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Kingzero and Silver
Alex smiled and Z ran in with a plate of food. "Thank you Z, perfect timing," he smiled as she laid the food on the bed for Angy. "Eat up my dear. Tell me how do you feel?"
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
She crawled forward on the bed and began to eat. She stuffed her face as if she had not eaten in awhile. When she was finished she looked at him and answered. "Um...physically...I dont feel so bad." She said crawling back a little.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Anything I could do to help, my dear Angel?" he smiled, finding himself gazing at her body. "nything at all?"
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"N-Nothing right now I dont think.." She said timidly. She would have loved to stretch her wings and fly around for a bit but she doubted her would let her fly.

(See ya later)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I see..." Alex said, though he could see Angy wanted to fly again. "I have a pool,, if you would liek to swim, my dear."

((See ya))
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
A pool actually sounded better then just laying around....but it also involved getting a swim suit. She had figured out enough to know that the less clothing she wore the less safe she was....still...she was going to be staying here for a while, maybe even for ever. "A pool sounds...nice." She said at last. "What bathing suits do you have? You do have those right?" She was not asking meanly or out of suspicion, it was just that Digimon never changed clothes so she normally went swimming in her Angewomon costume. She had heard rumors about humans changing cloths but was not entirely sure bathing suits were real.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Of course I do," Alex said and opened the door. "Z, bathing suit for Angy!" he ordered. Z quickly nodded and ran off and came back with a pink two piece bikini. "Here, change," Alex said, throwing the clothes at her.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy hesitated. The two piece bikini was rather.....revealing and she knew that even Alex had called himself a rapist. She was thankful that he had control himself up till now, but if she put this on, or changed into it in front of him, he might finally cut loose and rape her again. She really really did not want that. Still, he had saved her, let her sleep in his own bed alone and brought her food. She supposed it was worth the risk and took the bathing suit. She Quickly changed, her back to Alex as she blushed furiously and then turned to him when she was done, her blush matching the pink of the bikini. "What do you think?" She asked standing before him in her little pink bikini.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex only smiled and clapped his hands, though down on his pants a slight bump was seen. Stick to the plan, he thought. "Very nice, Angy," he smiled. He then opened the door and walked out and to the stairs. "Come along, my dear. You two Z," Alex smiled as he already began walking down.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy caught up with him, though made a point to stay out of arms reach. "How big is your pool?" She asked as she walked behind him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)