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Kingzero and Silver
Alex kissed her cheek and smiled greatly. "Aslong as you do as I say, you'll be safe," Alex smiled and kissed her forehead. "So you agree to the terms then Flare? I will give you care, food, shelter, and almost anything else you may require, and in exchange, you will let me be your Master?" he asked.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare trembled and nodded. "OK....master....but dont...dont be mean to flare...." She begged sadly, still unable to move. She was afraid, she did not want to be fucked, she did not want to get pregnant....but it did not look like she had much of a choice. that just made her cry a little harder. She was sad. It was likely that unless Alex was able to change her, she would always be sad, but submissive.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I will not be mean to Flare," Alex smiled. He then touched her cheek and pet it. "Please do not be sad. This situation is not as bad as you think. Give me the chance to give you pleasure, and no. I won't make you pregnant," he said. "How about it?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I dont...want pleasure." She said. "I want freedom...." She just wanted to go back home and be free with Ren and never be bothered by humans ever again. She shivered as he touched her cheek, still way to weak to even think of running or moving. Her legs were soaked from her constant cumming and she could hardly move her lower body. "But....Thank you...I dont want a baby...not.." She did not complete her sentience for fear of punishment. She had wanted to say "Not with you." But knew better. Now she just waited, afraid to know what would happen to her next.


(Oh! Oh! My turn to have a little fun on the other side!)

Mike (Obviously the guy on the end) stepped back and admired his newly installed Mansion. "There. This is great! Now I can start my retraining program and then get to selling some digisluts!" He then looked at a machine he had strapped to his wrist. It detected females of all races and showed him their positions. He had already determined that his human neighbor not so far away had some sluts of his own and wanted to stay clear of that lest he be threatening. So he looked around for some other females he could catch and "retrain".
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I have some things that can promise you that there will be no pain in it," Alex whispered, putting his arms around her waist. He suddenly pulled out two pills and smiled. "These pills will turn pain into pleasure," he smiled. "And don't worry, they're not poison," Alex smiled, and emphasize his point, threw one of the two pills in his mouth and swallowed. "See? Now eat it," he softly ordered.


((Alright, but hey, can I make a little request?))

Ranamon relaxed on her peaceful beach, smiling to herself. This was her secret home, and no human had found it yet. Her DD breasts jiggled a bit as she stretched, absorbing the sunlight and feeling the cool water at her feet.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(Sure what?)

Flare said nothing and made no move but to hesitantly open her mouth and swallowed the pill when it was fed to her. She whimpered more as she realized that it could have been anything and closed her eye, dreading what would happen next.


Mike soon locked on to another signal and fallowed it, soon coming upon a Renamon sun bathing. She was perfect! And oh so rare! He decided he would test the box on her after he caught her. For now he began to press a few buttons of his watch and then pulled back his hand, a multicolored lightning bolt forming inside it. A good champion attack ought to weaken her some, and so he jumped out and yelled "Magical Game!" And blasted her with the lightning.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Remember that one Pokemon RP I made and you made that Gardevior character, Silvia? Any chance we'll ever see her again?))

Alex moved his hand down found Flare's clit, and rubbed it gently and smiled. "See? Not so bad is it? Gentle, warm, and not painful," he smiled, kissing Flare's neck.


"What?!" Ranamon yelled, seeing the sudden attack. She quickly made a water shield with her powers, but the lightning was only weaken and Ranamon was blasted into the water, stunned. "Ow...What hit me?" she groaned, holding her head.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(Hmmm, you really liked her huh? then I guess I could bring her back at some point. Would you like to capture her, buy her or already own her and pull her out of the human world to here?)

Flare shuddered and moaned. His touch was gentle and warm, and there was no pain to it, but she was still afraid of him. She still would not, could not resist him and moaned.


Stunned was good enough for Mike and then he extended his hand again and yelled "Puppet strings!" And translucent strings shot from his fingers, one for each arm, leg and then her tail. "There we go." He said, using his technique to make her stand up straight. Defeating and absorbing puppetmon had been one of his best moves in the business, since he could force Digimon to do nearly anything. He made her walk over and said "That, me pet, would be me."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Let's go with the original story line and have Alex already own her. We'll bring her here after Flare))

"Just relax. I'm not going to hurt you," Alex smiled, rubbing her clit gently still. "See? Gentle, warm, and painless, right?" he asked, kissing her cheek.


"Who-how-what are you!?" she asked. A human using Digimon attacks? How?! she thought as she tried to struggle. "Let go of me! Do you know who I am? I am one of the Legendary Warriors!" she yelled, but was stretching the truth slightly. Her Digital form was a Legendary Warrior, but her power wasn't anywhere near that level.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
(LOL! I fucked up proper! I though you said Renamon, not Ranamon, I always do that! thank good though, for a second I though you just had me set up for another Renamon and I was like "God damn it..." Lol)

Flare only moaned more and became even wetter. She could hardly move at all after everything he had done to her and was now shaking, not in fear but as her body tried to wiggle a little against her exhaustion. "To...much..." she moaned softly.


"Well then, that just makes you more valuable merchandise." Mike said, making her turn around in a full circle before going up to her and getting very close to her, his lips just a few inches from hers. "Are you a virgin? If you are, I will let you go, but if you lie, I will call over five wargreymon and they will fuck your brains out. Its your call." He knew that against the threat of five dragons raping her, a smaller digimon like ranamon was bound to tell the truth, and he had no intention of letting her go.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)