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Kingzero and Silver
Alex gently moved down and whispered into the Flareion's ear. "The Renamon's name. What is it? What is yours?"
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Im...I cant tell you." The flareion said. "My name is Flare..." She said still trembling as his deck remained in her. "Please...Im sorry...I wont fight any more...please...please pull it out." Flare begged softly, more frightened then ever. "Hay!" the renamon yelled "Let her go! Let her go and wa have a deal!" She yelled.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I can let her go, unscathed, and free. If you tell me your name," Alex growled and squeezed Flare's ass. "Until either of you like sharing though, I'll just have a goo fuck," Alex smiled and got back to humping Flare's tight warm pussy.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare wailed in pain and renamon dropped the shard. "Wait! Stop it please! She is so young, you cant do this to her!" she begged ad Flare asked for mercy and to please just be left alone. "My name is Ren, OK? Ren. Now please..she is not unscathed and she will be alone after this! Please, look at me, Im a renamon, Im a rare find. Punish me and leave her alone." Flare looped up at Alex, whimpering with big eyes looking both cute and weak at the same time. "Please...It hurts sir." She begged.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and slowly pulled out of Flare. He then grabbed the bag and pulled out a fireproof ball-gag and slipped it onto Flare's mouth. He smiled and walked to the door to get his laptop. "Good girl," he smiled, walking out out and closing the door.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Flare Whimpered as she lay on the floor shaking and crying. After Hunter left she removed the gag since he had cut her bounds and left her there. "Ren, why did you tell him? Now he can hack you, make you his slave." Ren was crying as well, though it was only in tears as no sobs escaped her mouth. "I....I know. I just...your just to young to have this done to you..." She could hardly speak as sobs threatened to overwhelm her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex found his computer and found Ren's data code. He then began messing with it. Bigger ass and breasts probably between D-cups and E, and a lust/love for Alex's cock to make her a true slut. He typed in the code and stopped. "What about Flare?" he thought. "Hopefully after I rape her friend, she'll wise up," he grinned and pressed ENTER for Ren's new code.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ren suddenly began to feel hot and groaned. Flare rushed over to her worried as she began to moan and groan more. Her breasts swelled far beyond their C cup size as did her ass. "Ohh...flare...He is hacking me..." She moaned as her mind was changed. "I...I need his cock. I love it, I want to take care of it and please it and love it." She moaned. Flare was horrified and hugged Ren, crying into her now huge breasts.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex opened the door and walked in, seeing Ren and Flare. "Hello, sluts," he greeted, locking the door. He admired Ren's new tits and ass and smile. "My, my, Ren. You look good, but tell me. How do you feel?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ren looked over and growled but it died in her throat. "Please, please master. Your cock, your hard human meat, I want to pleasure it, to be close to it! Please!" Flare hugged Ren and continued crying as Ren looked at Alex, her eyes begging him for his hard cock in her pussy or ass or mouth.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)