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Kingzero and Silver
Alex dodged the rockets, but he could feel his injuries catching up to him. He attacked the Metal Renamon with his tentacles and followed again with a right kick. "Give up now!" he ordered, following with his tentacles attacking th Renamon.

"I will never abandon my Master!" Z yelled back and charged at the Flareion on one side, as her remaining copies attacked from other sides.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Tentacles managed to grab her but each time they did she simply ripped them off with her steel claws. "Why would I give up?! I've killed five of you filthy hacker humans so far and Im going for number si- Ahhhh!" She screamed and almost fell forwards as smoke rose from her back. Angy was holding her bow and had a terrified look on her face. "S-Sorry!" She said as if that would help at all.

Flarerion torched the group of Zs but missed the real one and took a hard slash across her face. She fell backwards and fired a fire blast at the one she knew to be real.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Z felt the blast and flew back and hit the ground. "Z! Angy, help Z!" he ordered as his tentacles attacked the dazed Metal Renamon and he himself began to try and get the metal hand addons off.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy looked hesitant. "I...I dont want to hurt any one." she said. She had been prompted to action when the Renamon had said she was going to kill Alex, but now that the rush was over she felt terrible about what she had done. She ran over to Z and made a shield of light and stopped then next few attacks while she healed Z. Alex manged wot work one of the gloves off but she recovered before long and took to the air again. "Diamond Rockets! Diamon rockets! DIAMOND ROCKETS!" Hundreds of the dealy projectiles flew out in all directions, most curving towards Alex.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Z slowly got up and saw Alex blocking the rockets with his tentacles, though it was obvious he was soon to be overwhelmed. "Zan! Zangoose!" she yelled, which meant. Angy go help Master! Save him! sh begged.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy was at a loss. She did not want to hurt any one...and besides, that was a mega! How was she going to fight with that? She decided it did not matter and ran for Alex, creating another Holy Shield as she did. She ran to his side and frantically began to heal. "Im sorry Alex, Im just so weak this is all I can really d-AHHHHHHHHHH! She screamed as more Diamond Rockets smashed into her shield and nearly destroyed it in one go. "S-Sorry." She said healing him as much as she could before falling over onto the floor, unconscious. Her shield broke right afterwards in a storm of crystal like missiles

Flareion began to open up a torrent of flame on the shield until it broke altogether. She then came at Z with another Fireblast, aiming for the kill.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Angy!" Alex yelled. He let out a growl and unleashed a wave of various tentacles at Metal Renamon. "Damn you," he growled at her. Z dodged to the right and missed the fire blast, but got a slight burn on her leg. She quickly used double team again, making dozens of copies.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The tentacles grasped The Renamons boot and pulled it off her foot, which unbalanced her and made her fall into the pool. This was trouble for her. The Flareion noticed and made one last flame thrower before running to the edge of the pool to see her partner drowning. Her wings did not work under water and her armor was to heavy to float.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The flamethrower destroyed the last illusions, but the real Z was able to stay alive. She then charged at Flareion and attempted to tackle her into the pool, knowing the water would weaken the fire type. As she did this, Alex used his tentacles to begin ripping off the boot, arm, bra, and metal wings of the Renamon. He also had some other tentacles ready, just in case Renamon tried to attack him when he was done.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Renamon was stuck between a rock and hard place. On one hand, let the tentacles strip her and leave her at the humans mercy. On the other, drown as her own armor kept her from breathing. The choice seemed obvious as she slashed at the tentacles. She would rather drown then me at any humans mercy. But then she saw her freind and partner fall into the pool after just being tackled in. She saw her begin to drown since she could not swim and suddenly her mind changed. She let the members strip her, even helped them get the armor off, and then she saw after her sinking poke partner. She got to her as she almost hit the bottom and dragged herself and her unconscious partner put of the water, panting hard and weakened by the lose of her armor and her near death experience. She looked up at Alex and growled, standing defensively over her partners unmoving body.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)