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Mai thought about, freezing like ice for a second before looking at her Master. "Y-you promise if I pick pony girl, Kitty will be happier? Will I get to see her more as your pony girl or as your lover?" she asked. She knew as Beast's pet she may never see anyone ever again, so that was instantly out.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I dont intend on letting you see her ever again." Mike said simply as he gave her a hard thrust up. "Perhaps, if you make a good lover, then maybe some day you might see her...if she manages to survive her current treatment. But who knows? I thought you might enjoy the fact that she could speak freely, but if you wish to sacrifice her sentient voice for a chance to see her then thats fine as well. To tell you the truth, I have only had one pony girl before, and she did not last long, but you are a warrior, maybe you will last longer."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Do you swear on your life that if I'm your...pony girl, Kitty will happier and that things will be easier for her?" Mai asked, moaning from her Master's Mike. This man didn't deserve the title Master, in her opinion, but not like she had a choice. " promise?" he moaned.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Sure, she will be allowed to be with Bitch and talk and even stand upright on weekends, but that path will be painful and mind breaking for you, and it will never end and you will never see her again. Are you sure its worth it?" He asked her, thrusting into her one more time. "If your my lover, Kitty will remain the same and will live a filthy cat and she will see the warg every time she speaks or gets up and will be kept separate from bitch for most of the time. So what will it be?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"All those have it so I can never see Kitty again...Fine," Mai said. If she went crazy, or accepted her new life as a slut then she might as well. She already felt her mind was broken so he might as well do it. "Fine...I'll be your pony girl, Master. For Kitty, and only for her."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Wrong." He said. "You will soon not even remember Kitty at all. That is when you will be a true pony girl. A life of servitude is what you have chosen. Come, get off. I will take you to your new home." He said picking her up off his dick with his impressive strength and a bit of magic. He led her to a set of stairs that led from his room to the unknown. He made he walk down the stairs and as he did he said "Put your hands behind your back." His voice was cold as he said this and she could hear the clinking of chains.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
At this Mai growled and glared at her Master. "I would never forget Kitty," she said firmly as she put her hands behind her back. "No matter what you do."


"Tiff? Tiff wake up dear," Rose whispered, poking the Dark Elf's neck, before smiling and licking her soft neck with her tounge and kissing it softly.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Sure." He said as if it did not even matter as he cuffed her hands behind her back. They then entered a room, a large room. the walls were concrete like the floors, though it was smoothed. It was a very large room, one corner had a bed lacking a mattress or sheets, and a bucket. Another had what looked like its own large shack, it was old looking, made of decrepit wood, having its own door and single window. In another corner was another shack, but this one was new and pink, looking very well kept with its own little door and window. And then in the last corner was a large wheel, like a mill wheel that mules were strapped to so that the mill would turn. "How do you like it?" He asked as he led her towards the bed.


Tiff slowly woke up, her eyes opening slowly as Rose licked and kissed her. She quickly pushed herself away from her and rubbed her head. She was herself again...but she felt different, calmer now. She remembered what had happened last night...and yet felt strangely at peace with it. At least at first. But then she needed to hold some one, some one she could trust, she needed to be reassured in the worst way. And like a flash Lillia was there, hugging her and patting her head, and Tiff did not struggle, indeed, she welcomed the presence of another of her kind. "Thank you." she moaned as she hugged Lillia. Lillia smiled and stroked her headm running her hands through her hair in a soothing way.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Its fine," Mai stated. Honestly, she had no idea what to think or say about this room. Some of it looked nice like that new well-kept place, while the others looked...intimating to her. "Now what, Master?"


"Goo morning, Tiff," Alex greeted who was under her. He had removed his cock from her earlier as he slept and was smiling. "How do you feel, my dear?" he asked, petting her waist gently.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well, Im not so cruel as to start you off right now." He said taking her over so that she was sitting on the bed of uncomfortable springs. "So tonight you will sleep. And then we will start." It had already been a long day and it was in fact, almost midnight. He undid the cuffs and ordered her to lay down on the bed and to spread her arms and legs to each post.


Tiff did not answer him, instead burying herself in Lillia's arms and breasts. "Ohhh, shhh shhh, there there. Its alright." She whispered. "No one is going to hurt you now, just relax and stay here with me. Its alright." Tiff moaned a little nad snuggled into Lillia. Lillia in turn, hugged her gently and looked at Alex apologetically. "She is a tough one." She said to him as she stroked her naked back and butt. "I can...make her like she was last night if you want master, but it might slow her progress a little."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)