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Kingzero and Silver
Alex rose and looked at his wound. "Flare, Z, I'm going back to the mansion. I'm not a normal human here, so I'll be able to live with this wound until I can get healed. I'll go back, get my laptop, and use it to heal Ren fully. Z, Flare. Stay here, Ren looks to injured to be moved, so I want you to guard her," Alex said, walking off, as quickly as he could. "I'll be back soon!" he said, moving suprisingly fast for being injured.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ren was fading quick, her eyes becoming more and more empty, her breaths slowing down, sweat matting her fur. "It...Hurts..." she moaned softly. Flare hugged her and propped her head up on her knee. "Dont worry, Alex will fix you, he will fix you all up. Please, just be strong Ren." Ren did not answer.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex eventually made it home and force the door open. He ran to his laptop and pulled up Ren's file. He was bleeding on the ground, but ignored it and began working to stabilize Ren's injured data. He went as quick as he could without making errors and finally with one last check through, pressed ENTER. As soon as he did, h fell to the ground, making a loud thump with the computer working to load Ren's new, hopefully fixed data. Also hopefully, Angy heard Alex's fall and would try to investigate.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
When Alex woke up, he was in his bed. There was little light, it was around three or four o'clock. He had bandages around his wound and could feel that it had been healed. Z was cuddled up next to him, keeping him warm on his left side, but he found that Flare was also there, gently hugging his right side, making sure not to get to hot as to become uncomfortable. Angy was there to, at the foot of the bed, Her knees were on the floor with her upper body resting on the bed near his feet, ready to heal him again if he should need it. They were all sleeping soundly. Ren did not seem to be present, and if she was still alive, then why was every one in his room and not some one, Flare mostly, in hers?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled at this, but when he realized Ren was gone his eyes widened. He pulled himself up, trying not to awaken the others. If he didn't wake them, he put his feet to the floor and walked to the door and opened it carefully. "Ren?" he asked, looking around. "Ren!" he whispered loudly.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Before Alex could sneak even one foot out of bed he heard a low moan. Next to the bed on a mattress that had been brought in was Ren. She was sleeping and her fur looked fluffy and healthy now, her eyes gently closed. There was a cast around her leg but other then that she seemed alright. Under her covers she was holding her belly, which was now larger then before. She moaned a little again and began to lick her pillow in her sleep.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex sighed in relief and smiled. He walked over to Ren and smiled, kissing her furry yellow lips. He then walked over to Z, Angy, and Flare and gave them each a kiss, before going back on the bed to rest, this time moving his hands around Flare and Z, cuddling back to their warm hold.

Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Ren moaned a little as she was kissed and partially returned it. She then curled up just a little bit and turned on her side. Flare and Z murred and hugged him in unison as he cuddled them and Flare became warmer and gently licked his hand as she slept, her ears down against her head. They slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

(The next day.)

Flare and Ren were still asleep, Flare still cuddling with him and Ren still in her bed. Angy was gone but from the smell of it she was trying to cock them some breakfast, though it did not smell like anything Alex had ever eaten before, though that did not mean it smelled bad.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex slowly got up as well as Z, smelling the new smell. He and Z walked out his room quietly as they could and heard Angy cooking breakfast. The two walked down and Alex smiled, seeing his Digi-slut. "Morning, Angy. What are you making?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy almost jumped as Alex spoke and scared her, but then she smiled and blushed. "Gua Gua fruit pancakes." She said cutely. "They are a fruit with healing properties and great taste that grow in the forest." She go a little quiter now and looked away from him, a little fear creeping into her voice as she spoke. "I had to go outside to get them...but I cam right back!" She did not want to be punished for leaving but she wanted to get Alex something good to eat.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)