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Bleach RPG
"You have NO idea what I'm capable of!" Jena shouted as her eyes started to glow and the green aura around he swords depened "Theres more than one way to slay an Arcannar!" From each side or Archaneous two circles on the ground formed "Serpantis! Venomis! RISE!!" she shouted then the circles broke as two giant snakes emurged and quickly coiled themselves around the arcannar and sank their fangs into his shoulders inserting their venom into him.
The red orb rammed one of the snakes as the gold orb did the same to the other. When the snakes got knocked away, the blue orb seperated into several fragments and moved into the bite wounds. Archaneous was already breathing heavily "You little pest. But it won't be that easy." His tail moved so the tip of it was above Jena. The tip changed into a sharp blade "Surrender or die." He was by this point having a hard time breathing.
Jena simply grinned at the blade "Can't you feel it? Thats wasn't any ordinary venom that would be pointless. The venom they produce turns a person's own spirit energy or reitsu as they call it against its own user." She then looks down at the claw and noticed what looked like muscle spasms "See its already working.." she glared up at Archaneous "You can kill me now but unless you get the antidote to get that out of your system your own spirit energy will kill you...thats the beauty of it."
Liz ran throughout the streets, she eventually reached a corner, from where she would see the shop she was heading to, "Ms. Kimiko's shop's open! Yes!" she smiled to herself and hurried to the doors, before she stopped, her eyes squinting together as she looked down, Hope they don't really notice you... Okay, just buy the milk and get out- wait a sec Lizzy pondered, "I have no money here!" she sighed, looking back the road she had went through, "But my place's the other way..." she thought outloud, disappointed. Well maybe if I just... tell her I'll pay it later she'll understand!


Liz walked inside, she made it carefully so nobody noticed the baby hollow, "Uhm... Ms. Kimiko?" she worded to see if she could catch anybody's attention. People passed nearby her, but she just ignored them, oblivious they couldn't see her anyways. She stepped over to the counter and smiled upon seeing the iguana woman piling things up down the counter. "There you are, miss could I have a bottle of milk please?" she asked sweetly.

Miss Kimiko stood up, then shifted and walked left, smiling to another client.

"Bu- hey! I was here first!" Lizzy angrily growled to the fox that had been served. She sighed, and tried again; Lizzy only found herself being ignored. "Oh come on!" she said, "What's wrong? I'm here! Can't you see me?!" she waved an arm in front of Miss Kimiko.

"Welcome to Karayuki's Shop! How can I serve you?" the iguana smiled widely.

Liz bulged a vein, but muffled a yell and sighed in relief, "Alright, could you hand me a,"

"How much for a bag of chips?" a little kid asked and offered to pay immediatly.

"AAAHH!! I just want a milk bottle! How hard is it to get one?!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"It smelled kinda like Jena, but alot stronger kinda intoxicating." Katt tried explaining, "Gave me a bit of a light headed feeling."


Vulpin smiled watching Liz struggling with the shop clerk. She jumped down to the street slipping inside the store as a man was exiting she walked up towards Liz and smiled a bit, though it wasn't quite noticable thanks to the collar of her suit raising up above midface, "They can't see you, or hear you." She said, "You're not among the living, only one with strong spiritual awareness would see you." She turned quickly around and punched at one of the nearby patrons, stopping a mere millimeter infront of his face, the young boy didn't even flinch, "See?" She asked turning around towards Liz, "Besides, if you're here for that little whelp you picked up earlier you won't find food here. They don't eat human food." She smiled with an odd look, "They eat human souls."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Liz grunted and huffed, realizing the embarrassing situation. Is that so? I'm... drats that's why that loser gave me the sword! ARRRGH! the girl cursed mentally and shook her head, then stared at Vulpin in a troubled mood, "Hey... wait a sec, they don't eat our food? Then why did it try to," but Liz mentioned no further, she was aware telling her that would reveal her small altercate with the tiny pervert "Uhh... souls? What do you mean?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Archaneous let go of the shinigami, breathing alot heavier "Give me the antidote." The pentagram appeared above,quickly dropping to him.
"Simple," Vulpin said with a slight smile, "Once a soul becomes a hollow, it is driven to devour other souls, living or dead, to fill the void caused by its descent." She smiled a bit, "So the only way to keep that little pet of yours is to feed it souls, living or dead as I mentioned. Too bad the Shinigami frown so heavily on that, they'll probably kill the poor thing the second they see it." She crossed her arms thinking, "If you feed it, the shinigami will come after it, and if you don't it'll probably just fade away." She suddenly opened her eyes as if an idea hit her, "But, if a hollow devours the soul of a shinigami, they'll become an arcannar like me. I know you have a few shinigami friends, if you could feed on of them to the hollow it'd be fine forever, wouldn't need anymore souls or anything." She laughed a bit on the inside, Hmph, this is almost too easy. If this works we'll be up one arcannar and they'll be down one shinigami.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I guess I'll make Salem 13th division's former captain.

IC: Alright, I can not find bar but maybe I can buy a drink, or twenty, at that shop over shop there" Salem sighed slightly calmed from his earlier rampage, that is until he realized he was completly broke "AGHh!!! DAMN IT TO HELL!!!" he roared rage as he slamed his fist into a nearby street lamp causeing it to topple over onto a parked car setting of the alarm.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Lizzy not being the brightest, considered the idea, but she easily came up with her concience's best reply, "I don't know... that sounds like I should kill them and..." her mind drifted to Loki, she shook her image off her head, "I wouldn't be able to do that! Isn't there any other way to do this? He's not bad... This hollow is not bad!" Liz cried, doubting who she was trying to convince.

The baby stirred and woke up, being almost receptible to Vulpin's dark aura. It came out of Liz's robes and stared at the arcannar for a moment then it got out and jumped to the floor, walking weakly towards her, where the small, blue scaled dragon started nuzzling her legs with its masked muzzle.

Liz looked down, "It's not fair... why... why is such a little thing like this a hollow?" she thought outloud, fighting the need to tear off the sad true.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad