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Kingzero and Silver
"Angy has seen what the worst of humanity has to offer. If you do not believe I am one of the good then you could ask her. And if you remember I did give Flare the choice of staying here with you. As for the child, as I said I promise to protect you and it," Alex sighed. "Do you have a better plan?"
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ren did not answer. "I...I would say freedom...but now that I am with your child, I am not only bound to you by my words, but by my honor." Tears continued to dampen the fur around her eyes, but not as much. "So I can not leave...not for a long time...." she sat there for awhile longer and then asked "So...what is it you want to do with me now? I have just surrendred myself to you, so I am basically your you wish to use me yet again? I cant say I dont want it..." She said as she felt the very real need to be filled by his cock, all the time, twentyfour hours a day. If her body had her way, she would never be seporate from his cock, even after endless orgasms. She could fight her progrming for a time but she knew thay eventually it would reduce her to a mindless slut. She sighed. Was that really her futur?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I need to tell Angy about this little event. I will lead you to a room for you to rest," Alex said, opening the door and leading Ren to a good bedroom. "Sleep, while I go talk with Angy."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ren nodded and tucked herself into the bed, her still slim frame looking unbelieveably graceful as she did. Re felt as though each hair on her body was made of led and only then began to realize how much the fight had taken out of her, at least three Quarters of her had been deleted after all (Her armor counts). She laid down and fell into blissful sleep.

Angy was curled up on her own bed, deciding to go inside for a little cat nap after her dedigivolving. She lay on her bed curled up, purring in her sleep as she dreamed of Alex slowly stroking her fur and telling her how much she meant to him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex found Angy om her bed and walked up to her and gently hook her awake. "Angy, Angy wake up please," he ordered.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy opened one eye and looked at Alex for a moment before purring again and getting up, stretching like a cat would, thrusting her little butt up into the air as she worked out the kinks. She then sat up on the bed and said "Yes Master Axel?" ooking up at him with big innocent blue eyes.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Angy, the Renamon that attacked us, her name is Ren and she will be staying with us for now on. She is pregnant, Angy, with my child," Alex slowly explained. "As you know, I maybe one of the nicer humans, but I am still a Human. I still want you, and love you, but now I must also care for the Renamon."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"O-Ok." She said, hardly masking the sadness in her voice. She rubbed up next to him like a cat would its master and said "Its becasue you dont find my new form attractive isnt it? Thats alright master...I understand. If you ever need a loving pet to pet, then I will alwasy be here." She said saddly as she curled up next to him, purring against his lap.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I do not see your new form any less attractive," Alex said and kissed her furry lips. "If you want, I can prove to you that still care for you, and I may even be able to help you return to your Ultimate, or move on to your Mega," Alex smiled.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy looked up at him and licked his hand softly with her warm rough tongue and said "I will be whatever you want me to be master Axel." She cuddeld against him then rubbed her head lightly on his crotch. "Im a good digimon, I just want you to be happy." She said timidly as she licked his hand again
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)