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Fursona - Data Cross
Flying across the hall, the toad man hit the floor with the biggest thud yet, Mar looked bruised here and there, but he still was standing his ground.

"Thanks Tia, but..." Alex hesitated, "Can't leave Mar on his own. Gary's gone nuts, and I don't want him to hurt anybody."

The toad just stood up once again, the most bruised of the two, but still with some fight left in him. "Heh heh heh. Think 'cause you're a dragon you'll beat me easily? Gimme a break!" he said, rearing back, before he opened his huge mouth, letting out a seemingly endless serpentine-like tongue that wrapped around the blue dragon's arms, binding him.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Mar grunted, trying to tug back, but he found the tongue relatively stronger. "Grrrr!" he growled louder, feeling himself being dragged as his feet couldn't hold him down.

Gary by himself was grinning, "Good! Eating a dragon will probably boost your strength by loads, Ternal! Make sure he doesn't give you an indigestion later, though!"

Mar's eyes widened at this point, when he was only mere feet from the toad, "What? He's gonna eat me for real?!"

"Fool!" Ternal smiled, tuggin even harder, "Tough when talking, but it was all bark, I see!" he laughed, Mar had begun to struggle hard.

"Heh heh!" Gary patted his own belly, "He's hungry, what can you expect? He needs to eat to," but before he could finish his sentence, his head was forced to the side by Alex's hands, who had stepped up to him. "Huh?"

Alex brought his arm back "Eat this!" he punched Gary in the face with such might the fat boy flew like a comet towards Ternal, who could only brace himself with his arms.

A loud thud, the boy and his fursona were knocked out into distance, causing yet another crack to the already cracked ground, Gary nearly passing out, his fursona failing to stay conscious after the blow, thus his tongue had untangled Mar's arms.

Alex shook the arm he had hit Gary with a bit, "Damn, he was strong too..." he said, closing an eye and walking over to Mar. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Mar said, shaking both of his now slimy arms, "Coulda handled him myself, you know." The dragon chuckled, although he looked over to the duo, Gary trembling and trying to wake Ternal up.

"HEY! DUDE! WAKE UP!" Gary shouted, hopeful as Ternal could manage to open both eyes, only to see both Alex and Mar standing in front of them with their fists clenched.

"AHH!" The toad rolled his tongue back into his mouth, jumping behind Gary.

"C-curse you Alex!" Gary said, his glasses falling off as they had cracked and shattered thanks to Alex's early punch, he ran away, Ternal running closely behind him.

"Shouldn't we chase them?" Mar asked, looking down at Alex, who shook his head in return.

"No. Let them go, they won't be around for a while, and I doubt they'll get into anymore trouble for now." Alex hoped, seeing the two troublemakers running for the exit of the school.

OOC: I'm so cool, period.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Ray shook his head slowly, his creepy grin still etched clearly on his lower face. "Why should I worry? Why should I care?" He sang jokingly, quoting the song Dodger sang in Disney's Oliver and Company. "I've planned my courses, I've had planned my steps, but now that Fursonas are in the game, I think I'm up to throwing a hammer at all my plans. Just tell me, what do I have to do?" He asked, taking a seat across Mika and interlacing his fingers over his mouth again so he could scheme in advanced. He never acted without considering the outcomes, probabilities and risks of a 'Mission'. He also considered ordering a Frozen Choco-Latte.

"Besides, by the time we get there, it might already be over." He smirked.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"So... very strong persona and fursona. Interesting." Yoko muttered quietly under her breath, slowly making her way forward towards Alex and then standing next to both of them. "That was a nice display. Mind if I ask who you are?" She smiled, resting both her arms crossed over her chest - keeeping herhalf-revealled cleavage obvious. "Or both of you?"

Kyosan slapped his muzzle and stared onto Yoko from behind. That'll scare the boy more then it will get a clear answer!


Standing in the elevator and pressing the button for the third floor, Kurtz gave Yoosei a soft nuzzle on her cheek- the doors closing and their elevation to the floor beginning. "I love making you blush." He laughed.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Tia blinked and walked up to the two. "Guys....I think we need to get out of here." as the fire sprinklers went off spraying down on Mar and Alex, but the water seemed to avoid getting on the brunette as the water seemed to doom landing around her. "I doubt the cops will believe the story about a toad and dragon without thinking were nuts." The PA system blared as the prinicpal went on the air. "Students! Please leave the building. There has been a explosion. Please leave the premise for your own safey."
She stopped as she noticed Yoko with another dragon fursona behind her.


Meanwhile, Gary rounded a corner with his fursona, Ternal. He looked over his shoulder to see if he was being followed. "It doesn't seem they aren't following us, Gary."

The toad spoke with drool coming from his mouth.

"How could you have lost?! You could have beaten that oversize blue!" Gary snapped staring down his fursona who seemed to glare back at him. "I'm not exactly up to strength when I am hungry!" He shouted back when suddenly a cable came flying into the air grasping the frog. "What?" The cable pulled causing the frog to fly across the room.

"Ternal!" Gary shouted seeing a set of men in black suits hog tieing the frog. "Dam idiots Ternal is stronger then any humans."|
"Aggghhh Gary they aren't human!" The frog yelled before being kicked in the head causing him to close his eyes.

"Ternal!" Gary yelled running at the men. "Let go of him now!"
"I don't think so..." a gun cocked, "human...." Gary froze and looked over his shoulder to see a black robed figure with a silenced silver desert eagle pistol in a paw. "A fursona?! What are you doing to Ternal."

"Your frog friend is going to be part of a new unit where humans aren't around." The figure pulled his hood down exposing his black wolf maw and his errie yellow eyes. "And you.....are no longer needed."

"No NO! You can't do this!" Gary screamed breaking free from the Wolf and making a run for it.

Ivan smirked, and took aim. "I can do anything I want to with you boy...." he pulled the trigger and watched as Gary's body went limp and fell to the floor lifeless. The wolf placed his pistol in it's holster and looked to the men. "Move out...will get the others soon enough. I don't want the cops to see us." The wolf slowly walked to the body and pulled out a small thermal bomb and placed it on the back of Gary's cold back. With his claw he typed 1:00 minute and the timer started counting down.
He smirked and wished he could stay and watch as the thermal bomb blow and burn away all the fluids in Gary's body causing him to go into dust, but if he stayed around any longer he would risk someone seeing the body.
He stood up and dusted himself off before going out an exit door with his PDA in hand typing a message.


Monia's ear twitched as she heard Ereth's voice through the wall. "Must be that other cutie." she smirked.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The purple vixen blushed as darkly as her cheeks would allow, her tails still swishing frantically behind her. "so I noticed that" she giggled and murrs softly and then looks up at him gently. "and I wonder.. since you got to see my persona, am I ever going to be able of meeting yours?" she asks softly and smiles.
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hello?" Ereth asked again, knocking on the door to the other bedroom, knowing that he saw the dragoness enter that room. "Are you there? I wanna talk to ya!" he added, peeking in the little hole, but it only worked that way from the other side of the door.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
[Copy House]

"Would you like that in passport size, four by six, five by seven, eight by ten..." Sandy leaned over the counter as she indicated at the sample sizes with her finger. The customer, a burly mustachioed man in his forties, couldn't help but stare down her prominent double-Ds. "Sir? Sir? Hello!" She snapped her fingers in front of him a few times to get his attention.

"Huh? Whu? Oh, pass... passport size." He finally answered, clearing his throat.

Sandy smiled at him attractively and blew some bubbles from the gum she chewed. "Colored or black and white, and how many?"

The man stared down her cleavage with his mouth slightly open.

Sighing, Sandy straightened up. "Would you like a picture of them too?" She cupped her breasts to emphasize her statement.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Monia took her robe off and got back into her orignial clothes as she made her way to the door and opened it. "Hello, may I help you with something blue dragon?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Oh! I just wanted to you" Ereth answered, gazing at the dragoness' nice body, before looking back up towards her face. "Unless you're busy, of course."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan

"It's too late," Nothus said, solemnly. "The fight is over. But if one Fursona user has decided to use his power for evil, then there are probably others."

Erimis stared at Mika sitting next to him. "I suggest that we head over to the college to make sure everything is alright. If there were other Fursona users out there trying to defend the people, then we should ask them to join us. And then, there is Prowl. Urggghh...why today of all days?"

"Here's what I suggest," Nothus stated with slight arrogance. "Erimis here can search for Prowl based on information I give him, while I can go to the college with you two backing me up, to make sure everything's all right. Of course, it really is up to you." He glanced outside the window at the busy street, waiting for their reactions.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!
