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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
Sorceress laughed while the Behemoth roared in pain. "Don't worry, sweetie," she said to the injured beast. "Mommy's got it. Recupero." What looked like red, sparkling dust surrounded the Behemoth. Slowly, but surely, the injury was being recovered. Every other minute, the Behemoth's head grew less and less wounded until it was as if he was never kicked at all.

"A Regain spell," Solia muttered. "I'll take care of this, Dispel!" A wave of energy shot out of Solia's hand and attempted to clear away the red dust.

"Pathetic," Sorceress said. "Summon: Earth Spirit!" The ground shook as a rocky spirit arose from the floor and floated behind Sorceress. "Block the spell!" she commanded. The spirit floated over in front of Behemoth and took the wave of energy as if it were nothing. "Any other bags of tricks my dears? If not, then, Quake!" The spirit rose its giant rocky arms and smashed the ground, causing it to rumble.

"Showtime!" Solia exclaimed. "Cunctus Involito!" Suddenly, the trio of rescuers were floating above the ground, out of reach of the spirit's attacks.

Meanwhile, the Behemoth fired another ray of lightning at Mika this time.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"It's not easy for us to finish this hard game." Mika said as another ray of lightning travel towards her. Without waiting much time, Faiz replace her position and absorb Behemoth' attack. Mika couldn't do what Faiz done because she only expert in water spells.

"Let me take care of the rocky spirit." Mika chant a spell silently, a small wave of shock shaken the cracking ground. Then, the water suddenly bursted out like a glasier and wetting the rocky spirit as well as Behemoth and Sorceress. Ground magic's weakness is water and it gives a enormous effects to the rocky spirit. "That should do. Anymore tricks, Sorceress?"
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
The spirit vanished. "Well, great," Sorceress stated simply. "You got my dress wet. Aresco." The Sorceress's dress was suddenly dry, as if Mika had never cast the water spell on her. Meanwhile, the Behemoth shook his fur out, but was shivering intensely.

"Great job, Mika," Solia said. "I've got a plan. Faiz, power up your strongest lightning spell." Solia pointed her staff at the shivering Behemoth. "Conglacio!" Every single little remaining water droplet on the Behemoth's body began to freeze until finally, the giant beast was like a statue carved out of ice.

"What do you think you're doing?!" the Sorceress shrieked as she turned to look at her "pet".
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

In instant, Faiz focus his lightning energy on his paws that he gathers from Behemoth and at the same time, Mika casting another water spell, but in medium size to increase the conductivity of his lightning power.

"Combined!" Mika shouted as move her claws in a gentle ways, guiding the water to Behemoth, and Faiz throws the ray of lightning to the water trail. Once the combined attack reaches Behemoth, the ice surrounds him breaks and shocks him really hard, till it stops all his important organs and also unable for Sorceress to heal him.

The splash of the water with small energy of lightning wetting and shocks Sorceress, enough to make her body cramps for a short while.

"So, I guess this game is over for you, Sorceress." Mika said with a big grin.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
The Behemoth began to fade away into purple particles until there wasn't a single trace left of his body.

"If you had hit me, it would be game over," the Sorceress said from the air. "Arcana: The Fool," she stated simply. Where the Sorceress had been standing before, there stood the electrified image of her. However, the image soon melted into a puddle of shadows and returned to the Sorceress in the form of a tarot card. "Shame. Arcana: The Hanged Man!" She threw another tarot card down in front of Faiz. From it, more shadows emerged until they formed a giant tree with a noose hanging from one of its branches. "Fare thee well, wolf." The noose suddenly reached out quickly to ensnare Faiz's head.

"Faiz, watch out!" Solia shouted. "Permuto!" Before the noose could reach Faiz, Solia's spell made her switch places with Faiz so that the noose caught her instead. The tree retracted the noose with Solia's body hanging from it, all of her life force being drained and the air being choked from her lungs.

"Foolish girl!" the Sorceress exclaimed and laughed her malicious laugh.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"Solia!" Mika shoutes, quickly form another spell to block the shadow and also throws the small drops of water which already formed into a sharp blade and cut the noose to release Solia.

"Mika, form a rain..." Faiz said to Mika and she nodded. Another water spell formed and burst the water up in the air before it turns into a heavy rain away from them. Then, Faiz form the lightning spell and shot to the rain drops, creating an electrified rain drops, hoping hitting Sorceress hard. "We have no choice but destroy you, Sorceress..." Faiz said seriously.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Narastola: Cathedral)

"So, you've come to torture me, haven't you, Skye," Vance said in a mock-serious voice.

"Don't use that tone with me, young man," she retaliated. "You wouldn't want to lose your head over it." She glared at him threateningly. "I came here to tell you that we both have been assigned to go after those fugitives you failed to capture earlier. "I've also come to tell you that you better not get in my way when it comes to that cute little wolf, Faiz. He's mine."

(Queen's Castle: Room of Judgement)

Solia landed softly on the marble floor and got up quickly, ready to defend herself if necessary.

The shadow of the tree dispersed and the tarot card returned to the Sorceress who was getting pelted by the electrified rain. She shrieked in pain. "First you kill my pet, and now you say you're going to destroy me?" She drew another tarot card. "This may be my final one..." she muttered to herself as she felt her electrified heartbeat increasing to critical levels, and felt the stinging on her skin. "Arcana: The Judgement!" More shadows erupted from the card to form a giant gabel. The Sorceress held the gabel over her head and flew at Mika with the intent to smash her.

"Invalesco," Solia coughed out of her mouth and pointed her staff at Mika, infusing her with even more strength. "Finish her off, Mika!!"

"DIE!!" the Sorceress shrieked as she got closer and closer to Mika.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Mika expand her arms wide as she feel the energy increasing. In a blink of eye, Mika casting a finishing spell; a bright white lights brightens the room and Faiz hugs Solia tightly before closing his eyes so their eyes can survive from the bright lights.

The spell is powerful enough to make someone blind permanently if looking to the lights even for a short while, and also make someone in her way killed and vanished in thin air.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
The Sorceress screamed out in pain, and tried to cover her eyes, but failed. Her hammer of shadows dissintegrated along with her very own body.

Solia held on to Faiz even after the lights had vanished. She seeked solace in his furry chest. She felt his breathing and listened to it as he inhaled and exhaled. When she was sure it was safe, she looked up into Faiz's face, and deep into his eyes. However, it only lasted for a few minutes, for she realized that they had won. A single golden key lay on the ground below where the Sorceress was floating before she was destroyed. She let go of Faiz and walked over to the key, picking it up and examining it.

"This is it," she said to both Faiz and Mika. "This is the key that shall set my brother free." Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks and her knees gave way and she knelt on the floor. "This is it..."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Mika in the other hand, feel a little bit exhausted as half of her energy has been drained out. "Ahh..finally..." She said while gasping heavily as Faiz and herself went closer to Solia. "We should take a move now before others spot us. Plus I need some time to regain back my energy."

Faiz kneels in front of Solia and wipe her tears away, raising a slight smile. "...Please don't cry...Solia..." He then lifts and carry her on his furry arms. "...Guide us to your brother..."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds