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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
Solia giggled as she felt Mika's tongue against her cheek. "Alright then. No more talking." She held two fingers to her lips to signal that she wasn't going to be talking anymore. And so the wait began for the deepest shade of black to overtake the sky...

And thus the darkness came. Sounds of a lot of movement were coming from the castle. Solia became worried. "What's going on?" she wondered out loud. "They can't know we're here already, right?"
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

As the darkness covers the sky and with the movements in the castle, Mika thinks a little bit. "I guess so, if there's a magician who monitors our movement and inform to the soldiers and guards, that's what I can think." She stated with such a serious expression. "Anyway, we just wait for a little while till there's no activity occures in the castle."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Narastola: Cathedral)

Vance went wide-eyed again as a tall female stepped through the large doors of the Cathedral. She had long, flowing red hair that went all the way to her curvy butt. Her eyes were a very light shade of violet. She wore a short dress that went down to mid-thigh. She had two curly strands of hair that went forward and down to her shoulders. As she walked across the stone floor, her black boots clicked and echoed off the empty walls. She was carrying a very large metal ring that had a dull edge where she carried it, and a sharp edge on the outside.

"I hope you're okay, Vance," she stated in a malicious voice. "You were always quite the failure."


The queen broke the kiss with her maidservant. "Sorry, Aveel, but I have important matters to attend to."

"Yes, my queen," she said and bowed. "Your carriage awaits you outside the station. I assume you know where the archives are in Aquorlitus?"

"Yes, I do," the queen acknowledged. "I shall take my leave now." And thus she marched away, leaving the girl behind.

(Queen's Castle: Heart Room)

"If you shan't be coming to me, then I shall come to you," the woman said mysteriously, still peering into the crystal ball. "Amplifico meus vocula!" Her throat glowed in a white light. "All soldiers move out to the north part of the valley!" she said, her voice amplified from the spell and ringing throughout the castle. "We have intruders!! I repeat: We have intruders!!"

(Queen's Castle: Outside)

"You heard her men!" a general said in a commanding tone. "Move out now to the north part of the valley!" He turned back and looked upon the turrets. "I want full squadrons on lookout on all turrets!" he called up to the lead watchman.

"Yes sir!" he called back and started to rally up the other watchmen.

(Monarch's Valley: Northern Half)

Solia became upset. "Oh no! Did you two just hear what I heard?" she asked in a panicked voice. "We're found out!" She took a moment to calm herself. "Mika, do you think we could sneak around them? I know it isn't pitch-black out now, but with the cover of darkness we have now, we should be able to make it to the castle without being noticed. It's either now or never..."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Faiz is now focusing on gathering the dark thick clouds which resembles the storm clouds till a few strikes of thunder shaken the sky and the ground quite hard. Then, he lifts and carry Solia on his back, waiting for a suitable time to move.

Mika then smile from the approach made by his brother, leaving the pack of food on the tree and without waiting much... "Okay, Let's move." The dragoness and the wolf, with Solia on his back jumped off of the tree and run towards the castle faster than ordinary human, before jumped up to the wall. Faiz then trigger his thunder power and strike all 4 turrets and main sentries, crashing the roof and slowly collapsed to the ground.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Queen's Castle: Surrounding Woods)

"What was that?!" a soldier exclaimed as something rushed past him.

"Calm down," another soldier said. "It's dark out. It was probably some animal...either that or you're drunk again..."

(Queen's Castle: Heart Room)

"I don't like it when people play games," the woman said, suddenly getting up from her table. Then, without warning, she disappeared.

(Queen's Castle: Room of Judgement)

The woman reappeared in a room made of white marble with intricately designed support pillars. She stood behind an altar, and behind her was a large iron gate. "Now, to invite my guests," she said calmly. "If they can so easily get past my sentries, then I shall deal with them myself. Arcesso meus convivium!"

(Queen's Castle: Dungeons: Heavy Lockdown Cell Number 2)

"What's going on up there?!" Ardeal suddenly panicked as the whole castle shook.

"It seems someone has come to rescue us," Ardeal said calmly.

Ardeal gazed at him quizzically, but said and did nothing, for there was nothing else to say, and there was nothing he could do.

(Queen's Castle)

Everything was going by at such incredible speeds. She could here the rushing wind and see the bright flashes of lightning as Faiz assaulted the watchmen. 'I can't believe we're actually doing it!' Solia thought.

However, suddenly, she found herself in darkness. She felt a twirling feeling in her stomach, and then opened her eyes to find herself laying on a white marble floor next to Faiz and Mika. "Are you guys alright?" she asked, concerned for her friends.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Queen's Castle)

"Yes, I think so.." Mika stated as they realise they've been transported into the castle by some of transporting magic spells. The duo observe the surroundings which made with white marbles, pillars and iron gate brfore seeing a woman standing behing the iron gate.

The duo quickly stood up straight in fighing stance, looking sharply to the woman. "Who are you? Are you the one who transport us here?" Mika said.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Queen's Castle: Room of Judgement)

"You three must be my uninvited guests," the woman said. "My name is of no importance, but you may call me Sorceress." She bowed sarcastically to them.

"There's great evil behind that gate," Solia whispered to Faiz.

"Ah, so you can sense my pet," Sorceress replied. With a flick of her wrist, the gate opened as if it were as light as feathers. The thing behind the gate roared and stepped out into the marble room. It was an enormous beast on four legs. It was very muscular and had purple fur with a red mane around its head. Two onyx horns stuck out of that very head, and two yellow eyes stared out of it. It had hooves instead of feet and bared its yellow fangs at the trio. "This is a Behemoth. One of the last ones, too. You three are lucky that you got to see it before you die." She laughed maniacally and took out some tarot cards from her dress and entered a fighting stance as well.

"Be careful," Solia warned Faiz and Mika. "She's not like the rest." Solia entered her fighting stance, wooden staff outstretched, trying to get a grasp on all the spells she could cast.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

In the other hand, Mika and Faiz seems not afraid of the appearance of Behemoth but still stay cautious. "Hmmm...Behemoth, huh? I could say he's pretty big." Mika stucks out tongue while giggling cutely, and at the same time, making a mind contact with Solia. "You can throw some backups to dispell or block any incoming spells from Sorceress. If you unable to dispell, just leave it there. I don't want you to feel tired later on."

By taking a few steps forward in front of Solia, Faiz and Mika take a sharp glance to Sorceress and Behemoth. "So do we. Our name is not important for you because you really want us so badly. Enough talk and start fighting." The duo get ready in fighting stance, waiting for any incoming attacks from Sorceress and Behemoth.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Queen's Castle: Room of Judgement)

"So, you're letting me go first? Bad mistake! Behemoth, atttack!" Sorceress commanded. The Behemoth opened its gaping mouth and fired a ray of lightning at the trio. "You'll learn your lesson soon enough! This isn't a game fools! Munio terra, advenio proscindo ab compingo abicio meus inimicus addo carcer lepideus," Sorceress chanted.

Seeing the lightning ray coming right for them, Solia cast her first spell. "Cunctus Leucaspis!" White rectangles formed in front of Faiz, Mika, and herself. 'This should reduce magical damage, including damage from a measly ray like that,' she thought. 'But what is that she's chanting?' Solia didn't recognize the words when correlated to a spell.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Since Faiz is a thunder mage, he raise his furry paw and absorb as much of the lightning rays and slowly convert as an internal energy.

"Yes. For us, this is a game." Mika said as Faiz kneels and the dragoness climbs on his shoulder, before he stood up and throws Mika high in the air. Then, she launch a combined kick directly on Behemoth's forehead, which is ehough to break at least a small part of his skull. And, the dragoness make a backflip and landed besides Faiz.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds