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Kingzero and Silver
"Big," was Alex's only answered as he led her and Z to the back. He opened the door to reveal the large swimming pool and smiled as he motioned her forward. "After you, my dear."
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy looked at the big pool with wide eyes before she ran forwards and jumped in. She then began to use her wings to swim around inside the pool and then looked up to see if Alex or Z were going to join her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled as Z ran over and jumped into the poll and began splashing water at Angy, as Alex walked over to a chair and sat down, staring at Angy's sexy body.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy began to laugh and splash water back at Z. She did, however, see the way Alex was staring at her and that made her blush a deep crimson as she continued to plash at Z.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex looked at Angy's breasts and smiled. He suddenly stood up and walked towards the house, "I'll be right back!" Alex smiled as he left to the house, planning in his head.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy watched him leave but when she was sure he was gone she kept splashing and playing wit Z as if nothing had happened.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex pulled out a laptop and started up an old program. Digimon were basically data, and data can be altered, he thought. He opened up a program and remembered when he tried to fuck Angy in the bathroom and ended up with her blood on the ground. He pulled out a mall sample of it and put it into the laptop. "All I have to do is alter some of the DNA," he smiled as he began changing some of Angy's data. First off, heal any wounds. Second, maybe increase the size of her breasts and ass slightly so she won't notice and third...a love for Alex. Of course this was still a Beta Program, so the chances of it working right were 50/50. "And enter," he smiled, pressing down on the enter button.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy suddenly felt weird. "Ow...I think I got a cramp." She told Z as she made her way to the edge of the pool. as she did her breasts touched the ladder as she went up...strange, did they get bigger? No, she decided. If they did she would have noticed. She got out, still feeling a pain in her...well...she could not actually tell where the pain was coming from. She just knew that there was pain and it was happening to her. She could already feel her healing powers kicking in and trying to find and correct the problem, though she glowed more brightly as she did. Se felt nothing else deferent, at least not at the moment and decided to sit on a beach chair until the pain left her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex put the laptop away and walked out and saw Angy sitting down. Hope I didn't kill her, she's no good dead. "Feeling okay, my dear?" Alex asked, walking over to Angy and looking into her yes and smiling.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy looked up and instinctively covered herself. She blushed and said "Yes...I think so. Just a cramp." She smiled timidly at him and wondered if she should get back in the pool. Thats when she realized that, for some reason she could not explain, Alex looked really handsome for some reason. He had always been handsome but that had died away in her eyes when he had raped her, but now he really did look appealing to her eyes. She wondered why and her blush grew.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)