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A Kingdom Defeated (Rape rp)
"I only raped Silvia because she angered me. She attacked me, and I lost my temper. Also you made it seem like everything was your fault, I tried to cheer you up. Finally, I will try to make others treat you in a form of respect," Hunter said. "And don't worry," he smiled. "I'll get that collar soon."


Mai slowly pulled out a finger and licked Silvia's cheek. "Better, lover? Or do you want more out?" Mai asked, suddenly out all the fingers and slapping Silvia's ass.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Grace did not know if he was joking or being serious. His wolf like face and normal dominant demeanor made him hard to read at times. She sighed and was happy that she was at least in a dress. "Well...we also need to talk about this other girl. I know that you are you and I cant stop you from messing around with other girls and slaves, but you can just tell me if you want to go fool around with them, you dont have to make up a story about war breaking out and you having to rush a dangerous diplomatic meeting. Honestly! I worried about you!" She said as she hit his chest softly, blushing a bit.


"Oh thank you Mistress." She said, higging Mai tight agaisnt her. "I can feel it!" She said as her orgasm approached. "Im close mistress!" She said as she humped agaisnt the dildo.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Actually there was a war breaking out, and she killed many Saxon. I did have to go to a diplomatic meeting thing led to another." he smiled. "If its any constellation I prefer you, my Queen. Also thank you for worrying."

Behind them Amy was staring at th two, wondering how Grace could be with such a... she couldn't even find a right word for him.


"Hold on slave! I just...need more time with you!" Mai moaned as she fucked her slut. "Hold on..." she moaned.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"So....who were he raping in the throne room?" She asked. "If it was not some slave then who? And will I be seeing her often or was this just something you had to get out of your system?" Grace saw her mother and shot her a pained expression. This was her life now, she had accepted it. No matter what she did that would not change.


"I-I..I...I, sorry mistress!" Silvia said as she came hard, bucking in one last time as hard as she could, her breasts squished with those of her mistress, their lips locking in a kiss. She knew she was over stepping her bounds but Silvia would gladly take any punishment for her mistress.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"The Queen of the enemy, and do not ask for me for her name. I have yet to find it myself," Hunter said. "And yes. You will probably be seeing her often."


"Bitch! I said don't cum!" Mai growled. She suddenly smiled though and petted Silvia's had. "Its okay, I know a good punishment for you, slut!" Mai smiled as she fucked Mai and slapped her ass. "AH1 I'm about t cum, whore!"
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Oh....OK." Grace said. She did not really feel bad about that, in fact it probably meant she would get a little break from her constant fucking. But she still could not help but feel sorry for her new sex toy. "Is she to be your wife to? Can I meet her?" She asked innocently enough. Just then a messenger burst into the room and said "Sir! The Queen is refusing to be taken to her cell and has killed three men and wounded eight. She is going on about only you commanding her. She is still sitting next to your throne even as we speak!" The mans arm hung limply on his side, clearly broken.


Silvia continued to buck her hips, kissing as much of her mistress as she could. "Im sorry mistress. Please punish me." she said as he licked the top of their breasts.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter looekd at Grace and sighed. "No not my wife, atleast I doubt it. Come if you want to meet her," he said, walking out the door and began heading to the Throne Room.


With a moan Mai had suddenly cum and her body went crazy for a bit. She suddenly when limp and nearly fell to the ground. She slowly took out her 'dick' and sighed. "Just...give me a second."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Queen waited in her shackles where he had left her just as he had left her...though there was allot more blood on the floor. Grace who had fallowed her gasped and almost hid behind Hunter. The Queen just looked on, waiting, watching.


Silvia held her mistress lovingly, keeping her up until her strength was restored.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Its okay," Hunter whispered. "This is Queen Grace, as you know. Grace, the Queen," He introduced. "Now Queen, shall we be going to the dungeon?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
She nodded grudgingly and stood up to follow him. Grace made sure she stayed out of arms reach of the dangerous woman. The Queen covered herself with her hands as she walked, hating that she was still shackled and naked.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)