopped in front of a large computer and introduced a disk she had on it "Okay... this is what we must develop, it's a device capable of injecting reiatsu on a shinigami, its flaws are that keep it on for far too long causes irreparable damage on the subject... but I'm sure I will be able to modify it so its counter-effects aren't so severe." She explained.

(11th Squad's Barracks)

"Trent, don't be too harsh on them, I still need them to write reports for me" Naibu said.

"Trent-taicho! Will you allow me to be your opponent?" The fourth seat asked.
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"Graaghhh!" Vook roared, dropping her swords and falling to her knees, holding the burning part of her arm. "B-Bastard!!" She growled, holding her arm tightly as she slowly stood back up. "But a little burning...grrggh...won't stop this dragoness!" she added, glaring up towards the disuto.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
(Real World)

Hyouzen roared in pain once the ebony mark burned into the scales of his sword arm. His concentration was broken and the blue aura about him dissipated with his bankai interrupted. "Too afraid to face me in my real form, eh..." He was forced to his knee with his body still trying to adjust to the burden of the mark, his legs unable to move. "...I can still attack you know..." Willing his head upwards, Houyzen opened his great maw and launched an ice breath attack towards the disuto.

(Squad 11 HQ)

Hearing Naibu's request, Trent nodded and told him, "Don't worry, it's just a little practice." He then stepped forwards and smiled towards the fourth seat. "Very well then, I accept your challenge. You may have the first move if you wish." Trent then unsheathed his zanpaktoh and set it in a defensive position while his sharp green eyes studied the subordinate's movements.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Huh? what do you mean they 'cost you'?" Katt asked, her curiousity getting the better of her.


OOC: I apologize but I can't for the life of me remember if Mindy got burned or not so I'll change this if it's wrong.


Mindy's weapon dropped from her grip as she suddenly felt, nothing, the weapon clanking as it changed to a blade and hit the ground, "Wh-what's, going on," she grunted, clearly trying to make her body move.


"I apologize for her actions," Shadow said, bowing a bit, "She can be a bit impulsive at times, we came looking for someone we were told we could find here. I assume it was you we were looking for."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I think that Rei was too far away but if I'm wrong I'll change this...

IC: "W-what's wrong? What is that?!" Rei panicked looking at the others in pain, "Why am I not efected?" wondering this she suddenly remembered the arms that had grabbed them "What do I do?" she wondered before having an idea "Please don't let this thing know what I'm up to." she begged as she loaded a seele snider and let it fly, angeling the bow so it stuck in the ground behind it "Just need four more..." with that she loaded another.

Salem sighed heavily as he reaced into his robes and pulled out a simple four-point quincy cross and wraped it around his wrist "This is just going to be one of those days..." he said as he formed a unstable looking bow and arrow that resmbled a cero ( Like this ) and letting the arrow fly, as he shot it his left hand exploded in with cuts sending blood everywhere, the arrow tore through a line of seven menos violently destroying them "Each shot damages more and more of my arm, after arrow five I lose the ability to move it..." he explained letting the bow fade and showing Katt his hands, wherever he had touched the bow was burned and smoking while his left hand was riddled with countless bleeding cuts from his wrist to his finger tips "This is why I am a failed Kago..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: @ Shadow and Salem:

I Wrote:"Hyouzen-sama... your arm..." Proto said, pointing at Hyouzen's touched spot in his right arm, Proto's spot was on his back, Mindy's was at her legs, Vook had been touched in her arm as well and Rei seemingly had been safe since she was at a distance.

Hope that helps!


(Underground Passage)

"I suppose it was Captain of the 4th Division Squad Yorimi. I owe her a favor, and it seems the time has come to repay it." The large man said, suddenly two gigantic grey arms folding together. "What is your plea, Shinigami?" He asked Shadow, ignoring Lizzy who seemingly had shyly stood up and was standing besides the white furred wolf.

(Real World)

The hands went in front of the Disuto, missing the selee sneider, but effectively covering the ice-breath. "You only have 50 minutes left to live." The disuto suddenly said, the frozen arms falling to the ground and dispersing into white matter that quickly joined the cocoon like before. "Distribucion is on its way." The hollow laughed, as all of a sudden the charred marks switched colors once again, from the bright red into an ominous amber yellow.

Proto didn't feel anything except for his back stinging like the others with their numb and aching spots, but all of a sudden, as the yellow mark completed its colorization, the bones of all the affected would start cracking and aching as if there were thousands of critters eating the osteous structure of the affected areas. "You better save your breath... you'll need it to scream in agony and beg for mercy, Vaizard." The Disuto said to Hyouzen. "Only 40 minutes."

(12th's Squad Bureau)

"Hai!" Kazan said, saluting as the whole lot of his surveillance team left for the chambers where the artifacts were held, the other half of his team had headed out for the library's archive where hopefully they would find much more information related to the stolen device.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Only 40, huh?" Vook mumbled, trying to focus under the immense pain in her arm. "More than enough time..." she added with a slight grin. "You better save your breath, then, because you'll be doing the begging!" the silver dragoness then put her claws together, mumbling a spell under her breath. "Destructive Art #93.....Shadow word: Death!" she recited, an aura of death forming over the disuto, and another silver dragoness appearing, though devoid of the yellow spot on her arm, a grin on her face.

"Can't get me with that magic of yours." The clone giggled, holding two swords identical to Vook's. "Now let's see what you can do, big boy!" She added, gripping her swords firmly as she jumped up at an angle, spreading her wings and flying straight for the disuto. "This'll teach ya!" she then thrust both her swords straight into the middle of the cocoon as she reached it.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Do, do those heal?" Katt asked, examing the wounds from a distance, "It's not gonna do that to me is it?"


"That, is the question," Shadow said sighing a bit, "Something is happening, unfortunately we don't have enough information on what that thing is, I was hoping you'd lead to some answers."


"You, aren't, going, to stop us that easily," Mindy grunted, her body shaking a bit as she tried to move it, suddenly her eyes went wide in pain as pain shot through her legs, the large bones hurting beyond imagination as she fell to the ground unable to stand, unable even to scream.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad