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Zorromon: I gotcha... *removes himself from her neck as he claims her lips, his paws now gently pinching her cute ass while his tail swishes* Mmmrrr...
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

Ayane: Mmmhhh *lets out a muffled growl under Zorromon's kiss as he pinched her butt, she presses her lips deeper into the fox's as her paws roam over his strong fox chest rubbing seductivly as her arousal grows each second*

Zorromon: *murrs while his chest is felt by her smooth paws, the fox swordsman removing his paws from her rear to feel her chest as well, giving her dirty pillows both a good squeeze as he caressed them* Heheheheh... *slowly slips his tongue into their kiss, frenching Ayane and exploring her orifice and tongue*
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Wolfess XD

Ayane: Mmmhhh!! *moans into the now deep french kiss which she happily used her own tongue to play with Zorromon's pink muscle, her paws then move over the fox's squeezing them tighter over her tits moaning softly in pleasure*

Zorromon: Mmmmnnn.... *his arousal grows stronger as his member starts to poke out of his pouch and against her while he continues to grope his breasts, giving pinches to her rosy nipples as he tongue wrestled and tasted hers*
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

Ayane: *she grins under the frenching feeling Zorromon's hardening prick against her body she moves her paws down to the fox swordsman's crotch and begins to stroke his cock* mmmrrrr.

Blythe: *searching through one of Ada's spell books his eyes widen as he comes across the Gender changing spell not knowing why she would have such a spell he mouths the encantation quietly, unnoticed by him his body slowly changes into a gray wolfess*

Zorromon: Mmmhhrrr.... *lustfully growls into their french kiss as his member becomes thicker against her handjob, his paws moving downward again, rubbing gently against her inner thighs and pussy*

Ada: *enters from the shadows and gives Blythe a cross look* Shame on you you know what happens to those who look in my spell book... *gets closer as her paws glow, the vixen whispering her ear* ...I punish them. *smirks as one of her paws lowers to the wolfess's newfound snatch and gives it a magical jolt of pleasure* Now moan for me, sexy wolf.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

Ayane: Mmmrrrr *breaks the kiss from Zorromon gasping for air she grins down at him as she continues to stroke his cock murs occasionally to the stroking of her pus* seems like I'm not the only horny one *giggles darkly as she moves her pussy against the fox's crotch*

Blythe: *his eyes shoot open and moans loudly* AHHH!!! aahh!! *gasps as he throws the book away looking down* Oh no!! *notices his new virgin snatch is already drooling from the jolt Ada produced*

Zorromon: Can you blame me, hottie... *thrusts his crouch upwards a little, his dick rubbing up against her lower lips a little before slipping in* Mmmmrrr....gawds you're tight... *leans downwards and starts to suckle her breast while his member goes deeper in her tight folds*

Ada: Oh, that's good, it looks like your spell was a success...still, I want a closer look... *smirks as she holds Blythe tenderly, her breasts mashing against hers before she goes in to kiss her deeply, murring softly from the taste and her warmth*
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions