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Mar and Tigerlily rp!
"Alright..." smiled Luna and before he heads out of the door, she hugged him, her breasts as always pressed against him. "Thank you." the rabbit warrior thanked him before going to bed.


"A legendary queen who rules the moons, if Astamon has my grandmother's incense and do something bad to it...the digimon queen will fall deep into darkness and our world will be literally be in darkness the whole entire time and the dark digimon will or bad digimon, virus digimon, will be at war with the other digimons that is in their way."
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The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Wow, that worked for a change..." Flamedramon said to himself as Luna left, he looked over the place where Magnamon X had materialized before though, phazed by the prescence, "She is the one isn't she, brother?" he thought ominously, his intentions unclear, "Can't believe I'll be doing this again after so long." He sighed to himself, walking to his room.


"That... doesn't sound good." Reno said, sighing, "It's there! Isn't it?" he quickly said as he landed near the house of Risori's grandmother. "We're not too late are we?!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OCC: IT'S Magnamon X is Flamedramon's BROTHER*younger too* XD BROTHER! Yashamon is Flamedramon's cousin!

"She is." Mangamon X said simply behind Flamedramon's back. "You do realized, you are taking a risk upon yourself if you intended to protect her? Do you know what the demon lords will do if they were to figure out one of the digimon queen is on this digital world?"


"No, it's gone I know it." Risori said. "We got to warn leomon and others about it, if demon lords minions are after her then we have to train ourselves to be prepared for their soldiers."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Oops, my bad.


"There's no other thing I can do. I'm a Royal Bodyguard, unlike a Royal Knight that fights for Yggdrasil, my duty is to protect the royalty, despite your Lord's orders." Flamedramon said, sighing, "I've done much to protect this town from the gods' interference, I don't find it fair that I am to sacrifice more of my time once again for them. But there is no helping it now, she is the one, so I have to swear my alleigance as due."


"Shouldn't we just tell Master Leomon to gather intelligence so can start pursuing the enemy?" Reno said, almost militarily talking. "Waiting for them to strike is never a good option."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Heh, I kindna find that funny." The golden armor digimon chuckled, "To think what your believing is nonsense. I guess you still live up that old fart, Gaiomon's speech ignoring the what justice is and willing to do what he thinks is right. But, I have to say good luck on taking those who are after the digimon queen they are far more stronger and some have the x antibody however, don't hesistate to call help." The younger brother saluted at him. "Good night brother." and with that he disappeared.


"Your right, but I doubt he's not here anymore but someplace even further. I don't know where, we can't risk sending some digimon over there if our surroundings isn't adapted to the enviroment we haven't been seen before. There could be traps set by other digimons and we be caught in it." Risori said in a very serious mode. "Then again, I will tell Master Leomon to tell his friend honeybeemon to start searching about the whereabouts."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flamedramon couldn't smile, but he was glad to have his brother's alliance intact. There wasn't much to do now, sleep was in order. With a sigh and a look to the destroyed wall of the entrance, he thought "I'll fix that tomorrow." Before he left for his room to sleep.


Reno smiled "Glad to hear at least we have a strategy. Okay... we better go back to the Gym then." The dog said, before he asked: "Can you walk on your own now?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Luna couldn't sleep, she was so used to staying awake at night. She's a nocturnal digimon. Her eyes then averted to look at her three moons, feeling that something must've have calm down a little, yet she couldn't help as she know they're still searching for her.


Risori tried to stand up again but, falls again. "" She grunted her knee still bruised up do the fight with apemon. "Take me to my room, I do have medical herbs at my room to help ease up the wounds."
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Well, it's no use to go out at night in this condition anyways" Renodramon said, carrying Risori to her house, "We'll be safe here until tomorrow. What if we just rest for now? I'm not exactly feeling like a million bucks right now." He said.

OOC: Do we make it the next day already? We don't have much to interact with now.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(Oh sorry xD okay)
Next day...

Luna still asleep in her bed rolling over to the corner of the bed to avoid looking at the sunlight. She sighed tirelessly not used to daylight.


Risori opened her eyes and found herself with Renodramon sleeping on her! "Renodramon!" she growled at him trying to push him off. Her leg is fine thanks to the strong plant she putted.
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flamedramon had woken up early, he was in the kitchen, preparing a breakfast that consisted on a few baked goods he had purchased even earlier, along with natural orange juice and some other goods. He still was thinking to himself, not tired from reviewing what he was planning over and over in his mind. The door the Apemon had crushed the day before had been fixed already.


Renodramon grunted a bit as he was pushed off, his head knocking onto a wall. "Oww!" he whined, standing on all fours as he started onto the ninja Renamon, "Risori-chaaan! Why did you do that? That hurt!" he said with his childy voice, apparently not his mature self anymore.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad